The Daily Progress

Wednesday, November 9, 1898

THE ELECTION. A Quiet Day Everywhere and a Small Vote.

The election yesterday all over the county was marked by the same apathy and indifference that characterized the election in this city. The Democrats seemed to feel that there was nothing at stake, and the Republicans had nothing to arouse them to action. The truth is, the colored people have grown tired of being hauled to the polls to vote for men from whom they have nothing to expect, and their indifference yesterday was simply an expression of this fact.

The vote in the city is as follows:


Hay's majority 317

The article also reviews Albemarle County's election results. According to the article, Hay carries a majority of 871 votes.

The Daily Progress

Monday, August 13, 1900


When the white Republicans determined to organize a McKinley-Roosevelt club in Charlottesville, we had considerable doubt whether, even with the acquisition of General Rosser, they would have sufficient material to fill the offices. The club was to be eminently respectable. The negroes were given notice that they were neither expected nor desired, and a Republican club in the South which ignores the colored brother can not hope to be any great shakes numerically. Of course, the organizers of the Lily White McKinley-Roosevelt club expected to make large sacrifices in behalf of eminent respectability and were willing to have a very small flock, provided they were of the proper shade of color. But they should have limited the number of offices, rather than have placed themselves in the position of being compelled to elect a Democrat as one of the vice-presidents.

It is probable that the old-time colored Republicans who have been voting the Republican ticket all their political lives would feel that it was bad enough to ignore them for recent Republican converts, without selecting men who have never cast anything but Democratic votes and who announce their unwillingness to affiliate with the very excellent gentlemen who are seeking to elevate the Republican party in this city.

We do not wish to be considered as disapproving the attempt to secure white Republican clubs in the South. It is perfectly wise and proper from the white Republicans standpoint. But it is tough on the negro, who bears the brunt of the campaign without sharing in the emoluments of the victory, and we doubt whether the scheme will prove a profitable one.

The Daily Progress

Monday, August 20, 1900


The Meeting to be Held in This City This Week.

W.G. Singleton, a well-known colored politician, has received a notice from A.W. Harris of Charlottesville, notifying him of the plans for the transportation of delegates to the conference which the colored people purposed to hold at Charlottesville, on August 22nd, to devise plans to protest against their disfranchisement in this State. {Harris was actually from Petersburg. This is an error made by the reporter}

Gregory Hayes, a professor at the Virginia Seminary, of Lynchburg, will be made chairman, and Robert Cox, also of that city, will be made Secretary.

One of the other objects of the conference is to get up a permanent organization, to work in behalf of the colored race in this state.

The Daily Progress

Wednesday, August 22, 1900



The Object is to Petition Against the "Proposed Disfranchisemnt of the Negro Race." The Convention.

Today at 12 o'clock A.W. Harris of Dinwiddie county, Va., called the Virginia Conference of Colored Men to order in the Odd Fellows' hall over Mabry's furniture shop on Vinegar Hill. After sstating that the object of the meeting was to petition against the proposed disfranchisement of the colored men to the State, he requested all newspaper reporters and persons present who were not accredited members of the conference to retire, as the meeting would be held behind closed doors for the present. At the conclusion of his remarks, T. C. Walker of Gloncester was chosen temporary chairman, Tober t Cox of Lynchburg secretary, and Dandridge ?Epps of Rockbridge serfeant at arms.

Among the delegates are Lawyers A.W. Harris of Petersburg and T.C. Walker of Gloncester, Gregory W. Hayes, President of Virginia Seminary, Lynchburg, Lawyer A.J. Oliver, Roanoke; J.J. Brooks, Stanton; Lawyer R.P. Armistead, Lynchburg; Rev. R.D. Venture and Prof. J.H. Duckwilder, Salem; Prof. W.T.S. Jackson, Washington; Editor C.C. Stewart, Bristol; Lawyer J.L. Parker, Pocahontas; H.B. Fields, Culpeper; Lawyer F.D. Lee, Gloncester; Robt. Cox, Lynchburg; and many others we are unable to mention now.

