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Staunton Spectator, December 4, 1860

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Description of Page: List of moral aphorisms, column 4, under title "Wit and Wisdom." Article entitled "Daniel Webster's First Case," column 5, relating a supposedly true childhood story about Webster. Poetry, columns 3 & 5. Excerpt of speech by Lincoln, column 7. Excerpt of article from Lexington Statesman, purporting to be the views of Breckinridge, column 7. Rightmost column is blurry and illegible in places.

Take Counsel of Wisdom
(Column 6)

Summary: Excerpts from speeches by Washington, Jackson, and others counseling against internal divisions.

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Description of Page: Bottom left is illegible. Page has scattered short pieces, excerpts of articles from other newspapers and excerpts of speeches by prominent public officials regarding secession and the crisis of the Union. Actions taken with regard to secession in other Southern states, under title "The Secession Movements at the South," column 4.

Important Questions for Secessionists
(Column 1)

Summary: Editorial recalling historical issues of land purchase (Louisiana Purchase, purchase of Florida, annexation of Texas, etc.), using these issues to suggest that states may not simply secede from the Union. If states or territories are to break with the United States it must be a deal of mutual agreement, where both the seceders and the United States as a whole agree to part ways.

"A Denial come to Judgment"
(Column 2)

Summary: Spectator replies to "A County Man," a correspondent who wrote to the paper to object to the praise heaped by the Spectator on Bolivar Christian for his work on behalf of the Union party. Spectator assures the correspondent that it had no intention of praising Christian at the expense of anyone else.
(Names in announcement: BolivarChristian)

An Attempted Outrage Upon the Rights of the People
(Column 2)

Summary: Article describing the (failed) attempt by some state Democrats to void the returns of an Augusta precinct whose poll was taken at a place other than the designated location. Spectator accuses these Democrats of attempting to cheat in the election and of attempting to defraud the voters of their rights as citizens.
(Names in announcement: B.F.Points)

Assembling of Congress
(Column 2)

Summary: Spectator expresses both its hopes and fears for the upcoming Congressional session.

For the People to Determine
(Column 3)

Summary: Encourages citizens to subscribe to the Spectator or some other newspaper so that they may stay informed of the events that will be occurring in the near future with regard to the Union.

For the Spectator
(Column 4)

Summary: Letter calling for a convention of representatives from Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland to discuss the crisis of the Union. The author believes these four states have the most to lose from secession.

Trailer: H.N.W.

For the Spectator
(Column 5)

Summary: Letter expressing anger at the Spectator's praise of Bolivar Christian in a previous issue. The author objects to singling out an individual as due more honor than anyone else who worked on behalf of the Union party. He believes that many others worked just as hard.
(Names in announcement: Mr.Christian, Mr.Baldwin, Mr.Stuart, Mr.Doyle, Mr.Sheffy)

Trailer: A County Man

(Column 7)

Summary: Married on November 28.
(Names in announcement: Rev.ThomasWhite, JamesHutcheson, EmilyLink, A.LinkEsq.)

(Column 7)

Summary: Boyd Moore died on November 21 at age 3.
(Names in announcement: Boyd GrahamMoore, MargaretMoore, Dr.R.Moore)

(Column 7)

Summary: David McGuffin died in Highland on November 27 at age 24.
(Names in announcement: WilliamCampbell, DavidMcGuffin)

(Column 7)

Summary: Millard Hamilton died on November 21, age 5, after a short but painful illness.
(Names in announcement: Millard WilsonHamilton, HenryHamilton, IsabellaHamilton)

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Description of Page: Advertisements, land sales

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Description of Page: Advertisements

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Description of Page: Banner headline--"President's Message Extra"--on undated page (simply indicating Washington City, December, 1860), followed by text of Buchanan's State of the Union address to Congress.

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Description of Page: Continuation and conclusion of Buchanan's State of the Union Address, followed by a printed list of "THE ABOLITION NULLIFICATION LAWS"--state laws regarding slavery, such as Personal Liberty Laws, that are purported by the Spectator to violate the Constitution.