The Differences Slavery Made: A Close Analysis of Two American Communities
Chambersburg Valley Spirit, "Black Republicanism is Nullification," October 31, 1860


The article, reprinted from the Pennsylvanian, argued that the Republicans not only intend to free the slaves, but were also intent on giving the former bondsmen the vote. The Democratic editors contended that "Black Republicanism" proposed to overthrow the government of "our fathers." They considered it "worse than secession--it is nullification" because Republicans want to overthrow by political means the Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott.


"They [Republicans] propose negro suffrage and the adoption of measures that will lead to the 'extinction of slavery.' The framers of our Constitutions provided for the delivery to the owner of all fugitive slaves. The Black Republicans declare that fugitive slaves shall not be delivered up."

Full-text web version of newspaper

Points of Analysis to this Data:

"In the heat of the campaign of 1860 both Franklin Democrats and Republicans shifted their emphasis on slavery."

Citation: Key = E082
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