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Valley of the Shadow

Staunton Spectator, July 26, 1870

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Voters of Augusta
(Column 04)

Summary: Anonymous writer "Augusta" responded to "Progress"'s articles by attacking the proposed subscription to the Valley Railroad. Told voters that it would raise taxes and put control of the railroad in the hands of outsiders. Also charged "Progress" with deceiving Augusta citizens into thinking the Railroad will provide jobs when the Railroad companies will merely bring in Chinese labor. Warned voters to go out and vote against the subscription lest a minority of citizens foist the railroad upon the whole county.

Full Text of Article:

"Both sides should be heard,," is the sentiment of an honest Editor, who is strongly in favor of the Valley Rail Road, in response to an article by "Progress", who complains very bitterly, that the Editor of the Spectator should have admitted an article opposed to the present system of building the Road. What a terrible thing it would be for the free and intelligent voters of the good county of Augusta to be subjected to the caprice, and under the control of a set of Rail Road sharpers, who would rob us of our rights and dearest priveleges -- the right to see and examine for ourselves the arguments pro and con upon every question of public policy and have us as slaves to be the victims of their affirmations and promises. When these men use taunting words, which mean little when uttered -- because both sides of the important question are now before the people -- are we not strongly to suspect some mischief working near us? We hardly think you are prepared to embrace their glittering phantom for substantial truth, and we desire to give you this friendly notice, and ask you to examine this important question of voting $300,000 as you would your own private business. It is your real duty, and we think the least credulous may see there exists something like a conspiracy among the Rail Road sharpers against the best interests of the county. We would advise you to read carefully the article of "Progress." We are now and always have been in favor of the Valley Rail Road, and also the Shenandoah Rail Road, and we are in favor of good county Roads. Let us have them all, but we are opposed to the present system of building the Valley Rail Road, and it is to this important question we would direct your attention.

On the 6th of August you will be called upon to vote to place your land under contribution for 30 years to a greedy foreign corporation. We consider this purely a business question, and all we desire is to give you the facts, that you may, on the 6th of August, vote with your eyes open, as you would buy a horse or an ox from your neighbor, but not from mere impulse; do that only which will promote your interest. The most remarkable performance of these gentlemen to carry their project and insure success, is the care with which they have prepared a bill, in Staunton, and sent it to the Legislature with the following provisions:

1st. A majority vote, instead of three-fifths, should carry the subscription of $300,000.

2nd. The Town of Staunton, with 900 votes, which has already, by a separate vote, subscribed $100,000, should say whether the county should subscribe $300,000.

And the Legislature has made it lawful for the Town of Staunton to say your property shall be taxed. Is not this an outrageous proposition -- is not their mischief in the design -- is there not cheating going on to entrap the people of the county into the $300,000 subscription. We need not tell you who is doing all this -- you know full well. Is not the question assuming a startling aspect when such tricks are resorted to, to seize the county and hand it over to the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road. If these schemes are accomplished, alas, alas for the county of Augusta. We think all good men will agree with us that the bonds of the county should be issued with great caution, and only where at least a majority of the legal voters of the county shall order them. If this is not the case what security has any man of his property. We don't desire to find any fault with our Representatives in Richmond, but when a fault certainly has been committed, attended with so much evil to the county, we have a right to complain of our Representatives, and we do think our Representatives should have protected the county from this enormity, and not have suffered 900 votes of the Town to tax the property of the county. We can not say in this case, "well done good and faithful servants."

The order of the Court fixing the 6th day of August, as the day of voting in the county, also orders a poll to be opened in the Town of Staunton, to say, whether the county shall subscribe $300,000.

Oh, the shame! the shame!

