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Franklin Repository, October 19, 1870

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The Election
(Column 01)

Summary: The admits defeat following the election. The paper attributes the Democratic victory to displeased Republican voters who disliked the fact that blacks were exercising their "right of suffrage." The editorial predicts that this is but a "temporary triumph of the Democracy."

Full Text of Article:

Instead of the satisfaction which journalists always feel in the publication of good news, we are forced to endure the pain which belongs to the publication of that which is unfavorable. Our whole county ticket is defeated, our candidates for Assembly are likewise defeated, and Meyers, Democrat for Congress, has been elected, according to the returns which have reached us, by a majority of 15 votes.

In addition to this we lose probably four members of Congress in the State, and retain the control of the Legislation by a reduced majority on joint ballot; our majority being not more than from 10 to 13.

The failure to elect our county and Legislative ticket cannot be claimed as a Democratic victory since both these were in their control already. Nevertheless it is in fact a Democratic victory because it was in the power of Republicans to elect both; a very humiliating victory too, since we must admit that it was secured by the votes of those who professed, and, so far as we know, still profess to be Republicans.

The Democracy owe to the negro vote their triumph in this part of the State. We do not mean, by any means, that the colored votes voted for the Democratic candidates, they had far too much good sense for that. But we mean that by reason of their exercising the right of suffrage, so many of those who hitherto voted and acted with the Republican party, this time voted with the Democracy, as to enable them to elect their ticket. There is no concealing or denying this humiliating fact. It was not unexpected to those who carefully watched the progress of the campaign, nor is it particularly discouraging. It is but a temporary triumph of the Democracy, and time will again, as in the past, make all things even. The men who voted the Democratic ticket solely because the colored man had been justly dealt with will not remain with that party any longer when they perceive that it cares equally as much for the black man's vote is for their own. Nor will they care that the negro has been endowed with the right of suffrage after they come to examine the question fairly for themselves. A party may gain a temporary triumph by a narrow minded illiberal policy, but it is only a temporary triumph. The Democracy trimmed their sails to a popular prejudice, and were carried into the port of victory. They may court it in vain when next they need it. The very men who listened to their false speeches because they flattered their prejudice will turn from them in disgust when they come to weigh their conduct in the scales of Truth and Justice. We are not discouraged at the result of last Tuesday's election, when reviewed in the light of the past.

The Death of General Lee
(Column 01)

Summary: This report announces the death of former Confederate general, Robert E. Lee. The author notes the admiration that Southerners had for the general but also criticizes him for not ending the war earlier. Furthermore, the article blames Lee, "a discontented, dissatisfied old man," for not doing more to help reunite the sections in the post-war world.

Full Text of Article:

On Wednesday of last week General Robert E. Lee died at Lexington, Virginia, after a short illness, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. Of all the men who participated in the rebellion none held so high a place in the esteem of the people of the Confederacy as Gen. Lee. Whilst other civil and military leaders faild and disappeared under the turbulent waves of the war, General Lee seemed to rise higher and higer, until during at least the last year of the struggle the only hope of the South was centered on him. The love and veneration which he excited among the people of the Southern States seems to have been real and permanent, if we may judge by the universal sorrow which responded to the announcement of his death, and not the ephemeral growth of some brilliant and unexpected military achievement. His military career is so recent and so generally known that we need not more than refer to it. He did not forsake the service of his government until some time after active rebellion, began, and until he did desert his flag he continued to hold a position which enabled him to get possession of the plans and secrets of the military department. His desertion under such circumstances has often been denounced as dishonorable, as he carried with him to the Confederacy valuable information which he could only have received as a trusted officer of the United States Army.

Whether he took advantage of what he learned at Washington before deserting his flag or not we cannot say, but it is certain that his reputation for honor was permanently damaged thereby. Another painful circumstance of the war we believe he is directly responsible for, and it is one for which the South as well as the North is not likely to forget him. His power over the confederacy during the last year of the war to which we have already referred, enabled him, if it had been his wish, to stop the war, and thereby the bloodshed and the great sacrifice of life long before he did and it was not possible that he failed to perceive for a year at least, the utter hopelessness of the Confederate cause. Upon him, far more than upon any person else does the responsibility of all the sacrifices of the last year of the war lie.

After the rebellion was killed General Lee retired to Lexington and became President of the University. He entirely withdrew from public life, abstained from all intercourse with the public and gave no public expression to his opinions. But while he scrupulously abstained from anything to foster or encourage the feeling which had brought on the rebellion, he inst. as scrupulously abstained from the expression of anything tending to heal up the wounds, and to induce the people of the South to accept the generous terms of the Government. He played the part of a defeated, but likewise a discontented, dissatisfied old man, and while he was capable of doing more for the permanent good and material prosperity of Virginia and the whole South than any other man in the country, he refused to open his mouth. But he is dead. Let his deeds be buried in the grave with his body.

