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Staunton Spectator, February 5, 1861

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Description of Page: Columns 1 and 2 ads. Columns 3 and 4 mostly poetry and fiction. Column 5 mostly fiction. Column 6 pro-union poem and Congressional records. Column 7 contains President Buchanan's address to the Senate and House.

Horrors of Civil War
(Column 4)

Summary: Argues that both extremist parties, Republican and fire-eater, would be less apt to pursue the dangerous course of war if they knew first hand the horrors thereof, exemplified by the horrors of the Revolution.

Origin of Article: Journal of Commerce

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Description of Page: Columns 5 and 6 are congressional records. Column 7 is advertisements. Open letters from groups meeting outside Augusta county that denounce secession.

Why They Wish Virginia to Secede
(Column 1)

Summary: Warns readers not to be misled by disunionists who claim that they wish Virginia to secede in order to "more effectually reconstruct the broken Union." The article sites a resolution of the South Carolina Legislature stating that the separation is final and the only "appropriate negotiations between her and the Federal Government are as to their mutual visitations as foreign states."

The Supposed Result
(Column 1)

Summary: Reports that it appears from "indications exhibited up to this time" that Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Baylor and Mr. Stuart have been elected by a large margin to represent Augusta in the State Convention.
(Names in announcement: Mr.Baylor, Mr.Baldwin, Mr.Stuart)

Some of the Supporters of Douglas
(Column 2)

Summary: Article notes with alarm that some of Douglas's most zealous supporters in the presidential election are now siding with those who wish to dissolve the Union.

Hugh W. Sheffey, Esq.
(Column 2)

Summary: Announces Hugh Sheffey's intention to withdraw from the election for fear of splitting the conservative and unionist vote.
(Names in announcement: HughSheffey)

Our Subscription List
(Column 2)

Summary: Reports that the Spectator subscription list is growing at "an encouraging and satisfactory ratio." The article attributes this to the opinions taken by the paper with regard to its "patriotic cause."

Full Text of Article:

For some months our subscription list has been increasing in quite an encouraging and satisfactory ratio, though altogether without solicitation on the part of the friends of the paper or ourself. This fact assures us that our list, as large as it is at present, could be greatly increased in a very short time if the friends of the cause it advocates would use some efforts to accomplish it. There are some persons in every neighborhood who should take it who do not, and only need some one to mention the matter to them to do so. Those who borrow it so regularly, and read it with so much interest, should, by all means become, subscribers. They should not depend upon the kindness of their neighbors for the privilege of reading it. To those who will do us the favor to assist in increasing the circulation of the "Spectator," we will feel under grateful obligations, and will cordially reciprocate the kindness thus manifested by them.--The greater the number of our subscribers, the greater will be the good we will be able to effect by the advocacy of a patriotic cause. Let all, then, who approve of the policy advocated by the "Spectator" use some effort to increase its circulation. We do not ask, and do not desire any to put themselves to much trouble--we only desire them, when convenient, to suggest to their friends the propriety of taking some paper in these times of great interest, when all should be kept "posted."

The Charlottesville Review
(Column 2)

Summary: Praises the weekly Charlottesville Review, a unionist paper "in the midst of a community which swarms with buzzing secessionists."

Thos. J. Michie, Esq. of '33 vs. Thos. J. Michie, Esq. of '61
(Column 3)

Summary: Compares Thomas J. Michie's present position on secession with his earlier views. In 1861, he argued that secession was legal under the Constitution. In 1833, he argued equated secession with treason.

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Description of Page: Advertisements

[No Title]
(Column 1)

Summary: Letter to the editor praising Mr. Sheffey's withdrawal from the Convention election and noting this personal sacrifice for the greater cause of the Union.
(Names in announcement: H.W.Sheffey)

Trailer: A Citizen

To be Dragged
(Column 1)

Summary: Admonishes South Carolina for "applying the spur" to force Virginia out of the Union. Cited are South Carolina's declaration that secession is final along with her rejection of the Virginia resolutions and her intention to force a collision at Fort Sumter.

Full Text of Article:

As there is some conservatism in Virginia, and we seem anxious to secure an honorable settlement, South Carolina is about to apply the spur again.

She first rejects unanimously the resolutions of Virginia.

She secondly declares that her secession is final.

Lastly, she is going to force a collision. She has instructed Gen. Hayne to demand Fort Sumter at once, and if it is not surrendered, it is to be taken at all hazards."*

They know this will shed blood, and blood is necessary to "fire the Southern heart."

We trust Virginia will scorn South Carolina. Let her fight her own battles. She has kicked us enough. She has dragged us enough. We were for protecting South Carolina against coercion by the Federal Government. But she is not satisfied with this. We must enter upon a crusade with her for a civil war.

The prospects for a settlement are brightening every day. Mr. Millson writes to Mr. Barbour, of Culpeper, that "he has never had so confident an expectation of a satisfactory adjustment."

On the heels of this comes the effort to get up a collision. We cannot utter our indignation.--If the people of Virginia are fools enough to be dragooned any longer by South Carolina--we say, go ahead. God means to destroy you, and the efforts of man are vain.

*The statement now is, that Col. Hayne will not make this demand, but that the Convention which met at Montgomery on yesterday will do so.

Origin of Article: Charlottesville Review

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Description of Page: Advertisements