These gentlemen are not in the habit of working without any eye to profit. They have strained every faculty and nerve in this labor of weeks and months, and is this all with a disinterested regard for your interests? Is there a Valley Rail Road Company? Let us examine this for a moment. After the charter for a Valley Rail Road was passed by the Legislature of Virginia, there was a meeting held in the Court House at Staunton, and in order to save the charter, there was $100,000 of stock subscribed, and a President and Directors elected, when it will cost five millions of dollars to build the Road. This looks very much like there was a Valley Rail Road Company. But if you could see the letters and dispatches which have passed between the President of the Valley Rail Road and the President of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, we think you would conclude with Mr. Garrett, that the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road is building the Valley Rail Road. We say this is purely a business question, and we should make the best bargain for the county we can. The Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road and the Pennsylvania Central are two great rival corporations, both rich and powerful -- both have charters for a road through the county -- both have surveyed their routes, the Valley Rail Road on the West, and the Shenandoah on the East side of the county -- both are struggling to build their rival roads. Both of these Roads are desirable to the county, so that one part of the county will not rise up against the other, and their interests clash, and sectional feelings be engendered. In order to have harmony let us vote down the $300,000 to the Valley Rail Road on the 6th of August, and canvass this important question with a view to both Roads. We propose a systematic organization on the part of the county. Let our supervisors meet at an early day, and by correspondence with the President of these two Roads, have the true merit of each laid before the county without prejudice, and we say to both Roads, that the people of Augusta ask for nothing for which they do not offer an equivalent. But we do not mean to be bound down by fetters and be quietly devoured by either Road. In view of the near approach of the election, the 6th day of August, and the determination to resort to any expedient to carry this subscription, we most earnestly appeal to every voter to come out. Remember the 900 votes of Staunton. -- Let us hold Township meetings and agree upon some plan to get out a full vote. The friends of the subscription don't want any excitement. They expect to carry the $300,000 by the votes of those who have no taxes to pay and the 900 votes of Staunton, with the promise that it will give them work. But they too will be deceived, for already it is stated that the Chesapeake & Ohio Rail Road intend to employ immediately one thousand Chinese to work on their Road, and Chinese will be employed to build the Valley Road also.

So vote in the interests of those who are now giving you employment. If you stay away from the polls and suffer the subscription to be carried, you will have 30 long years in which to reproach yourselves. Let us then for once, join hands over a common cause.


Railroads and Taxation
(Column 05)

Summary: Anonymous writer "Progress" made another plea for Augusta citizens to subscribe to the Valley Railroad. Pointed out that all other counties which appropriated money for internal improvements gained wealth and prosperity far beyond the taxes needed to carry them out. Urged Virginians not to let their state fall into depression just to save a few cents in taxes.

Full Text of Article:

Let any one examine a Rail Road map of the United States, and he will at once see that Virginia has fewer lines of Road in proportion to her population and extent of Territory than any other State in the Union. Then let him consult the statistics of the U.S. Census and he will find that those States which have been the most liberal in appropriations to internal improvements and have taxed themselves the most for the purpose are now the most prosperous and have the least public debts, while Virginia has made the least appropriation, taxed herself the least, is now the most destitute and has the largest public debt in proportion to her wealth and population. These are significant facts and tell their own tale. Verily, in material as in spiritual things, there is that giveth and yet increaseth and there is that withholdeth more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty. Had Virginia taxed herself 60 years ago to complete the James River and Kanawha Canal, and 40 years ago to build the Chesapeake & Ohio Rail Road Norfolk would now be what New York City is, and the State of Virginia even far ahead of the now Empire State of the North, for her natural advantages were much greater; nor has New York felt her taxation half so much as the State of Virginia, for those taxes brought their own means of payment by the diffusion of capital and stimulation of enterprise. -- The mistakes of the past may be excused for they had not the light of experience on these subjects, but the present generation cannot be excused for going to mill with their wheat in one end of the sack and a sone in the other to balance it, because their fathers went that way. To continue in that course of folly and ruin is sinning against light and knowledge and will bring its own retribution. We will continue to sink in the scale of material wealth until we will be driven by poverty to seek a living in other countries, (how many thousands of the sons of Virginia have already been) and a more enterprising people will come in and develope the resources and enjoy the blessings which we have foolishly rejected. God never meant that the boundless material wealth of Virginia should be kept locked up from the world by the people of Virginia. We can no longer act this dog in the manger policy. We must either develope these resources or give place to those who will. If we wait for others to build our Railroads, we will find that they also, will possess our lands and reap the benefits. People of Augusta, the time has come for you to decide whether you will fall into line and take your place in the front rank of progress and prosperity, or shut yourselves out and drag along in the old "from hand to mouth" track. On the 6th of August the destiny of Augusta county will be settled for many years to come; are you going to show to the world that you have learned wisdom from the past, or will you stick to the old "skinflint" policy, and keep yourselves and your county poor to save a few cents taxes? The writer knows that your own prosperity and that of the Valley of Virginia is depending upon your voting for the subscription, and he would earnestly urge you not to commit the folly, the absolute madness of defeating the subscription, and thereby throwing away the $2,900,000 liberally subscribed by others, and which you reject by refusing to subscribe your quota.


