Papers of the Benjamin Franklin Yancey Family

Letters About: Place--Hampton, VA

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 21, 9:05pm
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about his train trip back to Hampton, Virginia.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 30, 1918
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about his campus job at the dairy.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 13, 1918
Roger Yancey discusses the overcrowding problems at the nearby Soldier hospital as well as his participation in Hampton's band.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 16, 1918
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about the Spanish flu epidemic and war preparations.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 30, 1918
Roger Yancey tells his mother that he has moved and also quit the band.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, November 14, 1918
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about festivities in Hampton, Virginia celebrating the end of World War I.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, December 17, 1918
Roger Yancey tells his mother about events in Hampton. He mentions a talk he heard concerning the role African Americans played in World War I.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, January 26, 1919
Roger Yancey discusses the establishment of a Reserve Officer Training Corps in Hampton, Virginia.

L. B. Ramage to Roger McKinley Yancey, April 29, 1919
L.B. Ramage wishes Roger Yancey luck with his life in Hampton, Virginia and his ambitions to become a doctor.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, June 1, 1919
Roger Yancey requests his mother, Harriet, to buy him a new military style suit.

William M. Scott to Harriet Anna Yancey, August 6, 1919.
William Scott thanks Harriet Yancey for her recent help.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 5, 1919
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about events happening in Hampton, Virginia at the Hampton Institute.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 19, 1919
Roger Yancey writes his mother, Harriet, from school. He needs new shoes and plans to join the YMCA.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, October 30, 1919
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about school fees as well as Hampton's football team.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, November 19, 1919
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about the progress of Hampton's football team as well as his plans for Thanksgiving.

William M. Scott to Harriet Anna Yancey, November 28, 1919
William Scott tells his cousin Harriet Yancey about his decision to attend theology school.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, December 2, 1919
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about Thanksgiving dinner at Lawton's house.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, January 1, 1920
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet Yancey, about his return to school in Hampton, Virginia.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, February 23, 1920

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, May 29, 1920
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about his summer job in Hampton. He regrets not going north for the summer where he could have made more money. Roger passed all of his final exams.

Roger McKinley Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, March 17, 1921
Roger Yancey tells his sister, May, about recent inoculations as well as various other news from the Hampton Institute.

Roger McKinley Yancey to May Elizabeth Yancey, May 1, 1921
Roger Yancey writes his sister, May, to discuss his and her summer plans.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, May 26, 1921.
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about finishing up exams. He is learning to ring the campus chimes.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, September 18, 1921
Roger Yancey tells his mother, Harriet, about his return to school in Hampton, Virginia.

Adele Smith to Harriet Anna Yancey, January 11, 1923
Adele Smith introduces herself to Harriet Yancey, her future mother-in-law. Smith tells Yancey about the sewing and cooking classes she is taking.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, November 24, 1924
Roger Yancey discusses his financial difficulties with his mother, Harriet. He tells her of his desire to spend Christmas with her and May.

Adele Smith to Harriet Anna Yancey, April 15, 1925
Adele Smith tells Harriet Yancey, her future mother in law, about her preparations for graduation. She also mentions the Tuskegee endowment campaign fund and Billy Sunday's refusal to speak to an integrated audience.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, May 12, 1925
Roger Yancey confides to his mother how much he loves her and appreciates her work in raising him. He is waiting to hear whether he will be accepted into Law School.

Roger McKinley Yancey to Harriet Anna Yancey, May 24, 1925
Roger writes home to his mother, Harriet, about commencement week, financial difficulties, campus scandals, and law school preparations.

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