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Valley Spirit, April 01, 1868

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[No Title]
(Column Impeachment)

Summary: The paper criticizes the "railroad speed" at which the impeachment trial is moving, and examines the facts of the case.

Republican Form of Government
(Column 02)

Summary: Comes out against Republican measures for black voting rights in the North as well as the South. Claims even Republicans were against this a few years before and now must follow the orders of Radical leaders. Feels black voting will lead to the degradation of whites and end of states rights. Ends by quoting the amendment proposed by Stevens in the House.

Full Text of Article:

The debate in the House of Representatives, at Washington, on the 17th ult., which we publish on our first page, discloses the purpose of the Radical leaders to force negro suffrage, sooner or later, upon every State in the Union. It will be remembered with what indignation, the Republican of two years ago was accustomed to meet the charge made by the Democrats, that the Republican party was gravitating towards this doctrine. How earnestly he protested against the accusation, and how eagerly he announced his intention to abandon his party, whenever it would declare itself in favor of impartial suffrage. The idea of the negro voting was exceedingly repugnant to his judgement, and he indulged in oft-repeated threats as to what he would do, whenever this should be made one of the fundamental tenets of his party creed. Democrats can "spot" persons of this class in every election District. When their remarks upon this subject are brought to their recollection, how they twist, and wriggle, in order to escape from the awkward dilemma in which they find themselves! They protested so loudly and so strongly against the odious doctrine, when they were of the opinion that they would never be called upon to swallow it, that now, when it has become a leading measure of the party, they are forced to make very wry faces as the order comes to them to gulp it down.

Men of honor, who pledged themselves to abandon the party whenever it would reach this point, will cut loose from it and throw their influence against it. But those who have no fixed principles of their own, and who make it a rule to vote, as Stevens, Sumner, and their Radical party leaders direct, will run counter to their former declarations, and vote to bring themselves down to the level of the negro.

Let white men ponder upon the proposition which drew forth this debate to which we have referred. It is not to allow negroes the rights to vote in the South. That, Congress has done already. They lashed the Radical party into the support of that measure, upon the plea that it was a necessity in order to keep the State governments of the South out of the hands of the Rebels. The consequence is, that negroes not only vote there, but they exercise a controlling influence. They act as jurors. They sit in the conventions to frame State constitutions and are, virtually, the masters of the white people. In fact, the whites have very few rights which the negroes feel bound to respect. But the scheme of the Radicals does not stop here. Negro suffrage and negro supremacy in the South are not sufficient. The negro must exercise the right of suffrage in every State of the Union. State constitutions must be amended in order to conform to this doctrine. Pennsylvania must strike the word "white" from her Constitution. Unless she does so, she is to be held not to have a republican form of government. State rights are no longer recognized. There is no such thing, any more, as a State right. Congress is the government, supreme over all, with full power to fashion State Constitutions as it pleases. The people of the State are to have no opportunity to express their preferences on the subject. Universal and impartial suffrage is to be forced upon the States. Thaddeus Stevens wills it. All the Radical leaders favor it. The Constitution of the United States must give way. These patriots are acting "outside the Constitution." The negro is their God, and they are not satisfied with worshipping him themselves. They have determined that everybody else must worship him likewise.

Here is the amendment, offered by Thaddeus Stevens, to a bill now pending in the House, by which, when it has been "snaked" through Congress, it is expected to establish negro suffrage in all the States;

Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, offered an amendment providing that the right of suffrage shall not be denied or abridged in any State, except for treason, felony, or other crime infamous at common law, but that suffrage shall forever be universal and impartial, and that Congress shall have power to annul any act of Alabama in violation or derogation of the acts with regard to suffrage, and that in case of the Legislature reducing suffrage below the universal right, all legislation admitting it into the Union shall be null and void.

Treason at a Premium--Loyalty at a Discount
(Column 03)

Summary: Contrasts the different fates of Jefferson Davis and Andrew Johnson. The former goes free while the latter is standing trial for high crimes. Editor outlines the deeds of the two men, and asks why Johnson should be subjected to impeachment based on his record.

Full Text of Article:

When Lee and Johnston surrendered their respective armies, the anxiety of the intensely loyal people was exceedingly great as to the probability of the escape of the arch-rebel Davis. It was feared that he would succeed in disembarking from our country and reaching a foreign shore. A reward of a hundred thousand dollars was offered for his capture, by the Government, which has since been paid. Bands of military men scoured the whole South so as to guard against the possibility of his getting off. Never were men more vigilant, and their vigilance was crowned with success. Davis was captured--captured in the Spring of Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. The millions of the North shouted for joy. The cry went forth through all the land that now the honor of the government must be vindicated by the speedy conviction of the leader of the rebellion. The interests of the republic demanded a judicial decision that secession is treason, and justice insisted that "treason must be made odious."--Every one, therefore, anticipated an early trial. A military commission was even talked of as a sure and swift means of bringing the offender to punishment.

