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Semi-Weekly Dispatch, November 26, 1861

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Description of Page: Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; poem, column 3; article describing in detail a Grand Review near Washington, columns 3-5

Gen. Jim Lane on Slavery
(Column 5)

Summary: Reprints a speech given by General Jim Lane at Camp Springfield, Missouri, stating that the war is a war to defeat the rebellion, not to defeat slavery. If slavery can survive the war, Lane points out, then "let it live," but if it cannot, then "it is not for me to gather up the dust again."

Full Text of Article:

In a speech made at Camp Springfield, Missouri, Gen. Jim Lane, than whom no man is more feared and hated by Border Ruffians and Rebels, declared in reference to Slavery--the Pandora box from which has issued most of our national troubles--as follows:

"Mr creed is, Let Slavery take care of itself. If it can survive the shock of war, let it live, but if between an upper and nether millstone it be ground to powder, and the winds drive it way, it is not for me to gather up the dust again. I do not propose to make war upon slavery, but upon Rebels, and in the meantime to let slaves and slavery take care of themselves. An oligarchy more cruel and proscriptive than ever scourged and cursed a nation, ancient or modern, has brought on this war for slavery; and if we are required to protect, or in any way help Slavery, then we are required to co-operate with the enemy, to help him, to defend him, and work for the same end. Can we place ourselves thus in an alliance with our deadly and barbarous foes, and at the same time conquer them, subdue them, crush them? When lesser contradictions are reconciled, we will think of harmonizing this."

Comment is unnecessary. The Federal army marches to crush out rebellion and treason, and let slavery take care of itself.

Editorial Comment: "Comment is unnecessary. The Federal army marches to crush out rebellion and treason, and let slavery take care of itself."

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Description of Page: Article from the Bulletin proclaiming that the war in western Virginia is at an end, column 2; reports from Fortress Monroe of a rebel attack on a scouting party, from Connecticut of the sailing of the stone fleet for the South, from Baltimore, from New York of the return home of a prisoner, column 3; news from Europe, column 4; report on the wedding of General George Stoneman in Baltimore, column 4; advertisements, column 5

The Peninsula and North Carolina
(Column 1)

Summary: Reports that the peninsula between the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays is with the Union. Points out that the people of eastern Virginia believe they have no quarrel with the federal government and put down their arms as soon as federal troops entered the area. Also reports that North Carolina has declared the ordinance of secession null and void.

Origin of Article: Evening Bulletin

Pennsylvania to Kentucky
(Column 1)

Summary: Reprints a letter from General Negley of the Pennsylvania Brigade to General Lovell H. Rousseau of Kentucky. Highlights the sympathy and brotherhood that the people of Pennsylvania have felt for Kentucky during the late crisis.

Full Text of Article:

We take great pleasure, says the Louisville Journal, in laying before our readers the following letter from Gen. Negley, of the Pennsylvania Brigade, to Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau. It speaks the language of patriotic devotion to our country, of profound admiration for our State, and sympathy with her imperilled condition, and a generous appreciation of our distinguished and chivalrous fellow-citizens. When he shall have received from Pennsylvania, as the representative of Kentucky, the stand of regimental colors which it is the intention of General Negley's Brigade to present, the noble sons of the Keystone State may be assured that their gift will never be dishonored, but that it will always be found flying in the van and the thickest of the fight whenever it is upreared in the defence of our country from foreign foes or domestic traitors:--

Head-Quarters, Negley's Brigade,
Camp Nevin, Nov. 14, 1861.

General Lovell H. Rousseau--Dear Sir.--Allow me the honor to inform you that it is the intention of my brigade to present through you to your brave command a stand of regimental colors. It is also desired that George D. Prentice, Esq., should present them. You will please intimate the time the most convenient for the ceremonies. I assure you this gift is not intended as an idle compliment, but is expressive of the sympathy and national interest Pennsylvania feels for her sister State. She has witnessed with painful solicitude the cloud which has hung over your land like the mist over Niagara, hiding from the thoughtless and unweary an abyss of destruction.

She has seen Kentucky, the cradle of science and the birth-place of heroes and statesmen, arrested in her flighs [sic] of ambition, the hands of progress turned back on the dial plate of time, all the grand conceptions of a rich and happy people blighted by the schemes of Judas patriots and heartless traitors, her wisest citizens hugging the phantom of peace until they were bound like slaves and compelled at the point of the bayonet to swallow the deadliest draughts which could be distilled from the Upas of rebellion. She has wondered whether the sons of Kentucky had degenerated from the spirit of her forefathers and had lost the sensibility of honor and chastity of feeling which nourish many sentiment. Many prayers have been offered for the success of those whose devotion to their country shows them worthy of being free, who consider no sacrifice too great when liberty is the reward.

It is with such emotions Pennsylvania sends you aid, and offers her sons a willing sacrifice for your defence. Those who come have left tearful eyes and aching heart behind. No long service has turned their hearts into marble--no dissolute camp has changed their manly feelings. Their valor springs not from reckless habits of indifference to life, but from the stern resolve that Kentucky shall be free. They care not that the enemy have frowning tiers of stolen artillery, steep rocks and everlasting hills for their castles, tangled brushwood for their palisades, deep rivers and nature's wildest forms for their ally; they will conquer or perish in the attempt. The flag which we tender to you is surrounded with hallowed memories, its blazoned folds shall be a rainbow of hope and promise to the oppressed, and a soldier's pledge that we will stand by you in preserving the Union unsevered.

Remember that our national greatness, our social and political happiness are enshrined in its silken folds and bright stars. The pleasure of prosperity has been ours--'tis ours to have adversity. Let us meet it like men who know their duty and who prize their constitutional freedom. If we fail, we will fall in the same trenches and on the same fields where many of the heroes of the Revolution perished in defence of the same rights.

