This search page allows you to search the 1870 and 1910 U.S. Censuses, for Charlottesville and Esmont, VA, at the same time. Because the information types collected in the census varied between each, there are only a limited number of fields you can search. Basic and Advanced Searches for the separate 1870 and 1910 Censuses can be accessed via the links below.
It should also be pointed out that the same person could appear under slightly different names in the two censuses. For example, in one census a person might be listed as Ann Harris and in the other as Ann V. Harris. To allow the search program to pick up on minor differences we recommend the use of the wildcard character (%) at the end of first names. For example, in the above case, entering "Ann%" would return both "Ann" and "Ann V.".
The results of the searches for each year are placed side-by-side, alphabetized by last name and first name. Exact matches on the search entered are shown in red. Clicking on the last name of a person will bring up the full census record for that person for the appropriate year.