Ads for Runaway Slaves

Richmond Dispatch

February 10, 1864

100 DOLLARS Reward--Ranaway from the subscriber a Negro man named Charles, about 24 years old and about 5 feet 8 inches high, rather stout built, quick spoken and smart, and wore when he left a heavy moustache. He was probably raised in Surry, as he was carried from that county to Richmond, where I bought him in last October. When last heard from he was within 44 miles of Petersburg, and it was thought he would endeavor to cross the Appomattox above Petersburg, and the James above Richmond, on his way North; or he may be lurking about Richmond. If delivered to me or lodged in jail, I will pay all necessary expenses and give $100 reward. If he is apprehended about Richmond, report to McKinney, Depuy & Archer, commission merchants, Shockoe Slip, or to
St. Tammany PO, Mecklenburg

100 DOLLARS Reward--Ran away from the farm of the subscriber, near Roxboro, NC, on Friday, the 5th. inst, a likely mulatto girl, named Lucy, aged 17 or 18 years, short, thick set, and when she left was neatly attired. It is presumed that she is making her way to Richmond--The above reward will be paid for her apprehension and delivery to me at the store of B. Ellison and Bro, corner of 17th and Franklin sts.

100 DOLLARS Reward--Absconded from my farm, in Greenville County, Va, on Thursday night, Feb. 4th, a mulatto man named Richard, about 35 years old and 5 1/2 feet high. He belonged until September last, to a gentleman near King George Court-House, whose name I do not remember, where he has a wife, and will doubtless try to reach that place. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of Richard to me in Greenville County, Va, or to Mr. L Grady, in Richmond.
LEWIS [illegible]

TWO Hundred Dollars Reward--Ran away from the subscriber, about two weeks ago, a slave calling himself Robert Davis. He is about [unclear: 30] years old, near 5 feet 10 inches high, quite dark, slightly deaf, talks rapidly, but stammers. He is supposed to have carried with him a suit of black broadcloth, a cap with a glassed cover, and a heavy pair of [illegible]. He had been employed as a dining room servant in the American Hotel; but was brought up in Petersburg, Va. The above reward will be given to anyone who will bring the above Negro to me, or secure him in the Henrico Jail.
JB [unclear: JETER,]
Cor. of Marshall and [illegible]

TWO Hundred Dollars Reward--Will be paid for the apprehension and delivery in jail of my boy Tom, who absconded about 3 weeks ago, and is supposed to be now in or near the city of Richmond. He is about 18 years of age, brown color, and very spraghtly; had on when he left a new suit of mixed jeans, cap, and pegged shoes. Address Warren PO, Albemarle co, Va.

50 DOLLARS Reward--Left my residence on Monday morning, about 6 o'clock, my Negro boy Jesse. He is about 14 years of age, dark brown color, rather spare make, and grum appearance. He had on when he left a blue shaggy overcoat. He has doubtless left some military company, or is attempting to go to the Yankees east of Richmond. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me, 203 Main St., Richmond.

February 16, 1864

200 DOLLARS Reward--Ranaway from the subscriber about the 17th of January last, two slaves named Doctor and Raleigh, commonly called Flem. Both are black, quick, active men.--Doctor is about 19 years old, had his left hand hurt in an apple mill and scarred on the outside, and has lost one or more of his nails from that hand. He had on a red flannel shirt when he left. Flem is left-handed, and is about 17 years of age. I will give $100 a piece for the delivery to me, or to some jail from which I can get them, of the said slaves, if caught out of the county of Charlotte, or $50 a piece if apprehended in the county. I believe they are passing as free men, and are trying to get employment on the Richmond and Danville, or Southside Railroad. Address,
Mossingford PO,
Charlotte county, Va.

25 DOLLARS Reward.--Left my house on the 30th of January my servant [unclear: Ceilna.] She is 60 years of age, has gray hair, very low forehead, and is 5 feet 6 inches high. She has a daughter hired in the city named [unclear: Chilalana.] They were seen together on the 31st of January.
Three doors above Central Depot, Broad St.

100 DOLLARS Reward--Ranaway from the subscriber a Negro man named Charles, about 24 years old and about 6 foot 8 inches high, rather stout built, quick spoken and smart, and wore when he left a heavy moustache. He was probably raised in Surry, as he was carried from that county to Richmond, where I bought him in last October. When last heard from he was within 44 miles of Petersburg, and it was thought he would endeavor to cross the Appomattox above Petersburg, and the James above Richmond, on his way North; or he may be lurking about Richmond. If delivered to me or lodged in jail, I will pay all necessary expenses and give $100 reward. If he is apprehended about Richmond, report to McKinney, Depuy & Archer, commission merchants, Shockoe Slip, or to
St. Tammany PO, Mecklenburg

TWO Hundred Dollars Reward--Will be paid for the apprehension and delivery to jail of my boy Tom, who absconded about 3 weeks ago, and is supposed to be now in or near the city of Richmond. He is about 18 years of age, brown color, and very spraghtly; had on when he left a new suit of mixed jeans, cap, and pegged shoes. Address Warren PO, Albemarle co, Va.

TWO Hundred and Fifty Dollars Reward--Ran away from my place, near Richmond, a Negro man named Tom Binford, about 30 years old, dark skinned, and has a scar across his forehead. He was bought of Mr. Augustus Haxall, of Charles City county, and is no doubt endeavoring to make his way to that county. For his apprehension and delivery in Richmond the above reward will be paid.

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