The Republican Party in Danger
(Column 06)

Summary: Reported on the growing factionalism in the Republican party. Said moderates growing tired of Radical measures concerning blacks and wished to put the country on the course for reconciliation.

Full Text of Article:

The New York Times, (Republican,) in referring to the course of the Republican factions in the two branches of Congress, intimates very strongly that the extremists are not reflecting truly the sentiments of the people, and are devoting too much time to their sable friends and auxiliaries. The Times thinks that "the negro has ceased to be a central figure," and that attention is due to other great interests. Besides, it believes that the party is in danger of experiencing a crisis in its fate that will be fatal to its hopes of future supremacy. The harsh measures that have been applied to the South, and the still harsher measures -- of which there seems to be no end -- that are daily occupying the thoughts of the Radical ministers of vengeance, will not, in the opinion of the Times, secure "pacification," nor even preserve the harmony of the party much longer. Says the Times:

"Both houses are arrayed in two factions, the one seeking to inaugurate new and harsh measures towards the South, and the other to secure pacification, and to construct some wise and prudent policy independently of the old issues of the war. There is no question how the great body of the people stand as between the two. They are tired of the struggle which has so long existed with regard to the negro, and desire to march with the times. The world does not stand still, although the Republican party may. We must deal with the live questions of the hour."

Reduce the Taxes
(Column 06)

Summary: The article argued that the United States debt was decreasing, and, as a result, the present tax-burden should be reduced. Both sections were still suffering from the war, and expected growth will help pay down the debt much easier in the future.

Origin of Article: Whig

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Our Correspondent "Augusta"
(Column 01)

Summary: While he wished to print articles from both sides of the issue, the editor came out in favor of the Valley Railroad. Responded to the arguments of the railroad's opponents and insisted the county would benefit greatly if the voters supported subscription.

Full Text of Article:

So far as we have been concerned, we have kept our columns open, as well to the friends as to the opponents of the Valley Railroad subscription. As for ourselves, we are in favor of the subscription, and think the voters of the county should endorse it. We consider it to be a matter of vital importance that this question should be settled now and finally. We do not understand what our correspondent proposes. He says vote down the subscription and then "canvass the important question with a view to both roads."

We regret the tone and spirit of the article of "Augusta." He speaks of a set of "Railroad sharpers" and of "something like a conspiracy among the Railroad sharpers against the best interests of the county." This language is harsh and uncalled for, so far as our information extends. The Valley Railroad Central Committee, whose address we published last week, is made up of some of the best men in the county--men whom the whole county has been wont to confide in. Certainly they are not "Railroad sharpers."

Again: "Augusta" seems to think the town of Staunton ought not to vote to tax the county. If the town votes for the tax it will vote to tax its own property ratably and equally with that of the county, to pay the debt. The right vote and the duty to pay go hand in hand. Nearly one-tenth of the whole tax will be paid by the town. "Augusta" seems also to think a majority vote can carry the tax. He is mistaken; it will require a three-fifths vote, just as the law has always been.

Again: This will be no "contribution to a greedy corporation." It will be a subscription of stock, to be owned by the county, voted on by the county, and the dividends on which will come into the county Treasury.

The county of Augusta will stand on the same footing as Rockbridge, Botetourt, Roanoke, Staunton, and the city of Baltimore; and they, together will have full power to govern and control the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, even if it wished us evil.

Again: "Is there a company?" We are informed there is. But if there is not, the subscription of Augusta county will make a Company, with at least $3,200,000 of valid capital--that will suffice. The charter of the Valley Railroad Company was not subject to forfeiture in any specified time.

To the People of Augusta County
(Column 04)

Summary: The Executive Committee of the Valley Railroad called on the citizens of Augusta to aid them in putting on a barbecue for the friends of the road.
(Names in announcement: William A.Burke, S. T.Phillips, W. H.Gorman)

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[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: Printed a correction by saying Jeremiah W. Hall, not Hale, has been made post-master at Mt. Solon.
(Names in announcement: Jeremiah W.Hall)

[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: Charles W. Turner, formerly of Staunton and son of Prof. A. J. Turner, was nominated Democratic candidate for the office of superintendent of public instruction in Meagher County, Montana.
(Names in announcement: Charles W.Turner, Prof.A. J.Turner)

Valley Railroad Meeting
(Column 01)

Summary: A "large and enthusiastic" meeting in favor of the $300,000 subscription to the Valley Railroad was held at the Court House yesterday.
(Names in announcement: Col.Harman, Col.Baldwin, A. H. H.Stuart, Dr.C. R.Harris, Gen.Echols)

[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: The Rev. William A. Harris, President of the Wesleyan Female Institute, purchased the residence and grounds of Mr. George M. Cochran, Sr., for $25,000. He planned to add another building to the property and use both for the school.
(Names in announcement: Rev.William A.Harris, George M.CochranSr.)

The Valley Railroad
(Column 01)

Summary: "Progress" wrote to the Spectator arguing that the benefits of the proposed Valley Railroad far outweigh the costs.

Full Text of Article:

For the Spectator

The following facts and figures have been collected from authentic sources and with great care and may be depended upon as correct:

The subscription asked from Augusta county is $300,000, for which the county is to issue its bonds payable in twenty years, with an annual interest of $18,000, and for which the county is to receive of the capital stock of the road $300,000.

The Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company have proposed to lease the Valley Rail Road for twenty years, from the time it is completed for 6 per cent on the cost of building, thus guaranteeing an income to the road equal to the interest on the bonds.

The whole amount necessary to build the Road will be completed by this subscription, and ensure the completion of the Road in two years from the time the county gives the bonds.

The present value of the stock of twelve Rail Road Companies, as shown by sales in Baltimore and New York during the present month, of Roads having no greater advantages than the Valley Rail Road, show an average of 104 1/2 or 4 1/2 per cent premium. This brings us to the following estimate:

The county bonds $300,000
Interest for 20 years 360,000
Total $660,000
Rent from the B. & O. on the guaranteed profits of the stock for 18 years $324,000
Value of stock of the county 314,000
Total $638,000
Balance for the county to pay $22,000

But as the two years interest has to be paid before the Road is completed and the $14,000 of profit or stock cannot be realized until the Road is in operation, therefore the amount to be raised by taxes is $36,000 in two years or $18,000 each year.

The value of taxable property real and personal of Augusta county in 1868, was over $12,000,000 and it is confidently estimated now by our best financiers, that its present value is $15,000,000. If we take the estimate at $12,000,000 the necessary tax to raise the $18,000 of interest will be 15 cents on the $100 of property and at $15,000,000 it will be only 12 cents on the $100 or less than 1/2 of 1 per cent for two years only.

Thus it is demonstrated beyond the possibility of a doubt that for the small addition to your tax for two years of 12 cents on the $100 you can secure all the benefits and profits of the Road and the distribution of $1,360,000 in the county while making the Road, add to the value of your property from 25 to 50 per cent and give you from $10 to $20 profit for every dollar you pay in tax. These are facts which can be proven by evidence that would stand the test of any Court of Justice--facts that cannot be refuted. Be wise then in time and vote for your own interest, the interest of the county, and reject the advice of the penny wise and pound foolish, who would skin a flint for a cent and spoil a knife worth sixpence.


Valley Railroad
(Column 02)

Summary: A grand mass-meeting and barbecue will be held on July 30th in support of the Valley Railroad. The vote on the proposed subscription will go forward on August 6th. A list of the members of the meeting committee accompanied the notice.
(Names in announcement: D. A.Kayser, John M.Hardy, S. A.Houshour, John M.Carroll, W. A.Reed, W. A.Pratt, N. P.Catlett, G. G.Bunch, P. B.Sublett, H. O.Southards, James H.Waters, Capt.William L.Balthis, William J.Nelson, Dr.N.Wayt, Dr.WilliamMcChesney, C. W. S.Turner, Mrs.N.Opie, Mrs. JudgeThompson, Mrs.W. P.Tate, Mrs.D. W.Drake, Mrs.George P.Baker, Mrs.JedHotchkiss, Mrs.R. H.Catlett, Mrs.M. A.Miller, Mrs.WilliamFrazier, Mrs.J. C.Marquis, Mrs.A. F.Kinney, Mrs.H.Kerr, Mrs.D. E.Strasburg, Mrs. Dr.Wayt, Mrs.W. W.Donaghe, Mrs.A. M.Fauntleroy, Mrs.R. W.Burke, Mrs.J. N.Ryan, Mrs.S. A.Richardson, Mrs.P. B.Sublett, Mrs.George E.Price, Mrs.I.Wirz, Mrs.Venable, Mrs.A.Lynn, Mrs.J. C.Covel, Mrs.G. F.Elick, Mrs.P. B.Hoge, Mrs.W. H.Tams, Mrs.John K.Woods, Mrs.M. G.Harman, Mrs.RobertCowan, Mrs.R.Summerson, Mrs.H. M.Bell, Mrs.J. B.Baldwin, Mrs.K. M.Kelly, Mrs.RichardHawkins, Mrs.J. W.Alby, Mrs.J. B.SchererJr., Mrs.JohnDonovan, Mrs.R. E.Burke, Mrs.B.Bolen, Mrs.W. A.Harris, Mrs.W. A.Pratt, Mrs.James W.Crawford, Mrs.R. M.Guy, Mrs.M. H.Effinger, Mrs.W. J.Nelson, Mrs.D. A.Kayser, Mrs.N. K.Trout, Mrs.JohnEchols, Mrs.H. B.Michie, Mrs.W. B.Kayser, MissSallieFuller, MissE.Baylor, MissSueMurray, MissBellTaylor, MissElizaKinney, MissFlorencePhillips, MissLouSchmitt, MissMaryHurley, MissMattieWise, MissGusseStuart, MissMaryBledsoe, MissWarden, MissLucyGuy, MissMattieGilkeson, Mrs.F. M.Young, SamCroft, W. H.Baily, EdSheay, C. G.Miller, WilliamSwink, W. J. D.Bell, E. M.Cushing, John A.Harman, JacobBaylor, MikeMcAlear, G. W.Swoope, A. W.Harman, JamesLohr, Mrs.John A.Harman, D. T.Doom, John W.Doom, J. R.Merriken, F. B.Talley, D. S.Beach, Mrs.D. C.McGuffin, Mrs.E. W.Bayley, Mrs.P. O.Palmer, John N.Opie, Mrs.LewisHarman, Mrs.D.Fultz, Mrs.C.Parker, Mrs.William F.Ast, MissEmmaBell, D.Kunkle, William F.Smith, AugBlouth, A. S.Turk, John D.Lilly, Mrs.D.Kunkle, Mrs.A. A.Sproul, Mrs.C. J.Cameron, Mrs.JohnChristian, Mrs.J. J.Martin, Mrs.WilliamLewis, Mrs.JamesBumgardner, Mrs.C. G.Merritt, Mrs.J. R.Grove, Mrs.G. W.Cochran, MissR.Buckhanan, Dr.T. W.Shelton, JamesPatrick, R. C.Logan, W. B.Gallaher, James A.Clinedinst, Mrs.A.Koiner, Mrs.JamesLewis, Mrs.P.Schmucker, Mrs.WilliamChapman, MissSallieWayland, J. R.Parkins, D. B.Hinton, E. L.Edmonson, JohnRamsey, N. E.Lyman, ThomasBurke, Dr.H. B.Christian, Dr.S.Kennerly, Mrs.I. J.Parkins, Mrs.W. M.Wilson, Mrs.J. C.McCue, Mrs.C. A.Roller, Mrs.C. G.Grattan, Mrs.A.Shumake, Mrs.E. L.Edmondson, Mrs.John O.Ramsey, MissAliceWoodward, MissM. M.Burke, J. M.McCue, Capt.S.Paul, J. G.FultonJr., A. J.Deakins, D. F.Mohler, WilliamWooddell, Mrs.J. M.McCue, Mrs.D. N.Vanlear, Mrs.SamuelForrer, Mrs.John G.Fulton, Mrs.J. A.Hamrick, Mrs.T. S.Hogshead, Mrs.T. J.White, Mrs.WilliamWooddell, Samuel H.Bell, LorenzoSibert, W. M.Tate, William T.Crawford, WilliamArmstrong, J. W.Sitlington, J. S.Guy, Mrs.S. H.Bell, Mrs.W. M.Tate, Mrs.M. S.Cease, Mrs.WilliamArmstrong, Mrs.R. S.Craig, Mrs.Lackey, Mrs.Joseph H.Snead, Mrs.W. T.Crawford, Mrs.BrownAllen, Mrs.E.Geeding, Mrs.F. F.Sterritt, Mrs.J. W.Sitlington, Mrs.John G.Stover, Mrs.D. N.Seig, MissBettieShaw, MissHodge, MissA.Woodward, MissJohnShuff, MissWilliamKunkle, William A.Burke, S. T.Phillips, William H.Gorman)

