City of Charlottesville
Census Records
Albemarle County
Yancey Employment Contract
Letter from Mr. Yancey to Mrs. Yancey, 1905
Postcard from Josephine Pride, 1911
Letter from Rebecca Moore, 1911
Hampton Letter, 1911
Letter regarding Mr. Yancey's photograph, 1917
Letter from Roger Yancey to Mrs. Yancey,1928
From Charlottesville Va. February 25, 1890
From Charlottesville Va. March 25, 1890
The Negro and the Crisis in Education, 1933
Jefferson School Notes, 1934
Photographs: The Jackson Davis Collection & The Holsinger Studio Collection
Keswick School
Shadwell School
Rosehill School, Holsinger Collection
Overton School, Holsinger Collection
Buck Island School, Holsinger Collection
Jefferson School
Cooking Class
Basket-making Class
Mr. Yancey's funeral photograph, Holsinger Collection
Unidentified Photographs
The Virginia Center for Digital History
The Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies