Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Charles P. Harris to Harriet Anna Yancey, December 11, 1947

Index Terms:
Church and religion | Health, illness and death | Place--Esmont, VA | Place--Missouri | Published literature and the press | Travel

Charles Harris tells Harriet Yancey about his recent trip to the Baptist National Convention.


Afro-American Baptist State Convention of New Jersey
Office of the Vice President
Rev. C.P. Harris, B.D.
1283 East Second Street
Plainfield, New Jersey


Transcription of Letter

December 11, 1947

Mrs. Harriet Yancey
Deasr Sister Yancey:

I am ashame to be so terribly long in answering your kind letter of several weeks ago. I have had your letter on my desk before me to answer for several days, but I have not seemed to get to it.

Yes, Mrs. Harris and I had a very pleasant vacation. We went to the National Baptist Convention in Kansas City, Mo., although that was the only extended trip that we took. We had a fine time both on the trip to and from Kansas City and enjoyed the convention very much.

Mrs. Harris and I are very well at this time, although there is a great deal of sickness in Plainfield and among our membership. Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. J.B. Whiting are very critically ill while quite a number of others are on the sick list. I trust you are well and enjoying your stay in Virginia. I have been looking to see you come in church for some time, but I suppose you are staying down there for a while.

I am glad to know that you have been receiving the Calvary Voice regularly and I presume you have received the Christmas issue which I mailed to you last week. This will be the last issue of our little paper for the present. It has gotten to be so expensive to publish that I don't think we could afford to continue it unless we raised the subscription price quite a bit. And too, I do not seem to get very much help from those who are supposed to help me in getting out the paper, so that I have about all of the work to do, which is little too much.

With every good wish for your continued good health and happiness I am,

Sincerely yours,
Charles P. Harris
Charles P. Harris

Bibliographic Information
Published by: Virginia Center for Digital History
Source copy consulted: Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family (MSS 11599), Alderman Library, University of Virginia
Text and images (c) copyright 2001, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

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