Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Letters About: Politics and political activity

Lewis Hylan, Betsy Thomas, Georgia Scott, Rus Foad, Maggie Swingler, Mary Cary, Ida Jackson, and Anna Cary to Mr. Blair, undated
A group of school children request a new teacher, because, they claim, their old one is mean and does not care whether or not they learn.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, April 21, 1920
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about rifle practice at school and plans to leave Virginia for the summer.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, April 28, 1920
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about end of school year activities at the Hampton Institute. He wants to get out of Virginia for the summer and go to either Washington, D.C. or New Jersey.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, October 5, 1920
Harriet Yancey writes her daughter, May, to tell her the news from home. She plans to send her daughter some clothing items.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, November 2, 1920
Harriet Yancey tells he daughter, may, about the clothes she is sending her as well as various gossip from Esmont, Virginia.

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