Sub-Committees to Canvass Townships for the Subscription to the Valley R. R.
(Column 02)

Summary: The paper printed a list of men appointed to canvass Augusta County in support of the proposed stock subscription to the Valley Railroad.
(Names in announcement: Capt.J.BumgardnerJr., WilliamFrazier, BenjaminCrawford, Col.R. H.Catlett, R. W.Burke, W. H. H.Lynn, A. N.Breckenridge, S. A.Hoshour, P. H.Trout, W. H.Tams, W. J.Nelson, George E.Price, John B.SchererJr., D. A.Kayser, W. D.Lushbaugh, Capt.W. L.Balthis, R. M.Guy, Dr.J. W.Harris, C. W.Stafford, H. B.Michie , B. T.Bagby, J. F.Effinger, W. H.Watts, George A.Smith, Dr.W. S.McChesney, J. C.Gayer, A. H.Fultz, N. B.Hendry, John S.Lipscomb, John B.Hoge, M. H.Effinger, Capt.T. D.Ranson, JohnDonovan, S. H.Hilb, R. H.Fisher, HeberKer, James W.Crawford, CharlesTrayer, J. A.Moore, J. L.Timberlake, W. L.Herr, Capt.W. H.Sale, J. E.Hanger, W. J.Keller, William J. D.Bell, Col.J.Baylor, Capt.E. W.Bailey, A.Anderson, Col.William A.Bell, H. L.Opie, D. R.Williams , W. W.DonagheJr., Fred L.Fultz, JohnTrimble, Dr.Walters, Capt.P. O.Palmer, St F. C.Roberts, WilliamTaylor, R. B.Swoope, HenryEidsonJr., JohnSnapp, G.Child, T. J.Mitchell, C. T.Palmer, Thomas P.Eskridge, H. P.Dickerson, A. D.Wren, John M.Kinney, William J.Shumate, J. WaytBell, John N.Opie, Maj.John A.Harman, D. C.McGuffin, Col.A. W.Harman, William F.Ast, WilliamCrawford, Capt.T. J.Burke, John H.Parkins, I. J.Parkins, A. T.Grooms, D. B.Hinton, Maj.JamesWalker, J. C.Roller, W. P.Sheets, S. M.Crawford, A.Shumake, JohnathanSheets, Charles S.Roller, D. B.Hyde, Dr.H. B.Christian, E. B.Burke, Maj.William W.Wilson, E. L.Edmonson, HughConnell, N. E.Lyman, RobertKenny, Capt.C. G.Grattan, Dr.S.Kennerly, AbsalomKoiner, JohnHamilton, GeorgeBateman, W. A.Abney, A. G.Christian, J. T.Maupin, JacobForrer, JacobWisler, Dr.T. W.Shelton, Rev.J.Killian, Maj.G. B.Stuart, H. L.Gallagher, WilliamChapman, W. W.Clinedinst, W. B.Gallagher, Dr.T. G.Dellinger, Samuel H.Steele, F. M.Finley, JamesPatrick, Col.D. S.Bell, R. C.Logan, Capt.E.Bateman, WilliamHamilton, W. A.Mann, CharlesWithrow, M. W. D.Hogshead, R. N.Carson, William F.Smith, J. D.McGuffin, AdamHawpe, J. S.Lightner, John