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The years of coverage of our newspapers are listed below. When you choose a year you will be taken to a calendar of that year. The dates that are linked on the calendar are dates for which we have newspaper coverage. Please remember, in the mid-1800s newspapers were not produced daily and that publication was sporadic during the war years.

If more than one newspaper was published on a given date they will be displayed one after another.

Staunton Spectator

January13, 1863

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Description of Page: Majority of page ads and notices. Previously tagged list of deserters.

Summary: Poem in memory of Lieutenant Wright of the Augusta Lee Rifles, who died near Winchester.
Mr. Sheffey's address to the House of Delegates
Summary: Transcript of Hugh Sheffey's address to the House of Delegates after having been elected Speaker.
Governor Letcher's Message
Summary: Synopsis of Gov. Letcher's message regarding the establishment of forty-five Virginia counties as the State of West Virginia.

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Description of Page: Various battlefield reports, including exaggerated reports from Murfreesboro. List of letters at the Post Office. Two obituaries illegible. Remainder of page ads. and notices.

A Brilliant Expedition
Summary: Article reports a foray against Milroy's forces in West Virginia.
Lincoln's Proclamation
Summary: Item lambasts the Emancipation Proclamation.
John Hamilton, Esq.
Trailer: John D. Imboden
Summary: Letter from Imboden thanking citizens of August and the Aid society of Fishersville for items donated.
For the Spectator
Summary: Article from the Bath Rifles of the 52nd Regiment thank the citizens of Bath County for donations received.
For the Spectator
Summary: Soldier thanks the ladies of Augusta for donations to the 31st Regiment.
Contributions for the Soldiers
Summary: Article lists those who have donated to the soldiers.
For the Spectator
Summary: Writer lists casualties of the 5th Va. Regiment.
For the Spectator
Summary: Letter writer alleges that Asbury Myers protestations at being listed among the deserters are unfounded. It is alleged that he disappeared while the regiment was under fire without any authority to do so.
Summary: Marriage of J. Hoge to a woman from Rockbridge Co.
Summary: Marriage of Isaac Griever to Mary Trado.
Summary: Marriage of John Helmick and Frances Jane Warner.
Summary: Marriage of Charles Saupe and Frances Strausman.
Summary: Death of Jane Pilson.