Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Letters About: Music and the Arts

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 13, 1918
Roger Yancey discusses the overcrowding problems at the nearby Soldier hospital as well as his participation in Hampton's band.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, November 14, 1918
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about festivities in Hampton, Virginia celebrating the end of World War I.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, November 19, 1919
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about the progress of Hampton's football team as well as his plans for Thanksgiving.

Therise Winfrey to May Elizabeth Yancey, March 2, 1921
Therise Winfrey writes her old friend, May Yancey, to tell her about her life in Kentucky.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, May 26, 1921.
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about finishing up exams. He is learning to ring the campus chimes.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 18, 1921
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about his return to school in Hampton, Virginia.

Adele Smith to Harriet Anna Yancey, April 15, 1925
Adele Smith tells Harriet Yancey, her future mother in law, about her preparations for graduation. She also mentions the Tuskegee endowment campaign fund and Billy Sunday's refusal to speak to an integrated audience.

William L. Eason to May Elizabeth Yancey, February 25, 1926
William Eason gives May Yancey all the details concerning his latest boxing match. He discusses May's graduation.

Harriet Anna Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, March 2, 1926
Harriet Yancey writes to tell her daughter, May, about her decision to change jobs. Harriet also tells May about seeing Paul Robeson perform.

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