J.Larew, WilliamRoan, A. A.Sproul, DavidKunkle, J. ThomasMcClure, J. A.Bumgardner, A.Blauth, Capt.C. G.Merrith, William T.Bush, A. S.Turk, WilliamSteele, Capt.J. J.Martin, JamesBumgardnerSr., JohnChristian, Thomas A.Lightner, C. J.Cameron, Col.J. D.Lilley, JohnLarew, JohnFauber, Col.J. MarshallMcCue, N. L.Blakemore, D. N.Van Lear, Capt.SamuelPaul, Prof.T. J.White, GeorgeCraun, SamuelForrer, Dr.Robeson, J. G.Fulton, R. H.Dudley, Dr.Trevy, J. H.Plecker, WilliamHowell, D. E.Mohler, FrankDavis, Dr.William H.Davis, P. H.Wheeler, Maj.J. H.Ervin, R. A.Curry, JamesTodd, Capt.W. H.Gamble, ChesleyKinney, J. A.Hamrick, James F.Byers, Thomas S.Hogshead, GeorgeDunlap, Capt.T. H.Drytlen, LorenzoSibert, D. B.Taylor, KennerlyCraig, A. K.Clayton, S. E.Mugen, J. W.Sitlington, N.Ryan, JamesCross, BrownAllen, J. G.Stover, EphrGeeding, Maj.William M.Tate, Samuel H.Bell, M. S.Cease, W. D.Rippetoe, M.Lackey, HenryForrer, WilliamKunkle, WilliamArmstrong, R. S.Craig, B. O.Furgeson, JohnShouff, K. F.Wallace, CalebGrone, Dr.D.Bashaw, LukeWoodward, L. R.Boswell, J. S.Guy, G. W.McCutchen, Col.F. F.Sterrett, C. S.Thompson, A.Knowles, Dr.A.Wilson, A. B.Lightner, JohnReudebush, D. A.Seig)

(Column 03)

Summary: George Harman Snapp, infant son of Archibald K. and Sarah C. Snapp, died in Staunton on July 17th. He was 5 months old.
(Names in announcement: George HarmanSnapp, Archibald K.Snapp, Sarah C.Snapp)

(Column 03)

Summary: John B. Gibson died near Fishersville at the residence of his father, Mr. Overton Gibson. "The writer knew much of this young man in health and in disease. A brighter and better character never lived in our midst. He possessed every noble element which belongs to the gentleman, the man of business and the devout christian. He was truly a stay and comfort to his aged father and motherless brothers and sisters, whose irreparable loss with that of a whole community, they must feel most deeply." The notice also included an account of his death-bed scene, where he bade farewell to family and friends.
(Names in announcement: John B.Gibson, OvertonGibson)

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