The article then lists the committees established (Credentials, Permanent Organization, Resolution and Address) and the men appointed to each committee.

After which the conference took recess until 2:30 o'clock at which session the bulk of business was transacted.

About one hundred delegates are present. The colored people of Charlottesville seem to be taking little interest in the matter.

The Daily Progress

Thursday, August 23, 1900


Its Proceedings Embodied in an Address to the White People of Virginia, Asking for Help and "Justice."

As stated in yesterday's Progress, the Virginia Conference of Colored Men met in the Odd Fellow's Hall on Vinegr Hill at 12 o'clock. After a temporary organization had been effected it adjourned for dinner at 1:30. The afternoon session, which begun at 2:30, and the night session ?was devoted to addresses, the appointment of various committees, and the preparation of an appeal to the white men of Virginia, which embodied the true object of the gathering.

The sum and substance of this address was simply a petition that the colored race should not be disfranchised, or if an act of disfranchisement were passed, that it should apply equally to the white and colored races. The paper further begged that the white men of the State would aid the colored people along all lines of true development, especially from educational and moral standpoints. In a word the paper simply pleaded for "justice" to the negro race. It was dispassionate in tone, and couched throughout in the form of a teption rather than a "demand." Politics, it was declared, had nothing whatever to do with the gathering, and the appeal was made to "the intelligent white men of Virginia," entirely regardless of party.

Although the Conference seemed to attract very little attention here in Charlottesville, its members from other portions of the State seemed fairly representative. We suppose about one hundred delegates were present.

Reporters were denied admittance to the various sessions of the conference, and it was impossible to get the prepared "address." The plan seemed to be to have it "revised" and "corrected" and then publish it in pamphlet form for distribution throughout the State.

The Conference developed nothing dramatic. As far as we have been able to gather no incendiary speeches were made, and no dangerous moves of actions were contemplated. Although nothing of importance was done by the Conference, we consider it somewhat significant. There seemed to be an evident realization of the fact that the white man rules Virginia and that he would do so from henceforth.

Further, that the colored race was gradually giving up any hope of political power or patronage, and that in the future, it would have to rely solely on the justice and intelligence of the whte race regardless of party, to secure a peaceful and progressive existence. Henceforth, we gather, the wishes of the race will find expression in "petitions" and not "demands."

From these standpoints we think the Conference significant.

It adjourned last night at 12 o'clock.

The Richmond Dispatch

Saturday, August 16, 1902




Educational and Industrial Association Will Meet Here Monday.


Judge Lewis, John S. Wise, and Senator Thurston Have Written Letters, Which Will Be Read--Sessions Will Be Secret and Last Three Days--Hospitality of Jackson Ward Overtaxed.

Delegates will arrive to-day and tomorrow to attend the third annual convention of the Virginia Educational and Industrial Association, which will convene in this city at the Third Methodist church (colored) next Monday morning.

Six hundred or more delgates will come from every section of the State for the purpose of considering how funds may be raised, and what plan shall be pursued, to test the legality of the new Constitution framed by the Virginia convention, and, if possible, to overthrow it.

This convention will, a well-known colored man said yesterday, represent, in a very eminent degree, the genius of the colored race in Virginia. The most prominent men form every section will attend the meeting, and the discussions promise to be interesting.

John S. Wise, of New York; Senator Thurston, of Nebraska, and Judge L.L. Lewis, of this city, have written letters which will be read to the convention. These attorneys will not be present at the meeting, as matters have not reached the state where they could be of exact service. The three gentleman, with four colored lawyers, will represent the colored men in the fight that is to be made.

Already the sum of $3,000 is in hand, and it is the object of this meeting to devise means for the raising of a much larger sum to defray the expenses of the contest.

