Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

William L. Eason to May Elizabeth Yancey, January 10, 1927

Index Terms:
Place--New Jersey | Romantic relationships

William Eason writes May Yancey to smooth over an argument that they had the previous evening.




To: Miss. May E. Yancey
734 Park Ave.
Plainfield, N.J.
apt. 17.
Postmark: Elizabeth, N.J.
JAN 10, 1927
4:30 PM

Transcription of Letter

Jan. 10, 1927

Dearest of My Heart.

to-day I am sad and blue thinking of you, and of the many horried things you said to me last night Sunday. Do you rember some of the things you said? It hurts to the heart to hear a person talk as you talked to me last night. And the only reason I didn't leave was because I love you so, there is no other person in this old world could have talked to me as what you did and I would of taken took it as I did. you,! Yes you, are the only one

Then you tell me I get tired of seeing you, that is the reason I don't come up there, no one knows but me the reasons. If you would learn

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to control your tongue and temper then we could get along much better, you always say I am trying to disregard you as a personal friend no you must pay attention to what other people says then you are all right.

You should know by now my ways. I am myself and no one else I tries to be prompt but it seems as if something must detain me. I never knew until last evening that you believe in here says. Your brother has a schedule of the trains I haven't, never expect one person to do what another does, Then too you brought up things of the past, I don't wont you to cling to me if there is another whom you think is more dearer and more prompt than I am and whom you think that you Could love and cherish as you have me then I advise you to give me up and go to them. please dont take this letter as an insult as you are so early to fly off of the handle

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I am writing as I feel after thinking all night of some of the things you said honest of all the time we've been going to gather last night was the worst nite of my life. Even than you did not know how I felt inward. You could cause a person to do things they would be sorry for. you should think before you speak.

altho I can [missing text] say you have did me favors in which I some day can return them with a [missing text] no matter what happens. It use to be true I would start fussing when I came up, especially over minor things so I see that you have taken my place.

Only if I could for get you and let you start on a new path. It seems as if I am causing you great heart aches and suffering. There you should be happy

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always, yes, always. there you can think of me as a flowers that blooms in a day and fades to morrow. It seems as I am just a stumbling block in your day you never for gets things that happens always rembering things that was done in the past and bringing them back to recollection, Why rember the sad part of life and for get the happy ones. I allways tries to be happy when I am with you but you don't won't me to be. we must be quarreling. Well dear I have said some of the things in my heart, but this not half because I am too full to say any more. Hoping to see you Friday

Yours if your wont me to be


Bibliographic Information
Published by: Virginia Center for Digital History
Source copy consulted: Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family (MSS 11599), Alderman Library, University of Virginia
Text and images (c) copyright 2001, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

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