Election News. Franklin County--Official
(Column 03)

Summary: This report presents the results of the recent election.

Full Text of Article:

Governor, '69 - Congress and Assembly, '70

1869 Governor 1870 Congress Assembly
Geary, R. Packer, D. Cessna, R. Meyers, D. Mahon, R. Fosselman, R. Skinner, D. Milliken, D.
Antrim 507 485 544 529 555 555 528 524
Chamb'g, NW 323 253 341 249 344 315 283 245
Chamb'g. SW 256 271 427 279 426 401 311 277
Concord 28 99 25 94 24 23 98 97
Dry Run 105 103 108 101 108 101 112 101
Fayetteville 220 210 206 209 201 200 217 208
Greenvillage 183 114 196 129 196 187 144 121
Guilford 182 210 193 239 191 189 245 239
Hamilton 88 156 111 166 106 110 170 165
Letterkenny 149 223 117 209 118 119 209 206
Lurgan 89 153 78 142 77 78 143 142
Loudon 78 119 86 125 86 86 125 125
Metal 132 96 142 104 137 139 112 106
Montgomery 205 172 255 196 251 245 204 200
Orrstown 86 140 73 144 71 68 149 145
Peters 136 69 147 78 144 143 84 81
Quincy 214 299 230 298 238 208 325 288
Southampton 48 73 65 82 66 65 81 82
Sulph. Spring 33 46 32 51 32 33 51 50
St. Thomas 147 221 135 239 132 133 245 242
Washington 330 297 320 309 323 319 315 307
Warren 35 58 33 47 33 33 47 47
Welsh Run 124 139 117 148 119 123 148 142
3698 4006 3981 4167 3978 3873 4346 4140
Packer's majority, 1869 308
Meyer's majority, 1870 186
Skinner's majority over Mahon 368
Skinner's majority over Fosselman 473
Milliken's majority over Mahon 162
Milliken's majority over Fosselman 267

County Commis'r Director Poor Jury Commis'r County Auditor
Huber, R. Worley, D. Strickler, R. M'Ferren, D. Mackey, R. Patton, D. Cressler, R. Sellers, D.
Antrim 563 518 560 522 558 523 558 523
Chamb'g, NW 350 242 335 262 344 249 345 250
Chamb'g, SW 425 287 414 298 425 285 426 285
Concord 24 97 24 97 24 97 24 97
Dry Run 110 101 110 101 115 96 110 101
Fayetteville 203 211 198 216 204 210 204 210
Greenvillage 197 129 196 129 196 129 195 130
Guilford 196 235 198 234 192 240 192 240
Hamilton 114 164 112 166 112 166 112 166
Letterkenny 120 206 119 207 119 207 119 207
Lurgen 78 142 78 142 78 142 78 142
Loudon 86 125 86 125 86 125 86 125
Metal 140 107 140 107 140 106 140 107
Montgomery 251 200 250 201 250 201 250 201
Orrstown 71 146 71 146 72 145 70 146
Peters 146 80 146 80 146 80 145 81
Quincy 240 293 235 298 235 298 235 298
Southampton 65 82 65 82 65 82 68 79
Sulph. Spring 33 50 33 50 33 49 33 50
St. Thomas 136 240 135 241 135 241 134 240
Washington 323 309 323 309 323 309 323 309
Warren 33 47 33 47 33 47 33 47
Welsh Run 124 142 124 142 124 142 124 142
4028 4153 3985 4202 4009 4169 4004 4176
Worley's majority 125
M'Ferren's majority 217
Patton's majority 160
Seller's majority 172

Adams 325
Bedford 32
Franklin 186
Fulton 420
Somerset 948
948 963

Meyer's majority, 15.

