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Staunton Spectator, May 21, 1861

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Description of Page: Columns 1 and 2 ads. Remainder of page consists of Davis' address.

Message of President Davis
(Column 3)

Summary: Davis gives a speech announcing the ratification of the Confederate government by the states of the Confederacy. He argues that its formation is the true continuation of democratic traditions begun in the Revolution and recently subverted by the North. Davis also describes the functions of some of the Confederate offices and the services they will perform.

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Description of Page: Various items regarding troop movements. Telegraphic dispatches regarding military activity.

All Should Vote
(Column 1)

Summary: Encourages all voters to vote in the upcoming election. Voters are encouraged to vote for the Ordinance of Secession as well as the amendment equalizing taxation.

News from Harper's Ferry
(Column 2)

Summary: Reports that reinforcements are arriving at Harper's Ferry to protect the town from Federal assault. Article describes blacks at work on defenses as "cheerful in the performance of their duties."

Military Display
(Column 2)

Summary: Reports that several of the military companies stationed in Staunton were on parade last Saturday. The display was witnessed by five hundred spectators composed "chiefly of the ladies of this place."

Excerpt: "...the girl he left behind will fly with outstretched arms to meet him with a voice as gentle as a summer zephyr."

Soldier's Vote Unanimous
(Column 2)

Summary: In a preliminary canvass of the soldiers stationed in Staunton, the soldiers voted unanimously in favor of secession.

[No Title]
(Column 2)

Summary: Notes that the New York Express wrongly reported that A.H.H Stuart was compelled to flee Virginia.
(Names in announcement: A.H.Stuart)

Full Text of Article:

The New York Express says that Hon. A. H. H. Stuart has been compelled to flee from Virginia. The Express Ought to be well informed enough to know that Mr. Stuart stands high in the esteem and confidence of the people of Virginia, and urges the ratification of the ordinance of secession.

[No Title]
(Column 3)

Summary: Stephen A. Douglas is gravely ill.

Full Text of Article:

Hon. Stephen A. Douglas is seriously ill of typhoid fever. It is feared he will not recover.

[No Title]
(Column 3)

Summary: Reports that a resolution was passed at a meeting in Wheeling condemning the Ordinance of Secession and providing for a Convention of delegates from counties favoring division of the State.

A Formidable Foe
(Column 3)

Summary: Item reports a regiment of 300 North Carolina Cherokee gathered among the thousands of Confederate troops at Norfolk.

Excerpt: "Each man carries, besides his rifle, a scalping knife and a tomahawk."

North Carolina
(Column 3)

Summary: Article announces the upcoming Convention in North Carolina on the 20th and predicts the secession of that state.

Excerpt: "The whole State will throw off the galling yoke of tyranny imposed by the miserable descendants of Puritanism."

What Farmers should Do?
(Column 3)

Summary: Asserts that farmers can contribute to the war effort by staying home and growing food.

[No Title]
(Column 3)

Summary: Gov. Hicks of Maryland has called four regiments to Union service on the written assurance of the Secretary of War that they will not be used outside of Maryland or Washington city.

Great Outrage
(Column 4)

Summary: A load of freight bound for Staunton from the North via Washington had been broken open by troops and much of it was detained in Washington. Further shipments will not be permitted to come further South than Washington.

Virginia Guiltless for the War
(Column 5)

Summary: Virginia denies the Republican charge of guilt for the war and insists that the state did everything in its power to find a peaceful solution to difficulties. Virginia now takes up arms in self-defense and has yet to assume the role of aggressor.

Excerpt: "Lincoln is a far more odious tyrant than George the Third and the Federal Government is more dangerous to the South than ever the English Government was to the American Colonies."

[No Title]
(Column 5)

Summary: The writer is a former Unionist who came to the banner of secession only after Lincoln's call for troops. The writer encourages all to vote for the Ordinance of Secession.

Trailer: Virginia

The Yankee Invasion
(Column 5)

Summary: Item compares the fate of the Yankee invaders to the fate of Napoleon's Russian campaign.

Hon. Edward Hayes, Attorney General
(Column 6)

Summary: A letter from Mr. Botts to Mr. Hayes imploring him to help bring about a peaceful solution to the present difficulties.
(Names in announcement: JonathanBotts)

[No Title]
(Column 6)

Summary: Writer wishes to endorse Hugh W. Sheffey as a candidate for the House of Delegates.
(Names in announcement: HughSheffey)

[No Title]
(Column 7)

Summary: Mr. Tate wishes to announce his candidacy for the House of Delegates.
(Names in announcement: WilliamTate)

Trailer: William M. Tate

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Description of Page: Advertisements

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Description of Page: Advertisements