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Staunton Spectator, June 16, 1868

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Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
(Column 05)

Summary: "Alleghany" writes to the Spectator to point out the importance of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad in linking Virginia with the West.

Monstrosity of the Constitution
(Column 06)

Summary: Article asserting that "Africanizing Virginia" is the "vile purpose" of the constituion. It itemizes the rights African-Americans would obtain, and argues they would shoulder none of the tax burden because of their control of public office.

Origin of Article: Examiner and Enquirer

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Meeting To-morrow--Turn Out
(Column 01)

Summary: Advertises a meeting of the Conservative party in Augusta, where the Conservative candidate for Governor, Col. Withers, will be speaking.

Full Text of Article:

To-morrow, Wednesday, June 17th, is the day appointed for the noble and gallant standard-bearers of the Conservative party of Virginia to address, in this place, the citizens of Augusta county. Col. Withers, the nominee for Governor, will certainly be here, and it is probable that the other candidates on the State ticket will also be here, and likewise Col. Marmaduke Johnson, Shelton F. Leake and Coleman Yellott, as they were appointed to be here at that time. It is due to the cause, due to themselves, and due to Col. Withers, who is acting so well his part of the duties and labors imposed upon him, that the citizens should turn out to attend the meetings appointed by the Executive Committee of the Conservative party of the State. These meetings are the appointed agencies through which the State of Virginia is to be saved, if at all, from Radical rule and negro domination. To make these agencies efficient, the people must attend the meetings.

If our citizens were actuated by no higher or better motive than the enjoyment of pleasure they would be amply repaid for the time spent in attending the meeting by the able, patriotic, and eloquent addresses which they would hear. Col. Withers is doing noble service. He is faithfully filling his appointments, and is enlightening and arousing the people.

We would say to the ladies that Col. Withers is just that style of man which should inspire admiration in woman's bosom. He is noble and true, brave and gallant, sans peur et sans reproche, of commanding form and handsome person, and last, though not least, he is the possessor of six times as many domestic jewels as the famous mother of the Gracchi, ten of which are daughters.

The unanimous preference of the women of Virginia must be for Withers, for there is not one of them so much of a goose as to prefer the Michi-gander, his competitor for gubernatorial honors.

The meeting will be held at the Court House at 11 o'clock A.M. Let the attendence be punctual.

Spectator for Only $1
(Column 01)

Summary: The Spectator will lower its price to $1 during the campaign to ensure that the conservative message is spread as far as possible.

How the Negroes treat the Whites
(Column 01)

Summary: Argues that the history of Liberia and Haiti prove the "incompatability of the races in the exercise of political privileges", and illustrates the danger of granting blacks suffrage so soon after slavery.

Full Text of Article:

Where the negroes have the political power, they not only deny the whites the privilege of suffrage, but do not allow them to own land.--The Dispatch says: "In Hayti, a negro country, no white man can own land. He is a disfranchised being -- a pariah who is reprobated and forbidden. In the Government of Liberia, founded by the white people of America, the laws are not more liberal. There no one is allowed to vote who is not of African descent, and no one but a voter can acquire or possess real estate in the Republic. Thus no white man can vote or hold real estate in Liberia, a Republic which was, as we say, established by the white people of this country, and has been the especial pet of the American philanthropists. And moreover, the United States is bound by treaty to protect this Liberia from the hostile neighboring African tribes.

Here is something to reflect upon. This exclusion of white men from Liberia was beyond question the suggested policy of the white founders of that country. It grew out of the evident incompatibility of the races, and the white founders desired to protect their infant colony from the troubles that assuredly would follow the intrusion of a number of whites amongst them.

The same idea was instinctively impressed upon the Haytians, and they have rigidly enforced it since they came into possession of the Government by their murdering the white people to whom the island had belonged!

Yet what do we behold here? A denial by the United States Government of the principle of incompatibility of the races in the exercise of political privileges, and an attempt absolutely to place the negro in control of the white race! So great an outrage on nature and common sense has not been known in the history of government -- nor has there been in the history of this country an act which is so disastrous to the national peace and the national prosperity as this enfranchising the black man and making him a voter immediately after he is taken out of a state of slavery!

Peace and Reaction
(Column 02)

Summary: An article from the Petersburg Index, claiming that the Radicals have maintained power by promising to work for peace, but that their policies have created distubances throughout the South.

