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The years of coverage of our newspapers are listed below. When you choose a year you will be taken to a calendar of that year. The dates that are linked on the calendar are dates for which we have newspaper coverage. Please remember, in the mid-1800s newspapers were not produced daily and that publication was sporadic during the war years.

If more than one newspaper was published on a given date they will be displayed one after another.

Staunton Spectator

January14, 1857

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Description of Page: From Europe; Congressional news;

The Court House
Summary: Detailed description of renovation of County courthouse interior, including layout and furinishings. Sully portrait of Chief Justice John Marshall hangs above the Bench. Committe in Charge=Col. Baldwin; J.D. Imboden; Benj. Crawford; John Churchamn; Wm. A. Bell; Architecht=Mr. Starkeweather, of Baltimore; Contractor=Harman J. Lushbaugh; Woodworking=William Lushbaugh; Mr. Kice; Plastering=Samuel J. Lushbaugh; Painting & graining=Wm. L. Balthis; Marblework=Mr. Marquis; Mr. Kelly
Things That Need Mending
Summary: Controversy among citizens over the Town Clock. It needs mending. Also calls for the construction of a "suitable" water works for the town. Streets need to be fixed; cemetary grounds should be improved & beautified. Notes that since writing, work has begun on piping water to the town's main spring; also the clock has been restarted.
The Insurrection Rumors
Summary: Rumors of insurrection from around the counry proved groundless. Inspired by slaves expressing interest in Fremont. Complins about mob spirit driving these fears, but also cautions about maintianing firm discipline.
Negro Hiring
Summary: Prices for hiring slaves from around the state; compared with Stuanton. Local prices: farmhand=$120; 17-18yr old boy=$80; women=$60-75; girls=$30-45
Conviction of Huntington
Summary: "New York Forger" sentenced to 4 yrs., 10 mos. in Penitentary.
Mr. Points Lecture
Summary: Points gave a lecture at the Lutheran Church, before the YMCA about his travels to China.
Bank Dividends
Summary: Annouces dividends for local & state banks: Bank of the Valley; Central Bank at Staunton; Bank of the Old Dominion; Bank of Rockingham; Bank of Winchester; Exchange Bank; Farmers Bank; Bank of Virginia;
Free Negroes
Origin of Article: Richmond Whig
Editorial Comment: We are glad to see the Richmond Whig defending the most defenseless class of our population.
Summary: Whig says Free Negroes are the least likely class to undertake an insurrection; they should not be targetted. Economically useful, if not a profitable class.
For the Spectator; The Town Clock on a "Strike"
Trailer: Edax Rerum
Summary: Comparing the out of order clock to a drunkard; satirical
For the Spectator
Summary: New Providence congregation gave Rev. Jacob Wisters nearly $100 on New Years Day, as an expression of esteem & high regard.
Summary: About Washington National Monument society. COntroversy over board of Managers
[No Title]
Summary: Daniel Kunkle has replaces Lorenzo Shaw as postmaster of Pond Gap

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Description of Page: Markets, col. 2.

Summary: Smith to Kelley, on 1/8/57; all of Charlottesville
Summary: Goodloe to Mills, on 12/20/56; both of Baltimore

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Description of Page: Cool ad in col. 2. for Marquis & Kelly Marbleworks.