Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Benjamin Franklin Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, July 23, 1905

Index Terms:
Clothing and fashion | Education--other | Health, illness and death | Home/Farm life | Place--Lynchburg, VA | Place--Scottsville, VA | Seasons and the weather

Benjamin Franklin Yancey, writing from the Greenbriar resort in Ronceverte, West Virginia, is ill but wants to try and continue working at the hotel until his planned time to return home at the end of August. He urges Harriet, his wife, to try to find out which school he will be assigned to the following year.


The Greenbrier


Transcription of Letter


July 23rd 1905

My dear Wife

You letter came safe this am. found me just a little better I think than when I wrote you last I have been taking medicine and it seems to do me some good. How are you & c. I hope you all had a good time to day at church wish I could have been with you & C. I wrote you Friday night & enclose $2.00 instead of $1.00 as I mention I hope you received my letter all safe. I am packing my trunk now for home for I don't think I can remain any longer than one more month for I am completely broken down I don't know myself how I

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keep up. I am going to try & make out till the last of August if I can. some days I feel all ok. If I sit still 2 minutes I am fast to sleep- I am always nodding- How are you making out with your washing. I know you can hardly get up stairs some nights.

I want to see you & c so bad. Every time a storm come up I am looking to get a telegram uneasy about you all. I know you are in the hands of the Lord but look like I am afraid something will happen & I can't see you all. Some time I think I am going to die myself & I pray to get to

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get to see you & c before I go. I hope and trust I will get home all safe & find you all well- Have you heard from Grandma?

A sad accident happen in front of Cafe Friday noon. a young white man team was frighten by train rain away & mashed his head into a pulp just in front of our door. I was standing look at the whole thing He didn't move after he fell. I never saw anything happen so quick- Well we are having rain, & cool very cool night I have been sleeping under blankets Hotels are crowded now. The hot wave in the cities have driven them to the ?ints.? We have'nt got enough help & it works us to keep things a going This rush wont last any longer than middle of August I wish it was that now. Have you had corn plowed yet?

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I am glad you like your shoes. I didn't think you would like them!

Who is the largest R or M - I want to get R a little winter suit How about it and if I can find any a pair of green boots for out door.

How about schools have you heard anything the Board signs teachers this month. I am afraid they will assign me to Scottsville If you see Mr. Gilmer ask him will you. He will send a card about first of August.

I have a postal from Scottsville those colored people still wishes me to take that school I can't go there I don't want to pay board.

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This is a long letter. Write me about Sundays doing- Havent been to church since May 1st, Love to all & kisses for you & c.

You can leave those doors off I will get them in Lynchburg when I come home if nothing happens- Save my chickens Can you get your Uncle Daniel to cut that wood

From your devoted Husband

Bibliographic Information
Published by: Virginia Center for Digital History
Source copy consulted: Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family (MSS 11599), Alderman Library, University of Virginia
Text and images (c) copyright 2001, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

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