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Staunton Spectator, May 8, 1860

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Judicial Election
(Column 4-5)

Summary: Author argues that David Fultz is better suited to serve as Circuit Court Judge than Judge Thompson.
(Names in announcement: JudgeThompson, DavidFultz)

Trailer: "Junius"

For the Spectator
(Column 5-6)

Summary: Author expresses confidence that the voters of Augusta will see past the slanders of David Fultz's supporters against Judge Thompson and will vote to reelect Thompson, who has faithfully served the county as Circuit Court Judge for over 25 years. Responds to the letter of "A Countryman" regarding the receivership of bonds for the court.
(Names in announcement: JudgeThompson, DavidFultz, Mr.Kinney)

Trailer: "Z"

To the Voters of the 11th Circuit
(Column 7)

Summary: Author blasts the supporters of Judge Thompson for spreading lies in order to deceive the voters and win Thompson's reelection as Circuit Court Judge. Claims Judge Thompson's term has been a "tyranny."
(Names in announcement: JudgeThompson, JohnBaldwin, Mr.Klaney, DavidFultz)

Trailer: "A Countryman"

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Description of Page: Proceedings of Convention of Southern Democrats who seceded from Democratic Convention, column 3; proceedings of Charleston convention, column 4; of Congress, column 5. Scattered articles discuss rumors regarding internal politics of Democratic party. Article in column 2 discusses the profitable gold mining in the West.

The Trouble at C[h]arleston
(Column 1)

Summary: Report of the proceedings at the Democratic Convention in Charleston, at which the party split over the question of slavery in the Territories. Spectator hopes that the difficulty of the question can be settled without disrupting the Union.

Excerpt: "With such an irreconcilable difference of opinion, the question arises whether there is no way of getting rid of the difficulty, or whether the peace of the country and the Union itself must be sacrificed to abstract theories. The only way we know of is to agree to disagree upon questions of really no practical importance. If let alone, the question of slavery in the Territories will settle itself to the satisfaction of all reasonable and patriotic men in both sections of the Republic."

Full Text of Article:

This is said to be a world of troubles, and our Democratic friends have had their full share of them at Charleston. After a career of unparalleled success, the agitation of the slavery question, which, somehow or other, has operated to their advantage heretofore, has at last divided the party, with little prospect at present of a future re- union. We are not disposed to make light of the occurrence. The disruption of a great party, which has boasted of its unity and nationality, upon a sectional issue, is an event of vast importance, and its effects, so far as relates to the perpetuity of the Union, cannot now be predicted.

The Committee on the platform reported to the Convention certain resolutions, as explanatory of the Cincinnati platform. The first resolution denies "that Congress has any power to abolish slavery in the Territories--or that a Territorial Legislature has any power to abolish it--or to forbid the introduction of slaves within a Territory, or the right to destroy or impair the right of property in slaves by any legislation whatever." This much negatively, to which is added the third resolution, which asserts that "it is the duty of the Federal Government to protect when necessary the rights of persons and property on the high seas, in the Territories, or wherever else its constitutional authority extends." A majority of the convention rejected these resolutions, and thereupon a number of Southern delegates retired. The Convention then re-affirmed the Cincinnati platform, without addition or explanation on the subject of slavery, but subsequently adopted the Tennessee resolution, endorsing the Dred Scott decision as "the correct interpretation of the Constitution."

In opposition to the theory contended for by the Southern seceders is the doctrine of Senator Douglas and his Northern friends. This affirms the right of the Territorial Legislature to settle the question of slavery within the bounds of the Territory, and denies that Congress has the power to interfere either for or against the institution.

That a diversity of sentiment on the subject of slavery existed between the Northern and Southern members of the Democratic and all other parties, has been apparent for a long time; and the failure of the attempt at Charleston conclusively proves the impossibility of embracing these different opinions in one platform which shall admit of but one interpretation. Even the Seceders at Charleston are not agreed among themselves. Gov. Winston, of Alabama, protested against the resolutions adopted by their Convention, because they do not contain a demand for a slave code for the Territories; and Senator Bayard, of Delaware, actually seceded from the Seceders.

With such an irreconcilable difference of opinion, the question arises whether there is no way of getting rid of the difficulty, or whether the peace of the country and the Union itself must be sacrificed to abstract theories. The only way we know of is to agree to disagree upon questions of really no practical importance. If let alone, the question of slavery in the Territories will settle itself to the satisfaction of all reasonable and patriotic men in both sections of the Republic.

Military Appointments
(Column 1)

Summary: Governor Letcher fills state military appointments. Captain Kenton Harper was named Major General of the 3rd Division; Brigadier General W.H. Harman has been reappointed to command of 13th Brigade.
(Names in announcement: CaptainKentonHarper, Brig. Gen.W.H.Harman)

Sunday Trains
(Column 1)

Summary: The Spectator agrees with the decision not to run trains on Sunday because the action "has a good moral and religious influence."

