Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Adele Smith to May Elizabeth Yancey, August 15, 1928

Index Terms:
Employment | Family | Home/Farm life | Place--Connecticut | Place--New Jersey | Place--Virginia, other | Romantic relationships

Adele Smith tells May Yancey about her job. She asks when May & William will be married.



Transcription of Letter

August 15, 1928

Dearest May,

Honestly, I am ashamed of myself because I haven't written you long before now, after promising you so faithfully that I would write you often. Now the summer is almost gone and I am just writing. I am very lazy now about keeping

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up my correspondence.

How have you been this summer and how are you getting along with your work? Are your people any better than they were? I really have a lovely job. I am working for two ladies who have a nice little new home all to themselves. I am living with my sister and go to and from work each day. I do all the cleaning,

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sewing, mending, darning and washing stockings. I get paid by the hr., go to work at 9:30 and sometimes 9:00 and stay until 5:00 or somewhere around that time. I really like my work much. All of my spare time is taken up waiting at a boarding house. I wait dinner everyevening, each meal on Sundays now you can see just how much time I have of my own. My people have

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gone away for several days so now I'm doing a little sewing. Really this is the best summer I have spent here only I am working a little bit harder this summer than the previous ones.

May, what are you doing for enjoyment? As for that I am having very little, but, I should worry. How is your Sweetheart? Do you see him very often? I'm sure you do.

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I certainly envy you. I would give the world to be as near my Sweetheart as you are. Gee- I miss him so much, May ask Wm I say when is it coming off? Ha! Ha! Don't fail to let us know.

Say, May, do you go back to your home to teach this winter? Write and tell me what you are planning on doing. I expect I shall be in Conn. all winter if my

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plans works out OK. and I hope they do. Of course I shall be coming down to Jersey every now and then if things go smoothly.

I received a real nice letter from your mother the other week. Shall answer it soon.

Do hope Miss Sophia is all right again, please remember me to each of them.

The Hampton Singers will be here in

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Norfolk on Next Thursday. I am planning on going to hear them.

We are still having some hot days but very cool and comfortable nights. Have killed quite a few snakes good sized ones too. Saw one stretched out on a rock the other morning when I first went out but he was resting so well I wouldn't disturb him. Please write me

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real soon, Dear Heart, and tell me something good.

I must stop and go to bed as I am just as sleepy as I can be. Love and a kiss to your Mother and Roger when you see him. Remember me to Wm and Loads of love and kisses to you,

Dear Girl.


Bibliographic Information
Published by: Virginia Center for Digital History
Source copy consulted: Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family (MSS 11599), Alderman Library, University of Virginia
Text and images (c) copyright 2001, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

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