The Differences Slavery Made: A Close Analysis of Two American Communities
Franklin Repository, "Important Southern Testimony," August 1, 1860


Slavery was portrayed as the cause of social ill, a destructive corrupting influence that affected both slaves and masters. All were debased, according to the editors, by slavery.


"The most telling part of Mr. Sumner's recent speech in the Senate was that in which he portrayed the debasing influence of slavery upon masters. His argument is more than confirmed by Southern testimony."

"Can that man be a Christian who deliberately omits to use any influence, moral or political, which God has put in his hands, to prevent the spread of such heathenish degredation?"

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Points of Analysis to this Data:

"In the first half of 1860 Republican editors in Franklin's Repository and Transcript attacked slavery as a violation of nature that stole from the workingman the fruits of his labor; they focused mainly on slavery's potential to undermine free labor."

Citation: Key = E091
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