The Third Anniversary

The Virginia Educational and Industrial Association was formed in the year 1900. The first convention was held in Charlottesville, Va., and the avowed object of the organization was to promote agricultural affairs in all parts of the State for the benefit of the colored population. The new Constitution was then in the air, and the colored men, who scented the abridgement of the electorate, began to turn their organization to meet the supposed calamity.

At the convention held in Staunton a year ago, the whole energy of the association was bent in this direction. A plan was adopted for raising the fund, and the three distinguished lawyers mentioned above were among those retained to represent the colored men of the State.

Hayes, a well-known colored lawyer of the city, was appointed as a soldier and charged with the duty of traversing every district in the State in the interest of the object in view, and for the purpose of raising funds for the cause.

Organizations were brought into existence in every section through his efforts, and the leading colored men were at once identified with the movement.

Delegates are to be taken care of by the colored people of this city, and the capacity of the colored boarding and private houses has been taxed to the limit.

It is expected that the convention will be is [sic] session for three days. There have been no side trips planned, for the whole spirit of the meeting is earnest in the extreme.

More Money is Needed

More money is needed, and the chief object of the convention will be to devise some plan by which it may be raised.

Besides the messages from the lawyers named, similar letters have been received from many sources, and the convention will enter upon its work with great enthusiasm, it is expected, in view of these offers of material aid and moral support.

Jackson Ward will keep open house during the sessions, and in local colored circles the greatest confidence is placed in this organization, and whatever it may order in the way of assessment will be cheerfully complied with.

Two sessions will be held by the convention each day. Committees on Credentials and on Plan will be most prominent, but much of the time will be taken up with forcible presentations of the views of leaders who come here from every quarter.

The sessions will be absolutely executive, and admission to the church where the meetings are to be held will be by card only.

The Richmond Planet

Saturday, August 23, 1902

The Society Met.

The Negro Industrial and Agricultural Society has been in session during the week at the Third St. A.M.E. Church. There was a large attendence of delegates. An effort is being made to raise ($50,000) fifty thousand dollars to test the constitutionality of the new Virginia Constitution before the United States Supreme Court.

Over three thousand dollars have been collected from the people for this purpose. Mr. Jordan Thompson was elected president and Mr. James H. Hayes, secretary.

The Daily Progress

October 4, 1902

The Recent Voter Registration Drive

In the first ward, 224 whites and 8 colored voters were registered. Of the latter, one, a graduate of Hampton Institute, came in under the understanding clause; one came in under the property owning clause of the new instrument, and one as the son of a Confederate soldier. One of the eight colored men registered in this ward, J.T.S. Taylor, represented Albemarle and Charlottesville in the Underwood Convention. He is a very worthy and prosperous citizen. In the second ward, 130 whites were registered and 26 colored, 18 of the latter being admitted on the property clause. In the third ward, 155 were registered, 138 being white and 17 colored. Of the latter, 14 qualified under the property clause. One white man and 27 colored were rejected on the understanding clause. The former registration books showed, after a thorough purging, a voting strength of 120 whites and 20 colored. A house-to-house canvass was made in this ward. In the fourth ward, 246 voters were registered, 33 being colored, and nearly all of these getting votes on the property clause. . . .

List of first ward black voters in the article: John H. Baker, J.R. Cox, John L. Edmonds, James A. Farrar, Noah Jackson, Troy Kenney, Jas. F. Sammons and J.T.S. Taylor.

Lists of voters in 2nd, 3rd and 4th wards follow in other articles in October, 1902:

2nd Ward, colored (article, 10/16/02): James H. Brown, J.A. Brown, E.F. Bolling, Ben Chapman, Wesley Commodore, J.H. Dickenson, Adam Ellis, E.W. Fleming, George Flannagan, J.P. Fleming, Thos. Garland, J.L. Hayes, G.P. Inge, W. Irving, Wm. Kenedy, George Lewis, B.W. Newton, J.L. Sellers, Wm. Scott, Andrew Sellers, Edward Smith, Schuyler Saunders, John West, H.M. West, Fred Winston.