The Baltimore Convention
(Column 2)

Summary: Articles excerpted from the Baltimore American on the progress of the Union movement and its upcoming convention.

Origin of Article: Baltimore American

Opinions of the Press
(Column 3)

Summary: Excerpts from various Democratic papers expressing dismay at the secessionists from the Democratic convention and pleasure at those delegates from the South who remained at the convention despite the foolish course of their secessionist cohorts.

Origin of Article: Richmond Examiner; New York Journal of Commerce; New York Daily News; New York Sun

The Central Rail Road
(Column 5)

Summary: Author complains about the decision of the Central Railroad not to run trains west of Charlottesville on Sundays. He argues that it is not for religious reasons, but for economic ones. The stockholders of the west of Virginia thus pay to have trains run in the east. Calls for a new Board of Directors of the Railroad.

Trailer: "Justice"

For the Spectator
(Column 5)

Summary: Meeting of voters at Fishersville in the Waynesboro District, chaired by John Hamilton with T.W. Shelton as Secretary, resulted in the following: Absalom Koiner, John S. Ellis, George A. Broce and Dr. Kennerly were approved as nominees for Magistrate; D.S. Bell, Robert M. White and William Chapman were selected as additional candidates.
(Names in announcement: Esq.JohnHamilton, T.W.Shelton, AbsalomKoiner, JohnEllis, GeorgeBroce, Dr.Kennerly, D.S.Bell, RobertWhite, WilliamChapman)

Trailer: John Hamilton, Chairman; T.W. Shelton, Sec'y

For the Spectator
(Column 5)

Summary: William G. Sterrett announces that he is withdrawing from the race for Sheriff.
(Names in announcement: WilliamSterrett)

Trailer: William G. Sterrett

For the Spectator
(Column 5)

Summary: M.W.D. Hogshead declines the nomination for Magistrate of the 3rd District.
(Names in announcement: M.W.D.Hogshead)

Trailer: M.W.D. Hogshead

For the Spectator
(Column 5)

Summary: James T. Clarke, Thomas S. Hogshead, Haish Clarke and Nathan L. Blakemore will be supported independent of caucus selections from the Mount Solon District.
(Names in announcement: JamesClarke, ThomasHogshead, HaishClarke, NathanBlakemore)

Trailer: "A Voter"

For the Spectator
(Column 6)

Summary: Report of meeting of the 7th Magisterial District, held in Mt. Sidney on April 28th. J.C. McCue was Chair and W.M. Crawford was Secretary. Col. W. Anderson, Cyrus Brown, W.F. Burgendine, John Crawford, Thomas Burke, William Crawford, J.C. McCue, John Yates, John A. Patterson were nominated for Magistrate; C.K. Hyde and David Alexander were nominated as candidates for Overseers of the Poor.
(Names in announcement: J.C.McCue, W.M.Crawford, Col.W.Anderson, CyrusBrown, W.F.Burgendine, JohnCrawford, ThomasBurke, JohnYates, JohnPatterson, C.K.Hyde, DavidAlexander)

Trailer: J.C. McCue, President; W.M. Crawford, Sec't.

For the Spectator
(Column 6)

Summary: Report of meeting in Middlebrook. M.W. Hogshead, B.F. Hailman, Jacob Baylor, James R. Grove, John R. Berry, James A.G. Scott, David Kunkle, James F. Hite, William M. Tate, and S.M. Templeton were nominated for Magistrate; S.X. Kerr, A.S. Craig, John McCurdy and George Dull were nominated as Overseers of the Poor. Dull declined the nomination.
(Names in announcement: M.W.Hogshead, B.F.Hailman, JacobBaylor, JamesGrove, JohnBerry, JamesScott, DavidRunkle, JamesHite, WilliamTate, S.M.Templeton, S.X.Kerr, A.S.Craig, JohnMcCurdy, GeorgeDull)

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Description of Page: Page is mostly advertisements, land sales, etc.; bottom right is illegible.

(Column 2)

Summary: H.L. Opie of Staunton married Julia C. Paull of Wheeling in Wheeling on April 25.
(Names in announcement: Rev.Dr.Weed, JuliaPaull, H.L.Opie)

(Column 2)

Summary: Mrs. McCarty, wife of Rev. McCarty, died at the Western Lunatic Asylum on April 2 at age 30. Rev. McCarty was formerly of the Western Virginia Conference of the M.E. Church.
(Names in announcement: Mrs.MinervaMcCarty, RevW.C.McCarty)

(Column 2)

Summary: Maria J. Coalter died on May 4 at age 77. She was the widow of the late Dr. Thomas J. Coalter and mother-in-law of William B. Crawford, at whose house she died.
(Names in announcement: WilliamCrawford, MariaCoalter, Dr.ThomasCoalter)

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Description of Page: Advertisements; bottom left is illegible, bottom of whole page is blurry.