Time passed slowly. The illustrious prisoner, guarded and manacled, was confined within the walls of a fortress, and complaining bitterly of the hopeless imprisonment to which he seemed to be consigned. The Chief Justice could not find time to try his case. Never within the memory of man has such a case been tried as that would have been. But its magnitude and importance could not gain any advancement for it. Two years elapsed. At last, the prisoner was removed to Richmond--but not for trial. He was released on bail, two eminent Radicals becoming his bondsmen. And now, there is a settled conviction in the public mind that there is no intention whatever to try him at all. He travels wheresoever he pleases, and it would be a wonderful relief to Mr. Chase and the whole Radical party, if he would die, or flee the country.

Jefferson Davis was the representative man of the rebellion. He was the head and front of the conspiracy to overthrow the government. His was the treason which sent hundreds and thousands of our bravest and best to untimely graves. And yet, there is no trial for him. Radicalism is afraid of the questions involved in his trial. It has dodged them for nearly three years.

But look at another picture. While Jeff Davis and the other Southern Senators were delivering their speeches in the Senate Chamber, announcing their intention to withdraw from the Union and set up for themselves; while, day after day, treasonable language was spoken and treasonable acts were being performed, there was one Southern Senator--and only one--who refused to follow the lead of Davis, Yancey and Toombs. One who thundered his denunciations of the secession project. One who uttered bolder words than any which fell from the lips of Northern men, in opposition to the attempt to dissever the Union. Who was he? Andrew Johnson. And when the war broke out, and his own State of Tennessee threw in her fortunes with the Southern Confederacy, he remained firm as a rock, breasting and rolling back the tide of secession. As military Governor, he took charge of that State and ruled it as with a rod of iron. Indeed, nothing but his preeminent loyalty and self-sacrificing devotion to his country, when all others of his southern brethren were faithless, procured for him the nomination of Vice President at Baltimore. He was lauded as the very embodiment of all that was noble, brave and patriotic. Radicals shouted themselves hoarse at the mere mention of his name. It was no common tribute of admiration that was paid to him, and it was no common degree of worthiness that exacted the tribute. The people felt grateful to him and did not hesitate to express their gratitude.

But how are they treating him now? They are hunting him down--they are seeking to condemn him, and remove him from office, upon the flimsiest pretexts ever devised by man, whilst Jeff Davis, instead of hanging "on a sour apple tree," is at perfect liberty to go his own way without molestation from any one. Treason appears to be at a premium in the estimation of the Radical party, whilst the extreme loyalty of the war stripe is at a discount.

Will not the people open their eyes to the injustice, if not to the monstrous ridiculousness of the comparative treatment of these two men? Jeff. Davis denounced, hooted at, hissed as a traitor, goes free. Andrew Johnson, flattered, applauded deified as the true type of loyalty, is arraigned before the high Court of Impeachment.--Davis is allowed to go unpunished for violating the Constitution, and attempting to dissolve the Union. Johnson is to be convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors, and removed from the Presidential chair, for defending the Constitution, and insisting that the Union is not, and can not be dissolved. Let the people ponder upon these facts.

Grant's Habits
(Column 04)

Summary: This letter contends that Grant's drinking habits make him ill-suited for public office. "Could the negro worshipping fanatics, who clamor so loudly for the accidentally manufactured Jupiter who commands our armies to be chosen chief magistrate of the nation, have as clear and positive knowledge of the habits, character, and ability of the man as has the writer hereof, it is doubtful if many would be so loud in their laudations."

Origin of Article: Chicago Times

(Column 05)

Summary: Reports on the day's impeachment proceedings.

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Vocal Concert
(Column 01)

Summary: R. A. McClure will conduct a concert of the Fayetteville Musical Association to be performed in the old Brick Church.
(Names in announcement: R. A.McClure)

Burglars About
(Column 01)

Summary: James Duffield had $145 stolen from the lower drawer of his bureau stand. The thief exited the house's front door in the middle of the night.
(Names in announcement: JamesDuffield)

Passing Counterfeit Money
(Column 02)

Summary: M. W. Houser arrested a man named P. D. Ostrander for passing counterfeit money. H. B. Davison committed him to jail.
(Names in announcement: M. W.Houser, P. D.Ostrander, H. B.Davison)

(Column 02)

Summary: Praises the efforts of the local YMCA to raise funds to construct a library. Calls on the wealthy patrons of the town to back the YMCA to stimulate greater dedication to the arts. Gives some examples of Alexander the Great to further their case.