Full Text of Article:

In an article upon this subject, the Petersburg Index says: "The Republican party has for five years endeavored, in its own way, to restore to the country unity and peace. It has failed. It is the sword-sustained Southern governments, the destroyed Southern labor, the hybrid Southern administrations, the subordination of Southern capital to irresponsible vagabonds, the entrustment of political power in the South to a horde of ignorant brutes -- it is these things which have given rise to all the late National troubles; for in accomplishment of these results the Republican party, represented by Congress, has disregarded the Constitution, depleted the Treasury, muzzled the Supreme Court, disarmed the Presidency, and done all these other acts of usurpation which have made of peace, war, and of hope, despair. Having brought the country to the verge of ruin, it asks for an extension of power in which to complete it -- it asks for peace where there is no peace, and deprecates reaction as dangerous--why? Simply because in reaction is the grave of Radicalism, and the cradle of newborn freedom.

The Democracy of the land has entrusted to it the duty of obtaining Peace. That is the boon for which it has longed throughout these weary years, while Radicalism has been making war upon all that was worth preserving of our Republican institutions. It is to obtain Peace that we enter the lists, and nothing but a return to a Constitutional basis will ever bring the consummation so devoutly to be wished.

It will not satisfy Democracy to secure control of the Government merely to leniently execute unconstitutional Radical measures.

It will not satisfy Democracy to come into possession of and perpetuate a Union pinned together by Radical bayonets.

It will not satisfy Democracy to administer Radical theories, to put a new Sinbad on the Southern neck, and to win the privelege of experiencing all the consequences of uncorrected Radical mistakes.

It will not satisfy Democracy to inherit negro suffrage from the dead Radicals, and to control a black man's vote in that Hall in which Douglas declared that this was a white man's government, formed by white men, for white men and their children forever.

It will not satisfy Democracy to hold the offices of the country while the South writhes under the heel of a deposed tyrant, and is ruled by a radically enthroned negro oligarchy.

No! No! NO. A thousand times NO. We will gain Peace by Reaction which shall remove the leprosy from the afflicted South. We must undo all that has been wrongly done.-- We must go back to the very day and moment when the Constitution was disregarded, and begin anew -- to build up a Union of law, of love, of peace, and of permanence, with the great Charter for its corner stone.

If such be not the purpose, avowed and resolute, with which Democracy shall enter the field, it ought to and will be beaten, and we shall have neither Reaction nor Peace.

Peace! Peace!!
(Column 02)

Summary: Claims that the proper response to the current "issue of supremacy" is not a call to peace, but rather a call to active resistance and action.

Full Text of Article:

Peace is a sweet word, but as Patrick Henry said on a memorable occasion, some cry "Peace! Peace!! when there is no peace." As the Enquirer truthfully says, it cannot be called peace when excited and embittered masses of men, divided on an issue of supremacy, an issue that admits not of compromise, an issue in which one must go down -- are confronted at close quarters. The whites are not to blame. They have sought to avoid the contest. They take it only when made up for them, and when pressed upon them.

There is "policy" in boldness now. Not mere vituperation; not the mere irritation of stinging words, but the boldness which proclaims the fixed purpose of the whites, the reasons which support it, and the necessity that compels it. The boldness which gives full warning of the consequences of the present attempt at our destruction and promises to make the warning good. The boldness which does not form the gage of battle, but declares an active and uncompromising resistance to the attempt upon our liberties and privileges; not a passive submission, nor a timid, deprecating, supplicatory opposition, half protest and half fight. Let the assailants fully understand that if they are resolved on war, they shall have it to the knife. It can do no harm: it may do good. If their purpose is wavering, it will dispose them to peace, if it is fixed, we can but come to the inevitable trial of strength.

Speaking at Louisa C. H.
(Column 02)

Summary: Alexander H. H. Stuart delivered at Louisa Court House a highly-praised speech denouncing the constitution. "He demonstrated to the negroes that the intent of the Yankees in endeavoring to array them against their white friends of the South, was to finally drive them from this country and usurp their places."
(Names in announcement: Alexander H. H.Stuart)

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: Article asserting that under the new constitution, each county would have between 60 and 200 officers to be supported by crushing taxation.

