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Full Text Search

This search allows the user to do a free text search on the collection of ads found in the Geography of Slavery project. Simply enter a word or words in the box below, decide if you want the words to appear next to each other, or within 5-20 words of each other, check the box if you wish to include servants (by default, only runaway/captured slave ads are searched), and select how many results you wish to have displayed on each page. For example, searching for the words "with child" next to each other will return all ads for which the slave was described as pregnant using the phrase "with child." Searching for the words "with child" within 5 words will return all ads which include the words "with" and "child" appearing within 5 words of each other. Search are NOT case sensitive, so searching for "With child", "WITH CHILD", and "with child" will all return the same set of results.

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