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American Colonization Society

American Colonization Society


Washington, July 24. 1836


The Resolutions which I have the honour to enclose, were passed unanimously by the Board of Managers of the American Colonization Society of which the eminent Patriot and Statesman whose decease led to their adoption, was the venerated President. On that Institution his exalted worth and his munificence shed a hallowed and benign influence, and long and affectionately will his memory be cherished by those who were encouraged by his opinions and aided by his liberality in a season of no ordinary difficulty and trial. And it is cheering to know that his regard for the Cause and his confidence in those by whom its affairs have been conducted remained unshaken till the very close of his honourable and distinguished career--and were so unequivocally expressed in his Will. By his bereavement we have lost an unwavering friend and beneficent Patron. The loss we deeply deplore. And what Citizen of this great Republic, which he did so much to form and to elevate deplores it not? But that loss, Madam, which we so greatly feel, must be felt with an intensity of which we can form no adequate conception, by you: you who were his companion in the journey of life, you who shared so richly in the exercise of his social and domestic virtues--his Partner in sorrow and in joy.

The resolutions enclosed evince the high estimation in which the late, lamented President of the American Colonization was held by the Board of Managers of that institution: and I have been directed to convey to you, Madam, the expression of our sympathy and condolence. I feel myself honoured in being the Organ of this Communication: and I embrace the opportunity of expressing individually my sorrow for the heavy stroke which in the course of divine Providence has fallen upon you. May He by whom that stroke has been inflicted support you under it! And at length, (may the day be distant!) when you too shall be summoned hence, may it be to the enjoyment of imperishable glory through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I have the honour to be, Madam, with very great respect and regard.

James Laurie
Prst. Bd. Managers
Am: Col: Society

RC (ViU). Enclosure not found.