Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Letters About: General keeping in touch

Lon Curry to Harriet Anna Yancey, undated
Postcard informing Harriet Yancey of Lon Curry's arrival home to West Virginia.

D.P.H. to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 21, 1911
D.P.H. sends a note of greetings to Harriet Yancey.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 5, 1919
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about events happening in Hampton, Virginia at the Hampton Institute.

Mrs. L.M. Booth to May Elizabeth Yancey, October 1, 1920
Mrs. L.M. Booth writes May Yancey a note of greeting and tells her to have a happy school year.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, October 5, 1920
Harriet Yancey writes her daughter, May, to tell her the news from home. She plans to send her daughter some clothing items.

Mrs. L.M. Booth to May Elizabeth Yancey, October 29, 1920
Mrs L.M. Booth promises to send May Yancey the package that she requested.

Therise Winfrey to May Elizabeth Yancey, March 2, 1921
Therise Winfrey writes her old friend, May Yancey, to tell her about her life in Kentucky.

May Elizabeth Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, July 23, 1921
May Yancey thanks her mother, Harriet, for her recent letter and sends her love and greetings to everyone in Esmont, Virginia.

Emma to Harriet Anna Yancey, August 6, 1923
Emma informs Harriet Yancey that she will be home soon.

M.L. Robinson to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 3, 1923
M.L. Robinson writes Harriet Yancey that Annie will be home soon.

William L. Eason to May Elizabeth Yancey, March 26, 1925
Wiliam Eason confides to May Yancey that he is tired of his busy social life.

William L. Eason to May Elizabeth Yancey, October 15, 1926
William Eason writes May Yancey to tell her that he will arrive in Plainfield, New Jersey that following Monday.

Donald Taylor to May Elizabeth Yancey, March 16, 1928
Donald Taylor writes May Yancey a note of greetings. He compliments her on her ability to control her classrooms.

Cousin Bee to May Elizabeth Yancey, September 18, 1928
Cousin Bee writes May Yancey to find out when she will arrive home.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, October 6, 1928
Harriet Yancey writes her daughter, May, a quick note of greetings

? to May Elizabeth Yancey, December 16, 1928
A friend writes May Yancey to inform her of her upcoming visit.

M.L. Smith to Harriet Anna Yancey, July 26 1931
Postcard to Harriet Yancey from a friend visiting Charlottesville, Virginia.

Violia B. Hodges to Harriet Anna Yancey, August 4, 1931
Violia Hodges sends a note of greetings to Harriet Yancey.

Adele, Jackie, and Roger McKinley, Jr. Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, July 26, 1934
Postcard of greetings to Harriet Yancey from her grandchildren and daughter-in-law.

to Harriet Anna Yancey, August 14, 1935
Postcard of greetings to Harriet Yancey.

M.L. Smith to Harriet Anna Yancey, August 8, 1938
Postcard of greetings to Harriet Yancey.

Christine Faller to Harriet Anna Yancey, July 25, 1940
Christine tells Harriet Yancey about her work during the summer preparing for her doctorate degree.

Marie to William Dunbar, August 9, 1940
Marie sends a note of greetings to her cousin, William Dunbar, from her summer sojourn in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.

William A. Harris to Harriet Anna Yancey, December 29, 1944
William Harris informs Harriet Yancey that he is not yet selling the lot in Esmont, Virginia. He thanks her for her recent postcard.

Edna to Harriet Anna Yancey, December 1, 1948
Edna tells her friend, Harriet Yancey, about all the tragic things that have happened since she returned home.

Sis to Harriet Anna Yancey, March 13, 1949
"Sis" writes her grandmother, Harriet Yancey, at the request of her mother, because they had not heard from her in awhile. She talks about her mother's work and her own school work.

William R. Eason to Harriet Anna Yancey, May 14, 1949
William Eason writes his grandmother, Harriet, to thank her for the letter and money that she sent. He is preparing for exams at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Florence Scott to Harriet Anna Yancey, June 16, 1949
Florence Scott informs Harriet Yancey that she is attending the state Baptist convention.

E.N. Patterson to Harriet Anna Yancey, August 3, 1940?
E.N. Patterson thanks Harriet Yancey for her call.

R to Harriet Anna Yancey, December 16, 1950
Postcard to Harriet Yancey from a friend celebrating their birthday in New York City.

Nettie to Harriet Anna Yancey, August 21, 1953
Postcard of greetings to Harriet Yancey.

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