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: Article asserting that the expected inability of the state to pay the interest on the State debt is a taste of the fruits of Radical rule. "Thus is the support taken from widows and orphans who depend upon this interest, and a stab given to the credit of the State. The Virginian who sustains the Radicals is a traitor to his State, and if he votes for the Constitution, he is also a traitor not only to liberty, but to his race."

[No Title]
(Column 03)

Summary: Article asserting that the difference between Northern and Southern views on race stems from Northerners' ability to view the question theoretically, while Southerners confront it practically. If Massachusetts had the same African American population as Virginia, the editor asserts, then the people of that state would abandon their humanitarian views.

Origin of Article: Richmond Evening News

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[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: The ladies of the Lutheran Church raised $270 at their strawberry feast.

[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: Dr. Bagby, alias "Mozis Addums," will deliver his lecture on love at the Town Hall.
(Names in announcement: Dr.Bagby)

[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: Prof. A. J. Turner will conduct the annual concert of the blind pupils at the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institute.
(Names in announcement: Prof.A. J.Turner)

[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: Capt. P. O. Palmer and his "festal party" will make an excursion to Elliott's Knob. The public is invited to bring food and drink and come along.
(Names in announcement: Capt.P. O.Palmer)

Augusta Springs
(Column 01)

Summary: Mr. J. A. Hefelfinger has made great improvements to the "Augusta White Sulpher and Alum Springs," formerly known as "Stribling Springs." It is only 13 miles from Staunton, and all are encouraged to attend.
(Names in announcement: J. A.Hefelfinger)

Memorial Celebration at Staunton
(Column 02)

Summary: Describes, in pleasant terms, a memorial service performed in honor of the Confederate dead.
(Names in announcement: Mrs.RobertCowan, Rev.John L.Clarke, Rev.G. B.Taylor, Rev.Frank H.Bowman, Maj.HoraceLacy, Rev.J. I.Miller, Prof.A. J.Turner, Col.BolivarChristian, Capt.JamesBumgardner, Gen.Robert D.Lilley, Col.James H.Skinner, Maj.J. W.Newton, Capt.JohnOpie, Col.M. G.Harman, Maj.J. M.Hanger, Col.J. D.Lilley, Col.A. W.Harman)

Full Text of Article:

The third annual memorial celebration, in honor of the Confederate soldiers who fell in defence of the South, took place here on Saturday last under the auspices of the "Ladies' Memorial Association of Staunton," of which the energetic and indefatigable Mrs. Robert Cowan is the efficient President. The weather was auspicious, and great numbers were in attendence, embracing old and young, male and female, Protestant and Catholic. Before the ceremonies commenced, the Methodist Church, the most spacious in Staunton, was found to be unable to contain more than half the number who were present, and seeking admittance.

The ceremonies in the church were conducted under the auspices of Rev. John L. Clarke, Pastor in charge of the M. K. Church, South, of Staunton.

He announced, at the request of the members of the "Ladies' Memorial Association," that the services would be of a strictly religious character, and that it was their earnest wish that no demonstrations inconsistent therewith would be made, and requested the audience to refrain from indulging in demonstrations of applause.

The ceremonies were commenced by the singing of the song, "Rest, soldier, rest," by the 'Staunton Musical Association.'

An exceedingly appropriate Prayer was then offered by Rev. G. B. Taylor, pastor of the Baptist Church, of this place.

Then the audience were again favored with music by the Musical Association.

Then the orator of the day, Rev. Frank H. Bowman, Pastor of the "Union Church" (Presbyterian) of this county, delivered an address which was admirably adapted to the interesting occasion.

It was marked by appropriate sentiments, correct ideas, sound principles, good style and touching pathos, and was very well delivered. It contained no chaffy fustian, no swelling bombast, no "hifalutin" tropes, no spread-eagle metaphors, no tinseled rhetoric, no mock eloquence, no "sound and fury signifying nothing." Without describing the address more particularly, or attempting to furnish an abstract of it (for which we have not the space) we would say that, in our humble judgment, it was such in matter, style, and delivery as was appropriate to the occasion, and reflected great credit upon the speaker. We consider that it was worthy of the interesting occasion, and that we deem the highest praise.

At the conclusion of the address, the audience was again favored with excellent music by the "Staunton Musical Association."

At this time a collection was taken up for the benefit of the "Ladies' Memorial Association," during which Maj. Horace Lacy availed himself of the opportunity to deliver a brief address, in which he paid a handsome and eloquent tribute to the ladies of Fredericksburg and surrounding county for the labors they have performed in honor and in fond commemoration of the fallen Confederate soldiers, so many of whom offered their lives as sacrifices in that portion of the State so thickly furrowed with the plough-shares of war.