3rd Ward, colored: A.F. Angel, Jackson Bryant, C.E. Coles, Phillip Daniel, Phillip Edwards, J.H. Ferguson, R.B. Hardy, Coleman Hirskell, Geo. W. Kenny, Robert Kelly, T.L. Mickins, Ned Mickins, G.S. Meadows, William Shepheard, J.H. Woods, Josh West and Richard Wood.

4th Ward, colored (article 10/29/02): J. Allen, Robt. Bullock, A.T. Buckner, G.W. Brown, Henry Blue, J.W.Burns, Charles Burley, R.T. Brown, J.L. Coles, Wm. E. Catlett, Wm. Dickerson, Robert Flood, Charles Fuller, C.D. Goodloe, Charles Goodloe, P.S. Hooker, Elder Harris, Albert Hooker, Hudson Jenkins, Robert Kelser, G.W. Lawson, W.O. Lewis, J.E. Moon, J.P. Michie, Thos. Preston, R.C. Quarles, Warner Rives, Albert Southall, B.E. Tonsler, Lee Watson, Allen Watson and P.Y. Wyatt.

The Daily Progress

May 22, 1907

"SWELLED CITY'S VOTING LISTS. 268 Registrations Since November. Colored Vote More Than Doubled in Past Year."

New Voters added, by ward:

  1. 86 white, 4 colored
  2. 44 white, 19 colored
  3. 19 white, 16 colored
  4. 42 white, 38 colored

New totals for 1907, by ward:

  1. white 255, colored 8
  2. white 152, colored 33
  3. white 102, colored 28
  4. white 149, colored 66

Total: 659 white, 135 colored.

The Daily Progress

Presidential Election


Register If You Want to Vote.- Who Can Register

The following persons are entitled to apply for Registration: All sane male persons, 21 years of age, and not otherwise disqualified, who have paid all State poll taxes, assessed or assessable against them for the years 1905, 1906 and 1907, before May 3d. 1908, and who have been a resident of this state 2 years.

If you have been in the State, or been 21 years of age two years only,

If you have been in the State, or been 21 years of age two years only, you would have the poll tax to pay for two yers only, etc., or if you have been 21 years old one year only, you will have only one year's poll tax to pay, as there could be no tax assessed or assessable against you before you become a citizen of the State or of taxable age.

The Attorney General of Virginia has given it as his opinion that young men reaching the age of 21 years after February 1st, and before November 3d, 1908, can register and vote without paying any tax, as no tax was assessable against them.


If you have paid your poll taxes as above stated, or will become 21 years old after February 1 and before November 3, 1908, you will be required to make your application to register in your own hand writing without aid, suggestion or memorandum, in the presence of the registrar and in this application, you must state your name, age, date and place of birth, residence and occupation at the time and for the two years next preceding, and whether you have previously voted, and if so, the state, county and precinct in which you last voted.

Do not let this provision scare you, below is a sample which you can follow in making your application for registration:

I, John Doe, hereby make application for registration as a voter in Bethel precinct, Washington county, Virginia. My name is John Doe and I am 24 years of age. I was born in Washington county, Virginia, on the 17th of May, 1880, I now live in Washington county, Virginia, my occupation is farming. I have lived in Washington county for two years next preceding this date, and my occupation has been farming. I have not heretofore voted in any election in this county or state.


Of course you can change this form to suit the facts in your case. In the next place you must answer on oath any and all questions that the registrar may ask you in regard to your right to register, and the registrar is required to reduce to writing every question asked you and your answer to such questions.

The law above does not apply to voters heretofore registered under the new constitution.

The law provides for one registrar for each precinct in your county, and this registrar is required to register you at any time you may apply between May 3d and October 3, 1908, but no one can register after October 3, 1908, nor can you obtain or register a transfer after that time.


The law requires the registrar within five days after October 3, 1908, to post the names of the persons registered at three or more public places in his district.