Full Text of Article:

The young men who are now attempting to form a Young Mens Christian Association in our town, contemplate having a library and reading room. If they are successful in their benevolent enterprise of forming the association, and it is thought by some persons, that the library will be a public one.

Now there is surely no one who will act in opposition to this movement nor fail to contribute largely to its being successfully "carried out."

The advantage of a Public Library is obvious, and it is the duty of every citizen, especially those favored pecuniarily, to heartily co-operate with the excellent gentlemen of the society and assist them to raise money and books, and you who do, will, perhaps, be rewarded by seeing some young friend, who had formerly been in the habit of passing his leisure hours in the billiard saloon, or upon the street corners, in the society of the vulgar and ignorant, spend them afterward in the library--which you helped to construct--with intelligent and religious friends.

There are also, in our town, persons of limited means who being too poor to purchase such books as they desire, and who are too noble to become book borrowers, are therefore, ofttimes without literature of any kind.

Hence, it becomes every one to lend a helping hand that those who have a desire to cultivate their intellects by a proper course of reading, may do so without paying an extravagant price for books or periodical literature. If some of our wealthy citizens were as generous as the benevolent Mr. Peabody, the Young Mens Christian Association would be presented with a sum sufficient to purchase a library, but as that would be almost miraculous, we presume the young gentlemen of the society will hardly wait in idleness for the advent of so extraordinary an event.

We, therefore, again urge all those who are at all interested in the mental and material progress of our people, to also aid the society by donations, whilst they countenance it with words. But should the people donate ever so liberally money alone will not be adequate to sustain or impart vigor to the enterprise. The society wants the learned and brilliant men of our town to come forth from their philosophical retirement, and lend the charm of their presence to the grand and noble project. We are of the opinion that the personal efforts of the brilliant Mr. S---or the profound Dr. K---would be of immense value to the association.

This is truly a utilitarian age, but it needs the fostering influence and refining touch of erudition to shape popular thought and to instruct mankind. The apocalyptic vision of the seer of Patmos--they rest not day nor night--should be remembered and cause those who possess talents and accomplishments to work, tho' not for themselves alone, but for Humanity.

When Alexander the Great was a boy, he was grieved at his father's success as a warrior and told his play-fellows "my father will leave me nothing to do", but they answered, "he conquers all for thee." "But what good," says Alexander, "will it do me, to possess much and do nothing."

A noble ambition is profitable to society; otherwise, the arts would languish and the sciences would be neglected. The desire of immortality and the satisfaction accruing from noble actions, should encourage us more than pecuniary rewards or the attainment of great riches.

Alexander gave kingdoms away as fast as he conquered them, and reserved for himself no reward for his labor but the victory of having surmounted them.

In conclusion, to the young gentlemen of the society, we would say, do not be discouraged by adverse fortune. "The mills of the Gods grind slowly." It may be sometime before your society becomes a thing of greatness, but if you are valiant workers you will doubtlessly, eventually be victorious, and afterward be rewarded by Him who is Sovereign of the Universe.

(Column 04)

Summary: John Bechthold and Hannah Jane Bitner, daughter of Jacob Bitner, both from near Marion, were married on March 16th by the Rev. Dr. Schneck.
(Names in announcement: JohnBechthold, Hannah JaneBitner, JacobBitner, Rev.Schneck)

(Column 04)

Summary: Caesar Ball and Mary Williams, both of Chambersburg, were married on March 16th by the Rev. Dr. Schneck.
(Names in announcement: CaeserBall, MaryWilliams, Dr.Schneck)

(Column 04)

Summary: Daniel Stoops and Miss Mary E. Miller, both of Quincy, were married on March 22nd by the Rev. H. Stonehouse. The ceremony took place in the residence of the bride's parents.
(Names in announcement: DanielStoops, Mary E.Miller, Rev.H.Stonehouse)

(Column 04)

Summary: T. W. Harry and Phebe C. Beers, both of Dry Run, were married on March 18th by the Rev. William A. West.
(Names in announcement: T. W.Harry, Phebe C.Beers, Rev.William A.West)

(Column 04)

Summary: Jacob Penti, of Scotland, and Miss Caroline Glass, of Greenvillage, were married on March 24th by the Rev. W. Howe.
(Names in announcement: JacobPenti, CarolineGlass, Rev.W.Howe)

(Column 04)

Summary: Rush Vandyke Maddan died near Loudon on March 15th. he was 12 years old.
(Names in announcement: Rush VandykeMaddan)

(Column 04)

Summary: Emma F. Carbaugh died near Cove Gap on March 23rd. She was 16 years old.
(Names in announcement: Emma F.Carbaugh)

(Column 04)

Summary: Sarah Burk died near Dry Run on March 20th. She was 64 years old.
(Names in announcement: SarahBurk)

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Description of Page: Agricultural advice and advertisements appear on this page.