Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Letters About: Place--Pennsylvania

Jennie B. Taylor to Harriet Anna Yancey, undated
Jennie Taylor sends her friend, Harriet Yancey, a note of greetings. Taylor has had back problems.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, April 14, 1920
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about happenings at the Hampton Institute, including rifle practice. He suggests that his sister, May Yancey, should attend school in Petersburg.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, October 11, 1920
Harriet Yancey writes to tell her daughter, May, all the news from Esmont, Virginia.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, December 10, 1920
Harriet Yancey tells her daughter, May, all the news from home. She discusses with May various things she is considering putting in her Christmas care package.

Roger McKinley Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, May 1, 1921
Roger Yancey writes his sister, May, to discuss his and her summer plans.

Hanry Goodwin to May Elizabeth Yancey, December 8, 1922
Henry Goodwin apologizes to May Yancey for his delay in writing. He tells May about his Thanksgiving.

Benjamin Franklin Yancey, Jr. to Harriet Anna Yancey, March 20, 1923
Benjamin Franklin Yancey, Jr. tells his mother, Harriet, about happenings on campus, including the beginning of baseball season. He mentions several speakers he has heard at the school.

William M. Scott to Harriet Anna Yancey, May 13, 1925
William Scott tells his cousin, Harriet, about his recent trip to Esmont, Virginia, which he did not enjoy. He tells her that Congressman Dyer will speak at commencement and sends her an article from the NAACP's newspaper, The Crisis as well as a story by W.E.B. Du Bois.

Maris P. Wesley to May Elizabeth Yancey, July 31, 1925
Maris Wesley tells May Yancey about a recent trip as well as events in Plainfield, New Jersey.

Helda B. Johnson to May Elizabeth Yancey, December 5, 1925
Helda Johnson tells May Yancey about various happenings in her life including how she spent Thanksgiving.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, March 2, 1926
Harriet Yancey writes to tell her daughter, May, about her decision to change jobs. Harriet also tells May about seeing Paul Robeson perform.

William L. Eason to May Elizabeth Yancey, June 7, 1926
William Eason wishes May Yancey good luck on her examinations. He tells her about a wedding he plans to attend.

George A. Owens to May Elizabeth Yancey, August 11, 1926
George Owens inquires about May Yancey's summer. He plans to attend the World Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

John A. Hines to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 18, 1926
John Hines informs Harriet Yancey that he is angry over her behavior towards him during his recent visit.

William L. Eason to May Elizabeth Yancey, February 17, 1927
William Eason tells May Yancey how much he misses her and is looking forward to their next meeting.

William L. Eason to May Elizabeth Yancey, July 27, 1927
William Eason sends a note of greetings to May Yancey.

Howard Johnson to May Elizabeth Yancey, April 4, 1928
Howard Johnson writes May Yancey a note of greeting. He discusses the upcoming Easter holiday.

H. Shelton to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 2, 1934
Cousin H. Shelton tells Harriet Yancey about his new roof, and asks Harriet to tell Aunt Clara to look after his mother.

H. Shelton to Harriet Anna Yancey, July 20, 1938
H. Shelton writes Harriet Yancey discussing his life after the death of his mother.

Barbara Jenkins to Harriet Anna Yancey, December 19, 1940
Barbara Jenkins tells her friend Harriet Yancey about all the illnesses and deaths in Richmond, Virginia. Harriet recently left Plainfield, New Jersey and returned to Esmont, Virginia after the death of the woman she worked for.

H. Shelton to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 22 1947
H. Shelton requests Harriet Yancey to check his house for water leaks.

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