If you have moved your place of residence from one voting precinct to another, you may apply in person or in writing to the registrar of your former voting place at any time on or before October 3, 1908, for a transfer, which transfer shall be furnished you and you may register this transfer at any time on or before October 3, 1908, and at no other time.

If you are transferred from one county to another you must secure the certificate of the treasurer of the county from which you are transferred that you paid your poll tax for 1907, before May 3, 1908, and present the same to the judges of election before you can vote. Do not neglect this.

P.S. If, when you read these laws, you get mad, remember that the Democratic party made them to beat you, and make up your mind to qualify yourself to vote against such a party.

The Daily Progress

November 1, 1921

Published Letter Protesting African-American Electoral Judges Appointed

Letter dated October 30, 1921:

To Rice Burnley, head of the Democratic Electoral Board, from M.L. Price, Secretary of the Republican Committee:

Dear Sir: It has been brought to the attention of the Republican Committee that those named Republican judges of election in the different precincts or wards of the City of Charlottesville are not white Republicans. In fact, we do not know whether the judges of election here alluded to will vote the Democratic or Republican ticket. Neither do we understand why you should have appointed colored men as judges purporting to be Republicans, especially as this was done by you without authorization from the Republican Committee. If you consulted anyone except the Committee, of which I am Secretary, you acted on your own authority in the matter and not representative of the sentiment of the Republican party, and you and your associates alone are responsible for the appointment of these men. The Republican Committee is not responsible, as there are other men that it desired to have appointed as judges. Is it fair to put those who vote the Republican ticket in this absolutely false light?

The Daily Progress

November 5, 1921


The following is the answer of the Electoral-Board of this City to the Petition of R.N. Flannagan in regard to colored judges of Election. To the Honorable A. D. Dabney, Judge of the Court aforesaid:

In response to Mr. R.N. Flannagan's petition and the allegations contained therein, the Electorial Board of said City denies not having performed its duties faithfully and legally.

Sec. 87 of the Virginia Election Laws provides that-"The Electorial Board of each City and County shall convene in regular session, at such time in the month of March of each year as the Board may prescribe, and at any other time, upon the call of any member of the Board, and at any special meeting the Board shall have the same powers as at a regular meeting."

The Board deemed it unnecessary to convene in March, as the appointments of election officials-that is, judges, clerks and commissioners-could be made later, when the Board convened to prepare ballots, etc., thereby saving the City the cost of the extra meeting in March, and the further reason that some of those officials frequently change their places of abode, from one ward to another, which would necessitate other appointments, and no possible injustice could be done to any individual or party by re ason of such delay.

The Board, believing that there are more colored Republicans in the City of Charlottesville than white Republicans, especially in the second and third wards, appointed two colored Republican judges of election for those two wards, believing that it was not only legal, but also morally right, especially as those judges so selected were members of the Republican party which cast the next highest number of votes at the last preceding election. This Board denies that the party of which Joseph L. Crupper is Chairman and Henry W. Anderson is the nominee for Governor cast the next highest number of votes in the last preceding general election, and calls for a strict proof thereof.

At the request of certain white Republicans, the Board appointed one white Republican judge of election for the first ward and one for the fourth ward.

The Board, without being requested to do so, appointed one white Republican clerk for each of the four wards, when not legally required to do so.

The Board has tried to perform its duties faithfully, honestly, legally and morally, and it feels confident that your Honor will so decide.

The Board denies the allegation that it has been derelict in its duties, and also denies the further allegation that "denial to the Republican Party of a judge in ward two and ward three is a mere subterfuge, adopted for the purpose of depriving said p arty of the representation to which it is entitled in the conduct of the election to be held on November 8, 1921." Said allegation is incorrect and untrue.

The Board feels that it has dealt with the Republican Party not only fairly, justly and legally, but liberally, as it was the desire of the Electoral Board to satisfy that portion of the Republicans which was white so far as we could consistently do so under our oaths.

Electoral Board

The Daily Progress

November 1921?

