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Valley of the Shadow

Valley Virginian, February 12, 1868

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When I Was a Soldier
(Column 04)

Summary: Recollections of a soldier from Charlottesville.

[No Title]
(Column 05)

Summary: Letter from "Zoe" praising the natural beauty of Pond Gap.

(Column 07)

Summary: John D. Imboden writes the editors of the Richmond Dispatch to explain his scheme to promote immigration in the state of Virginia. He proposes encouraging Europeans who can pay their own way and have the money to purchase land to settle in the state. He does not wish to attract "mere laborers" like those who settle in New York.

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[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: The paper echoes the Richmond Whig in consoling the people of Virginia with the knowledge that the radicals can not take from the state her productive soil and natural resources.

Mass Meeting in New York--Great Letter from Senator Doolittle
(Column 02)

Summary: The paper prints an account of a meeting held in New York by the Constitutional-Union organization protesting radical rule in Congress.

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Our Carrier
(Column 01)

Summary: Frank C. Turner will be delivering the Valley Virginian to subscribers.
(Names in announcement: Frank C.Turner)

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: The paper declares that Staunton's business is "looking up."

The Lyceum
(Column 02)

Summary: Dr. Fauntleroy delivered a lecture on "The Indestructibility of Force" before a packed Lyceum Hall. "He maintained that light, heat, electricity, &c., were but different gradations of forces." After the lecture, the debate on whether Divine Goodness can be proven without the aid of Revelation continued. It was decided 15-9 in the negative.
(Names in announcement: Dr.Fauntleroy, Powers, Col.GeorgeBaylor, Rev.G. B.Taylor, Peyton, Pierce, Skinner, Christian)

Corporation Court
(Column 02)

Summary: Proceedings of Staunton's corporation court.
(Names in announcement: PatrickCarter, SidneyWatson, Hughes, Jackson, GeorgeJohnson, WilliamJohnson, HenryJailer, HenryDouglas, MarquisRodney, RaleighTowes, RaleighGordon, AlexNellons, John W.Keller)

Full Text of Article:

The Corporation Court commenced its regular Quarterly Grand Jury term, of the Court of Staunton, on the 5th inst.

A number of cases have been tried, and many more are still to try--the court being still in session. The following are the most interesting:

Commonwealth vs. Patrick Carter and Sidney Watson, (both colored.) Offence--Grand Larceny. Verdict--conviction in the case of Patrick Carter, who was sentenced to three years' imprisonment in the penitentiary; acquittal in the case of Sydney Watson.

Commonwealth vs Hughes and Jackson (colored.) Offence--Petit Larceny. Verdict--acquittal in the case of Hughes, and conviction in the case of Jackson who was sentenced to 90 days' confinement in jail.

Commonwealth vs Geo. Johnson, (colored.)--Offence--Petit Larceny. Verdict--conviction and sentenced to 5 days' confinement in jail.

Commonwealth vs. William Johnson and Henry Jailer alias Henry Douglas. Offence--Petit larceny. Verdict--Johnson convicted and sentenced to 60 days confinement in jail; Henry Jailer acquitted.

Commonwealth vs. Marquis Rodney, (colored.) Offence--Petit larceny Verdict--Guilty and sentenced to 5 days confinement in jail.

Commonwealth vs Raleigh Towes alias Raleigh Gordon, (colored.) Offence--Petit Larceny. Verdict--acquittal.

Commonwealth vs. Alex Nellons, (colored.)--Offence--Petit larceny. Verdict--Guilty and sentenced to 10 days' confinement in jail.

Commonwealth vs John W. Keller, (plain.)--Offence--Petit larceny. Verdict--Guilty, and sentenced to 90 days' confinement in jail.

[No Title]
(Column 03)

Summary: The "Tycoon of Staunton" who has a shop at Crawford's Corner bought a menagerie of living bears at the public auction of the estate of Capt. John H. German, late superintendent of the Federal Cemetery. "We presume as his attentive and gentlemanly clerks attract the ladies to his emporium of fine goods--he expects the bears to attract the rest of the human species."
(Names in announcement: Capt.John H.German)

[No Title]
(Column 03)

Summary: E. M. Taylor, cashier of the National Valley Bank of Staunton for the past 23 years, tendered his resignation due to poor health. The Board of Directors accepted with resolutions of praise for his high character.
(Names in announcement: E. M.Taylor, JohnEchols)

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