In conclusion, dear General, permit us to express our admiration of your personal valor, generous honor, and inflexible perseverance in the path of duty.

I have the honor to remain your friend and very obedient servant,

James Negley.

Trailer: James Negley

Origin of Article: Louisville Journal

Editorial Comment: The letter "speaks the language of patriotic devotion to our country, of profound admiration for our State, and sympathy with her imperilled [sic] condition, and a generous appreciation of our distinguished and chivalrous fellow-citizens."

Message of Jeff. Davis
(Column 2)

Summary: Brief synopsis of Jefferson Davis's message to the Confederate Congress and comments by the Richmond Whig on the message. The Whig asserts that the North will be conquered by the South.

Excerpt: "If they cannot conquer us their calculation is that they will be conquered by us, and they have made up their minds to submit tamely to their fate."--Richmond Whig

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Description of Page: Articles from Charleston, the Louisville Journal, column 2; anecdotes, column 3; advertisements, columns 3-5

Thanksgiving Sermon
(Column 1)

Summary: Announces that the Reverend Samuel J. Niccols will preach a sermon on Thursday morning at eleven o'clock in the Presbyterian church.

The Female Soldier
(Column 1)

Summary: Reports that Sophia Crider, the woman who concealed her sex to act as a soldier at Camp Curtin and who was then charged with setting on fire a barn in Cumberland County has been set free by the Grand Jury, which found no evidence against her.

Overcoat Stolen
(Column 1)

Summary: Relates the theft of an overcoat from the house of Mr. John Reilly, proprietor of the Western Inn. Mr. Reilly observed a strange man entering his house and caught him as he was walking away. Mr. Reilly retrieved the garment and delivered several kicks to the man before letting him go.
(Names in announcement: Mr.JohnReilly)

For the Sick Soldiers
(Column 1)

Summary: Notes that Miss Susan B. Chambers of Chambersburg has received a letter from miss Dix, the General Superintendent of the hospitals at Washington. Miss Chambers requests contributions from persons in the Chambersburg area to a box of articles that she is putting together for the 1200 soldiers who are patients in Washington hospitals.
(Names in announcement: MissSusan B.Chambers)

Stabbing Case
(Column 1)

Summary: Relates an incident that occurred a week ago Saturday, in which a fight commenced between members of the McFerren family and two brothers of the Welsh family in Tomstown, Quincy township. One of the Welshes was stabbed, causing his death the next Friday morning, and the McFerren man who stabbed him turned himself in that same day.

Full Text of Article:

On Saturday last a week, in Tomstown, Quincy township, a case of stabbing occurred, resulting in death, the particulars of which, as far as we have been able to learn, are as follows: A father and son, named McFerren, met two brothers named Welsh, at a store in the village. A quarrel ensued, commenced by the Welshes, growing out of an old feud that appears to have existed between the parties. The McFerrens manifested a disposition to evade a quarrel, but threatened to hurt the parties if they made the attack. At a favorable moment one of the Welshes jumped upon the back of the younger McFerren, seizing him by the throat, when McFerren plunged a knife into Welsh's side, which perforated his lung, from the effect of which he died on Friday morning, last. Young McFerren came to this place on that day and delivered himself up to the officers of the law, and is not in our county prison.

Body Guard
(Column 1)

Summary: Reports that the body guard formed in Pennsylvania for General Buel, who has taken the place of General Sherman in commanding the troops now in Kentucky, leaves today to commence their duty in Kentucky. Relates that Mr. Bruce Lambert and Mr. Allison McDowell of Chambersburg are among their number. Mr. Lambert is the son of Dr. Lambert, and Mr. McDowell is the son of Mr. John McDowell.
(Names in announcement: Mr.BruceLambert, Mr.AllisonMcDowell, Dr.Lambert, Mr.JohnMcDowell)

A Cold Winter
(Column 2)

Summary: Predicts that the coming winter will be as mild as the fall, despite the advice of "weather-wise people" that the winter will be a long and a cold one.

(Column 2)

Summary: Endorses the observance of the day of Thanksgiving that Governor Curtin has set for the coming Thursday.

(Column 2)

Summary: Reports the theft of a piece of calico by "a woman from the country" from Eyster & Brothers' Store a few days ago. Emphasizes that the woman should not be blamed for "inate [sic] dishonesty," but that she should instead be pitied for the state of poverty that prompted her to steal the cloth.

Full Text of Article:

A woman from the country, while in Eyster & Bro's Store a few days ago, was observed taking a piece of Calico, secreting it under her shawl and leaving the Store. She was followed and the goods taken from her. The women, doubtless, was prompted to the act more from her needy circumstances than from inate dishonesty. In our opinion, she is more to be pitied than censured. Want, doubtless, was pressing, and being destitute of the means to supply her necessities, she was prompted to the act. Those who are in affluant [sic] circumstances, without a single wish or want ungratified, know not of the sufferings of the poor, whose children, from sheer necessity, are illy clad and poorly fed, and who, in the chilly hours of night occupy but squalled and cheerless beds. Under such circumstances, then, how strong must be the temptation to appropriate to their use that which belongs to another. We all should pray--"Keep us from being led into temptation"--or that other prayer, "Give me neither riches or poverty; least, if I am rich, I should deny Thee, or if poor, should steal."

(Column 3)

Summary: Mr. F. A. Stotler and Miss Elizabeth Fore, both of Franklin County, were married in Quincy township on November 21.
(Names in announcement: Mr.F. A.Stotler, MissElizabethFore)

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Description of Page: More details on the launching of the stone fleet, whose ships are to be sunk in Southern ports when they have reached them, column 1; anecdotes, prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5