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Staunton Spectator, September 3, 1867

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Who Favor Radical Re-construction
(Column 01)

Summary: Argues that anyone who supports the Radicals' acts "to secure the permanent domination of the Radical party" must be deceiving themselves about the consequences of their actions.

Full Text of Article:

Every Radical in the North and South desires to secure the permanent domination of the Radical party, and every one of them desires the reconstruction of the Southern States on the basis of the Sherman-Shellabarger bill. Is it at all probable that all the Radicals are deceived as to the effect reconstruction upon that basis would have upon their party? If not, those who urge the people of the South to reconstruct upon that basis are aiding the Radicals to secure the permanent domination of their party. It matters not what their professions may be, they are either deceived themselves, or else they are the willing allies of the Radical party. Some may be honest-and we have no doubt that many are-but the majority of those in the South who favor reconstruction upon the terms prescribed by the Radicals with the view and for the purpose of preserving their party ascendancy are, in truth, Radicals at heart, or are willing to surrender principle and abandon right through motives which never control the purely honest and patriotic. They have some selfish, some mercenary interest to promote by so doing. In many cases, it is by no means difficult to see the object they expect to accomplish-their motives are palpable; their purposes, apparent. It does not require the vision of the Lynx to discover beneath the sheep's clothing the form of the ferocious Radical wolf.

How To Avoid Revolution and a War of Races
(Column 02)

Summary: Argues that the Congressional Reconstruction plan "places the Caucasian of the South at the mercy of the African, and gives to the half civilized pauper the right to legislate for the confiscation of property." Whites are abandoning their tepid support for the reconstruction plan, the article declares, as "the animus of the enfranchised blacks becomes more and more clear to the Southern people"

Full Text of Article:

The people of the Southern States are at last making the discovery that revolution and a war of races will be the inevitable consequences of the plan of reconstruction proposed by Congress. That plan virtually and practically places the Caucasian of the South at the mercy of the African, and gives to the half civilized pauper the right to legislate for the confiscation of property. It is the only instance which history furnishes of a deliberate attempt upon the part of the white men of one section of a country, to make their brethren in color and origin, the political [UNCLEAR] of an inferior race. This crime, from its singularity and enormity, stands out without precedent or parallel. It is a violation of nature and humanity so monstrous and horrible that none can doubt its ultimate failure.

As none more earnestly than ourselves deprecate revolutions and wars of races, we cannot too earnestly oppose a plan of reconstruction which will bring with it, we feel assured, the horrors of the most hideous strife. And as the animus of the enfranchised blacks becomes more and more clear to the Southern people, we find those who once advocated the Congressional plan of reconstruction, rapidly changing front and arraying themselves in opposition to it.-Wherever registration has revealed to the negro his strength, he has at once proposed to exert it as an unthinking and rapacious savage. All hopes of convincing him that his interests are identified with those of the whites, have been dissipated by the conventions which they have held and the resolutions which they have adopted in the Southern States.-Enquirer and Examiner.

Origin of Article: Richmond Enquirer and Examiner

Another Street Car Difficulty
(Column 04)

Summary: Reports on a conflict between "a negro from the North, Jim Brown," and the Richmond police broke out after Brown resisted attempts to remove him from the "ladies' street car."

Full Text of Article:

A negro from the North, named Jim Brown, boarded the ladies' street car, yesterday afternoon, against the protest of the conductor, about the time it reached Eighteenth street, on its up trip. When it arrived in front of the station house, on the corner of Seventeenth and Main streets, the aid of the police was sought, and Sergeant Kendrick proceeded to oust the intruder. Brown, who is a rough customer, made fight, and Mr. Charles H. Page was called to assist in arresting him. This, Mr. P. did promptly, and in obeying orders was well pummelled by Brown. He held on, however, manfully, and showed that he had the nerve. In the meanwhile, Sergeant Kendrick, who had gotten him into trouble, contented himself with shaking his baton over Brown's head instead of giving him a striking demonstration of the fact that he was in custody of the officers of the law.-Rich. Whig.

Origin of Article: Richmond Whig

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Local News--Augusta County Fair
(Column 01)

Summary: Reports that the directors of the County Fair have selected a site for the fair grounds near the ruins of the old woolen factory and encourages readers to provide funds to pay for and improve the grounds.

Local News--A Radical Emissary
(Column 01)

Summary: Reports that on the day that Robinson's Circus performed in Staunton, "a man dubbed Gen. D. B. White addressed the negroes in front of the Court House." The article offers a scathing critique of White's military record.

Full Text of Article:

It will be remembered that, on the day that Robinson's Circus exhibited here, a man dubbed Gen. D. B White addressed the negroes in front of the Court House. The following will show what manner of man he is:

"Mr. D. B. White was Major was Major of the Eighty-first New York volunteers, resigned his commission in the fall of 1864, when his regiment was serving in the field in front of Richmond. Immediately after his resignation was accepted, he applied to General B. F. Butler, commanding army of the James, for the position of sutler of the regiment in which he had resigned his commission.

General Butler issued a general order thereupon, to the effect that Major D. B. White having resigned his commission while in front of the enemy, was not fit to hold the position of boot-black in his department, and that Mr. White would immediately leave the department."

Negro Candidates for Congress
(Column 02)

Summary: Contends that "there is little doubt" that "a majority of the Members of Congress from the South will be negroes" since many whites "would rather be represented by a negro than a white man who can take the oath."

Full Text of Article:

There is little doubt that in the events of Southern reconstruction a majority of the Members of Congress from the South will be negroes! It is too early to speculate as to the policy of Virginia, but we have heard over and again, the observation: "I would rather be represented by a negro than by a white man who can take the oath."

We observe that in Georgia, the negroes themselves are ambitious of the post. In two Districts colored men have announced themselves, and enforced their claims in published addresses. They claim that the right to vote gives them the right to hold office, and as they are in the majority the whites shall not be elected by their votes. The candidates are Conservatives, and are in favor of universal amnesty. The impression prevails that a large number of whites will vote for those negro candidates in preference to white ones who can take the test oath.-Fredericksburg Herald.

Origin of Article: Fredericksburg Herald

Colored Congressmen
(Column 03)

Summary: Argues that Southern blacks should vote for men of their own color, declaring "give us the Southern negro, every time, before either a domestic or an imported Radical."

Full Text of Article:

"It is altogether a mistake to suppose that we indulge in a bad joke when we advise the negroes in the present condition of things to prefer their own color as Senators and Representatives in Congress to imported scalawags or pale faced renegades. We prefer them an hundred to one, and we do not see why the negroes should not do it. We prefer them, because in the first place, we can trust a Southern black man when we cannot trust a white traitor or a Yankee speculator in negro votes. If 'reconstruction'-so-called-is to be carried out on the plan of the last supplement, the choice is between the two classes we have named, and it is no 'Hobson's choice,' either. Give us the Southern negro, every time, before either a domestic or an imported Radical."

Origin of Article: Mobile Advertiser

Editorial Comment: "The Mobile Advertiser expresses the views and preferences of many Southern men in the following:"

(Column 04)

Summary: Catherine Walton and William Walton were married at the American Hotel in Staunton on August 30 by Rev. Jno. L. Clarke.
(Names in announcement: Rev.Jno. L.Clarke, Wm. C.Walton, Catherine H.Walton)

(Column 04)

Summary: William Grove died at the residence of his mother, in Staunton, on August 26. He was 27.
(Names in announcement: Wm. L.Grove)

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