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Staunton Spectator, November 1, 1859

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[No Title]
(Column 1)

Summary: Directs readers' attention to the account of the trial at Harper's Ferry.

Rake 'em Down
(Column 3)

Summary: Expresses surprise over raid on Harper's Ferry, but then goes on to describe several armed insurrections of the past, as a means of restoring some confidence.

Trailer: Rich. Dispatch

Origin of Article: Richmond Dispatch

The Making of Black Jack
(Column 6)

Summary: Account of John Brown's Pottawamie Raid, in Kansas in 1856, by one of the men who attempted to capture Brown. Argues that Brown is not brave, but treacherous.

Origin of Article: Capt. H. Clay Pace, Petersburg VA

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"Old Brown"
(Column 1)

Summary: Spectator is apologizing for devoting so much space to John Brown and helping to contribute to his martyrdom. Calls for a more deliberate and impartial trial so that the North will not martyr Brown. Somewhat sarcastic tone.

Excerpt: "We feel a professional interest, therefore, in the prolongation of Capt. Brown's days, until something else occurs to furnish abundant pabulum for voracious gentlemen of the press."

The Richmond Fair
(Column 1)

Summary: Report of local winners at the State fair.
(Names in announcement: Alexander H.H.Stuart, Maj.JamesWalker, GeorgeMowry, FranklinDavis, MissL.V.Robertson)

A Piece of Assurance
(Column 1)

Summary: See transcript, which contains paragraph in full. Anger over treatment of Harper's Ferry raid in Northern press

Excerpt: "A gentleman of this county has received through the Post Office a circular from the New York Tribune office setting forth the merits of that paper and appealing for assistance in extending its circulation. To cap the climax of assurance, several copies of the Weekly Tribune, containing an offensive article on the Harper's Ferry conspiracy have been sent to the same address, as a specimen of what the paper is.--'Horace Greeley & Co.' will perhaps be surprised to learn that the gentleman upon whose assistance they have counted, is a large slaveholder and a firm believer in the blessings of our 'patriarchal institution.'"

Brown's Antecedents
(Column 1)

Summary: Refutes Northern claims that Brown went crazy as a result of his mistreatment in Kansas.

[No Title]
(Column 1)

Summary: Commentary on Harper's Ferry trial proceedings published elsewhere in the paper.

Excerpt: "Every citizen of the State must feel gratified at the calm manner in which the proceedings are conducted, under circumstances well calculated to inflame the Court and jury as well as other members of the community."

Bear Stories
(Column 2)

Summary: Accounts of various recent local encounters with bears.
(Names in announcement: ThomasMarshall, JamesParis, Mr.Womeladon, L.R.Wadell, JeffersonKinney)

Trial of the Harper's Ferry Conspirators
(Column 3)

Summary: Account of the Harper's Ferry trial.

Arrest of Cook
(Column 4)

Summary: Cook, one of Brown's co-conspirators, was captured in Chambersburg and is awaiting extradition to Virginia. Includes biographical sketch of Cook.

Origin of Article: Chambersburg, PA

Correspondence of the Conspirators
(Column 4)

Summary: Describes correspondence found in Brown's headquarters, including contributions from New England and Ohio.

Origin of Article: The Constitution

For the Spectator
(Column 4)

Summary: Excerpt of letter sent from Charlestown to Baltimore American describing the faithfulness of the slaves even in the face of the insurrection.

Origin of Article: Baltimore American

For the Spectator
(Column 5)

Summary: Letter about the character of "Staunton beaux"--flirtatious young men of the area, and their lack of concern about weighty matters, like Harper's Ferry.

Trailer: P.

[No Title]
(Column 5)

Summary: Brief article praising the conservative tone of most press coverage of Harper's Ferry, in both the North and the South. Expresses hope that the incident will destroy the Republican party.

Trailer: Alex. Gazette

Origin of Article: Alexandria Gazette

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Description of Page: Markets in column 2

(Column 2)

Summary: Married on October 25.
(Names in announcement: Rev.D.C.Irwin, Dr.WilliamEwing, MargerySellers)

(Column 2)

Summary: Married on October 27.
(Names in announcement: Rev.G.G.Brooke, Mr.AllisonDoyle, MaryZoan)

(Column 2)

Summary: Married on October 26.
(Names in announcement: Rev.J.B.Davis, MiltosFunkhouse, MaryScott)

(Column 2)

Summary: Married at Lutheran church, on October 26.
(Names in announcement: Dr.R.S.Ricklebarge, Rev.J.B.Davis, SusanBaylor, GeorgeBaylor)

(Column 2)

Summary: Died on Wednesday last in his home in this county.
(Names in announcement: RobertChristian)

(Column 2)

Summary: Fannie Ella died, age 2 years old. Long, flowery obit.
(Names in announcement: Fannie EllaBush, WilliamBush, FannieBush)

Trailer: A.; Vind. please copy

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