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The years of coverage of our newspapers are listed below. When you choose a year you will be taken to a calendar of that year. The dates that are linked on the calendar are dates for which we have newspaper coverage. Please remember, in the mid-1800s newspapers were not produced daily and that publication was sporadic during the war years.

If more than one newspaper was published on a given date they will be displayed one after another.

The Vindicator

July24, 1863

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Description of Page: Also on this page are a reprinted list of deserters from the 52nd Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, war news, an article on the issue of recognition of the Confederacy by Spain, and an article on the wheat crop in Rockbridge County, Virginia.

Summary: On Saturday night between eleven and twelve o'clock, the store of Gabriel Hirsh was burglarized. Two gold watches, several silver watches, cloth, handkerchiefs, and other articles, valued between $3000 and $4000, were stolen. A slave boy belonging to Mrs. Tap and working for Mr. Hirsh was arrested and jailed. He confessed and tried to implicate a free man, Tom Champ, who had a legitimate alibi.

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Description of Page: Also on this page are more articles on war news, including one on a raid on Wytheville, Virginia, one on draft riots in New York City, and one on the view of the Confederacy in France.

The Raid on Wytheville
Summary: Describes a Yankee raid on Wytheville, the losses on both sides, and the supposition that the forces that raided Wytheville were part of a larger force that would attack again.
Tired of the War
Summary: The editor writes about some citizens who take advantage of the opportunity to talk to Yankee prisoners on their way to Richmond. In some cases, the citizens tell the prisoners they are tired of the war. The editor recognizes that all may be tired of the deprivations war brings but hopes that the message of the citizens is not that they are tired enough of the war to take peace at any cost. The editor wants to ensure that Yankee soldiers do not get the idea that the people of the South are losing their resolve. The editor then criticizes a prominent Virginian who has said that "'there are some who believe this war should never have been begun'" and reiterates the patriotism and commitment of the people of Augusta County.
Riot in New York
Origin of Article: New York Herald
Summary: The Northern draft resumed recently and instigated a large riot in New York City. Many people were killed, including three African Americans, who were hanged.
[No Title]
Summary: The editor alerts the reader to the good food and fast service at Brown's Saloon, located next to the Provost Marshall's office and presided over by John Christian.
Willie, Minnie, and Katie
Editorial Comment: "By request, we publish the following lines written by the Rev. W. S. Baird, Principal of the W. F. Institute of this place, upon the death of his three children, aged, respectively, fourteen, eight and five years."
Summary: Reverend W. S. Baird, principal of the Wesleyan Female Institute, pens a poem in memory of his three children.
Casualities [sic] of the 5th Va. Regiment
Summary: Following is a list of the killed, wounded, and missing of the 5th Virginia Regiment in the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. Company A: Killed, Sergeant W. Prince, struck in head. Wounded, Lieutenant Fisher, Company I (acting Adjutant), in arm; Sergeant Major John Sibert, in head. Company C: Wounded, Sergeant D. M. Bell, in hip; Corporal James M. Berry, in thigh; Private George F. Berry, in face; Private W. H. Tutwiler, in head; Private Peter C. Tutwiler, slightly in back; Private George W. Frame, in arm; Private J. N. Dever, in wrist. Company D: Killed, B. F. Buchanan. Wounded, Sergeant J. W. Beard, in ankle; John A. Wilson, severely in thigh; John Clemmer, slightly in head; James H. Furr, severely in foot; John H. Lucas, slightly in foot; C. W. McGuffin, severely in back. Company E: Killed, Private John H. Golladay. Wounded, Corporal John Armentrout, mortally in head; Private Charles D. Brand, severely in arm; Private George W. Fitch, slightly in hip; Private R. J. Anderson, slightly