(Date unclear, but it was the day before election day)

Full-page ad


Few Ward Politicians Would Stoop to Such Tricks as These

To the Voters of Charlottesville:

At the 11th hour we have discovered that when you go to the polls tomorrow, you will probably find a negro as one of the judges in your precinct. These men are not connected with the Albemarle County Republican Organization, and through political trickery have been made election judges against our wishes and over our strenuous protests and remonstrances.

We have been conducting a clean, straightforward campaign and have endeavored to lay the issues of the day before the voters by advertising and speakers, so that your vote would be cast on the merits of the questions. We regret that an effort should be made to get your vote on a fake race issue, and not on the momentous political issues that are now to be decided.

Democratic speakers throughout the country have also endeavored to make the voters believe that the Republicans have nominated a negro for the U.S. Senate. The facts are that J.R. Pollard, a negro lawyer, who is not now and never has been a member of the Republican organization, filed a petition as an independent candidate for the U.S. Senate. We have every reason for believing that his candidacy was instigated and financed by Democratic politicians for the purpose of raising a race issue and thereby preventing you from voting as you believe regarding the League of Nations and the great economic questions of the day.

We believe that the voters of Charlottesville and Albemarle County are too intelligent, fairminded and honest to be misled by such cheap political tricks. ALBEMARLE COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE

Vote According to Your Convictions--Rebuke Trickery

The Daily Progress

May 16, 1922


At a call meeting of the "Henry Anderson Independent Club," held at the Colonial Hotel last evening, the following officers and committees were elected as a Republican City Committee: Chairman, Sol Kline; vice-chairman, Claude R. Yardley; secretary, R. E. Van Lear. Working Committee-First Ward, C.W. Hulfish and R.N. Flannagan. Second Ward, R.E. Van Lear and C. R. Yardley. Third Ward, J.A. Croissant and J.E. Sandridge. Fourth Ward, M.L. Price and R.J. Borden. With a sub-committee of eight ladies to be appointed by the chairman.

The following delegates with alternates were elected to represent the city at the Republican District Congressional Convention of the Seventh District to be held at Luray, in July. Delegates-Messrs. Sol Kline, C.R. Yardley, R.N. Flannagan, F.E. Merrifield, R.E. Van Lear, Walter Ellington and C.W. Hulfish. Alternates-Mrs. W.T. Martin, Mrs. R.N. Flannagan, M.L. Price, Guy Via, _____ Rubin, B. Sternberger and W. ______nson.

The Daily Progress

July 23, 1922


Seventh District Ruled Against Black Delegates From Charlottesville. [Special to The Times-Dispatch]

WINCHESTER, VA., July 23.-The "brother in black" again has been given to understand that he no longer is wanted at conventions of the Republican party in Virginia, in spite of his longing to be at home with the G.O.P. fold. When the Seventh Congressional District convention met last Thursday at Luray and nominated State Senator John Paul of Harrisonburg to oppose Representative Thomas W. Harrison, Democrat, Winchester, in the November election, a large part of the convention's time was taken up in waiting for a report from the committee on credentials before which two contests were argued. Convention leaders merely made a perfunctory announcement to the effect that the Kline delegation from Charlottesville had been seated, and that a contest from Warren County had been withdrawn in the interests of harmony.

It has since become known that the credentials committee had to deal with the negro question again. In fact, it required more time to settle the Charlottesville contest than it did to get through with all other convention work.

There were two full and complete delegations from Charlottesville, each claiming to be entitled to the seven votes allotted to that city. One of these delegations, headed by a man named Cox, had two faithful and loyal negro Republicans in their number.

The convention was informed by the committee that it was the sense of the committee that the convention naming the negroes was irregular and a "rump" affair. The result was the seating of the "lily white" delegation. While it required a lot of time to reach this conclusion, it was said the members of the convention were by no means surprised at the committee's report.

The negro was told at the State convention in Norfolk, a year or more ago, that the party was done with him, and it is said Seventh District leaders were a bit surprised to see several black men at Luray from Charlottesville.

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