The collection amounted, we are sorry to say, only to the small sum of $71.75.

The benediction was then pronounced by Rev. J. I. Miller, Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Staunton. After which the large procession which marched to the cemetery, in which were, we suppose, from 1500 to 2000 persons, was formed in the following order:

1st. The "Stonewall Band," which was the band of the immortal "Stonewall brigade," which accompanied, during the war, the sainted hero, christian, and martyred General -- Thos. J. Jackson -- and the band composed of the pupils of the Blind Institution, both under the charge of Prof. A. J. Turner.

2nd. The "Augusta Fire Company," and the Fire Company of the D.D. and Blind Institutions under the charge, in procession, of Col. Bolivar Christian and Capt. Jas. Bumgardner.

3rd. The Sunday Schools of the town, under the charge, in like manner, of Gen. Robert D. Lilley and Col. James H. Skinner.

4th. The various other schools of the place-- including the Catholic schools -- under charge, in procession, of Maj. J. W. Newton and Capt. John Opie.

5th. The Ladies of the town and country under charge of Col. M. G. Harman and Maj. J. M. Hanger.

6th. The citizens generally under Col. J. D. Lilley and Col. A. W. Harman.

In this order the long procession, bearing garlands and wreaths of flowers and evergreens, marched with measured steps and slow to the "bivouac of the dead," where so many of our loved and lamented soldiers are "encamped," sleeping that profound sleep which knows no waking, and where they will silently repose till the "last trump" shall sound the rally to judgment; "for the last trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised."

On arriving at the "silent city of the dead," its narrow streets were thronged with numbers of the living, who, with loving hearts and tearful eyes, decorated the hillock homes of the dear departed with floral mementos of sincere, heartfelt affection, and evergreen tokens of undying love, honor, and gratitude. The flowers placed upon the graves of the soldiers will droop, the evergreens will decay, but the flowers of love which bloom in the hearts of their living friends and the amaranthine wreaths of affection which entwine and decorate them will never know the blighting touch of decay, but will bloom perennially, imbibing and exhaling a grateful fragrance.

'Tis meet that we should pay such annual tributes to the virtues and memories of our dear soldiers who fell in defence of our rights and liberties though alas! in vain.
They have no columns highly wrought, affection's tale to tell.
Nor marble slab nor granite shaft, to teach us how they fell.
But let this usage be observed, which we have thus begun.
And for successive ages hence descend from sire to son.
And when shaft and statue fall, 'twill honor do our braves.
When with flowers, with fair youngflows, we come and strew their graves.

When the procession was returning to Staunton, the head of it was halted at the gate of the cemetery, when Col. M. G. Harman said that money should be raised by subscription to put the cemetery in better condition -- it certainly needs it--- and also suggested that a fund should be raised to support the widows and orphans of the Augusta soldiers who lost their lives during the war and proposed to head each of these lists with the sum of $100. He then called upon Col. J. R. Baldwin, who, as we have stated before, was Chief Marshal of the procession. Cold. Baldwin approved the suggestion and stated that all that was necessary to ensure the object was to enlist the ladies in the enterprise, and that if Mrs. Cowan would undertake it, it would succeed, for she never undertook anything which she did not make a success, and never attempted what did not deserve to succeed. He said he would contribute to the object proposed according to his ability when the subscription list would be handed around. The procession then resumed its march on its return to town. When it reached the centre of Staunton it was dismissed. The celebration was, in every respect, a glorious success.

(Column 04)

Summary: C. W. Hunter of Staunton and Miss Lute M. Jones, daughter of Maj. F. William Jones of Louisa, were married at Louisa C. H. on June 10th by the Rev. L. A. Cutler.
(Names in announcement: C. W.Hunter, Lute M.Jones, Maj.F. WilliamJones, Rev.L. A.Cutler)

(Column 04)

Summary: John B. Humphreys of Augusta and Miss Laura J. Munday of Albemarle were married at "Chestnut Avenue" on June 4th by the Rev. R. W. Watts.
(Names in announcement: John B.Humphreys, Laura J.Munday, Rev.R. W.Watts)

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Description of Page: Literary items and advertisements appear on this page.