in leg; Private William F. Echord, severely in head; Private John M. Meeks, arm amputated; Robert Steel, severely in shoulder; Company F: Killed, Private Robert A. Ramsey. Wounded, Private Morgan Propst, in arm; Private John Weaver, slightly in leg; Private Jacob Moneymaker, severely in hip; Private James Spear, slightly in hip; Private John Rodgers, slightly in head. Company G: Wounded, Private James Collins, in thigh; Morris Fitzgerrald, in small of back. Company H: Killed, Private Jacob Sheets, struck in head. Wounded, Lieutenant Jacob H. Keiser, mortally in side; Lieutenant George Keiser, slightly in left groin; Private James Grass, left on field and supposed to be mortally; Private James S. Bush, slightly in hand; Private W. F. Sherman, in arm; Color Sergeant S. H. Speck, slightly in head; Andrew J. Hailing, in big toe. Company I: Wounded, Sergeant H. Bell, in leg; Private John H. Wise, in left shoulder; Private John F. Blakemore, severely in back; Private John H. Carricofe, in shoulder; Private William G. Dudley, in ankle; Private John Sillings, in knee. Missing: John C. Hall; William Hughes; F. J. Crawford. Company K: Wounded, Captain G. W. Kurtz, in hip, slightly; Sergeant G. A. Conner, in left side, severely; Private John Vaunchauff, in neck, since died; Private Robert H. Clink, in head; Private Levi Shipe, in chest, severely. Missing: Samuel Baggett. Company L: Wounded, Sergeant George E. McEnder, in head slightly; Private John M. Reins, in arm severely. The following is a list of those left behind enemy lines in Gettysburg: Company E, Nurse L. Plunkett. Company D, Nurse John C. Clemmer. Company C, Corporal James M. Berry, injured severely in left leg. Comopany E, John M. Meeks, Robert Steele, John Armentrout. Company F, J. Moneymaker. Company G, M. Fitzgerald. Company I, John H. Wise, J. F. Blakemore, John H. Karricofe. Company K, John Buchanan, wounded mortally in neck and back, Robert Clink, Levi Ship. Company H, Lieutenant J. H. Keiser, wounded in side, supposed to be mortally, Private John Keiser (nurse). Edward L. Waddell, Lieutenant and Adjutant, 5th Virginia Infantry, signed the list.
Casualities [sic] in the 10th Va. Regiment
Summary: Following is a list of casualties in the 10th Virginia Regiment in the battle of Gettysburg. Company A: Wounded, Private L. Grove, left arm badly. Missing: John Hentzel, Joseph Sonner. Company B: Wounded, Private Lewis Reherd, badly in eye. Company C: Wounded, William Long, in hand slightly; John Long, slightly. Company D: Wounded, P. Wheeler. Company E: Wounded, Sergeant Joseph B. Rush; Private A. C. Leap, left arm paralyzed; Private Joseph Dunnivan, slightly. Company F: Wounded, Sergeant M. Bird, left arm painfully; Lieutenant G. Hammond, left hip badly; Private A. Riddle, contusion of bowels; Private G. Ott, right leg, flesh; Private John Palmer, lower breast slightly. Missing, Captain Fountain; Private J. Hutchinson; Private D. Ross; Private Marcus Allison; Private J. Maston; Private T. Harris; Private W. Bair; Private B. J. Stanton; Private Whiting Heckman. Company G: Killed, Corporal Edward Shacklett; Private J. M. Landis. Company H: Wounded, Lieutenant Mauch, contusion of hip; Private A. L. Hopkins, leg slightly; Private A. J. Van Pelt, shocked by a shell. Company I: Killed, Private F. Crickenberger. Wounded, William Marshall, shocked by a shell; J. Harris, left hand badly. Company K: Killed, C. Shelton. Wounded, William Bigler, finger off; Samuel Forrer, right breast slightly. Company L: Wounded, Sergeant Huffman, near left eye slightly; Private R. F. Rider, slightly.
A Masonic Lecture
Summary: Dr. R. V. Lemoine, Master Mason, will present a lecture dedicated to the "Ladies of Staunton" on July 25 at the Staunton Lodge, Number 13. The content includes the history of Free Masonry and the revelation of Masonic secrets. Tickets cost one dollar. Accompanying this advertisement are a letter of endorsement from a lodge in Charlottesville where Lemoine delivered his lecture and newspaper excerpts from Southern newspapers reviewing his lecture.
Summary: M. Lizzie Porter O'Rork, daughter of J. T. O'Rork of Staunton, married Dr. N. M. Howard of Georgia, on July 18, at her father's home, with Rev. Mr. Dice officiating.
Summary: William Hay Wilson, infant son of William H. and C. Wilson, died July 21 in Staunton.