Republicans Democrats
Mahon. Fosselman. Skinner. Milliken.
Franklin 3978 3873 4346 4140
Perry 2223 2306 2455 2439
Total 6201 6179 6801 6579


Republican. Citizens.
James G. Elder, 563 Wm M'Lellan, D. 470


F. S. Gillespie 544 Geo Ludwig, D. 483
S F Greenawalt 547 R E Tolbert, R. 452
J L Suesserott 517 William Forbes, R. 420
Peter Kreighbaum 526 David Croft, R. 426
Thomas Henneberger 559 D M Leisher, R. 412


Lyman S Clarke 535 B S Schneck, D. 470
James Hamilton 554 Geo R Mersersmith, R. 438


Robert P Hazelet 556 Charles H Smith, D. 473


A H Newman 973 Mr Newman on both tickets
D A Wertz 541 Charles Evans, D. 475


Andrew M'Elwaine 554 No opposition


Republicans. Democrat.
A D Canfman 308 P H Peiffer 231


S Wilson Hays 310 J W Douglas 229


Philip Hamman 166 D S Reishor, I D 36
S M Armstrong, I R 323


Rufus K M'Lellan 297 No opposition


B L Maurer 383 William D Guthrie 233


D F Leisher 386 Jacob B Holtzworth 231


David Piper, I. 99 Samuel Reisher, I. 215


Frank Zarman, Jr. 371 Jacob Speidle 230

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Election Day
(Column 01)

Summary: This report discusses the events of election day, praising the conduct of black voters. The author blames racial prejudice for the Republican party's defeat at the polls. Many Republicans, the article observes, protested black suffrage by not voting or by casting their ballots for the Democrats.

Full Text of Article:

Last Tuesday gave another opportunity to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to exercise their boasted right, the right of suffrage. It has been remarked before, we believe, that rain on election days is no unusual occurrence, and though Republicans were disappointed on Tuesday morning to find an unwonted degree of humidity they were by no means surprised. It was a nasty day from morning until night, and the sun struggled in vain to show his face. His best efforts were "circumwented," as were those of the Republican voters.

The marked feature of the election was the depositing of their ballots by the colored voters, and here let us do them full justice and say, as we have no doubt their political opponents will confirm, that they acquitted themselves like good law abiding law respecting citizens. Over two hundred colored men voted in Chambersburg, most of them depositing their ballots in the morning, and not a single difficulty of any kind arose. When they had voted they departed from the polls, many of them returning to their work again, and but a few were seen in the vicinity during the rest of the day. Their efforts to vote were not impeded or interrupted by the Democracy in a single instance, to our knowledge, except when objections were made, and when these were settled, as in the case of white voters, that was the end of it.

So far as the policy of extending the suffrage to negroes can be justified or vindicated by the conduct of the negroes themselves we claim that this has been fully done. We wish we could add that the conduct of the white voters had been as unexceptionable as that of the black. Henceforth we hope to hear no more objections made on this ground. The conduct of the colored voters on election day is an example well worthy of imitation, and some white voters whom we could mention would do themselves credit by learning a lesson from their colored brethren, and striving to reach the standard of good citizenship which they exhibited.

The result of the election, in the county, is not what we hoped it would be, though it is no worse than we feared it might be. A predjudice, the growth of two centuries, cannot be eradicated in a day or a year, and predjudice defeated the Republican party. The accession of five hundred colored voters to the Republican strength was more than counterbalanced by disaffected men, not merely men who stayed away from the polls, but men who representing themselves to be Republicans, quietly voted the Democratic ticket. Though acting a coward's part, they are ashamed to have their cowardice known, and even now, do not dare to say how they voted. These are the victims of a predjudice. They have been Republicans, and would be still, but they feared the negro, and voted with the democracy in favor of a Copperhead for Congress, who was less worthy of their suffrage than the rebel General Lee, by as much as he is less able, less frank, and less brave; and not because his devotion to the cause of the Confederacy was any less sincere, or his grief at its downfall a whit less bitter. We cannot comfort them with the assurance that their fear of the superiority of the colored voter is groundless. They must be presumed, at least, to be better judges of this question than ourselves; and a comparison of their conduct and that of the colored voters on election day, would seem to imply that their conviction is well founded. Unfortunately, their fear of the negro, whom they so love to call ignorant and degraded, and whose superiority they so fully admitted by voting with their political enemies, against him, at the polls on last Tuesday, has only increased their troubles. The Democracy were a "white man's party" for the sole purpose of catching fools, and having caught them they did not the less strive to get negro votes. They worked quietly during the campaign to induce colored men to vote the Democratic ticket, and exployed all the tricks they use with white voters. They offered them money for their votes and gave them whisky freely and liberally, and on election day openly contested with Republicans for their votes, as they had a perfect right to do. They even succeeded in voting a few of them, and though we must admit that such as they did vote were by far the meanest negroes in town it proves that they are not insensible to the value of a ballot even when deposited by black fingers, and it further proves that the Republicans whom prejudice drove to the Democratic ticket to escape the negro were sold a Democratic trick.

The true Republicans of the county, though defeated, have much to encourage them. They have struggled for years along with the best men of the party everywhere to have our government made a government of the people, by the people and for the people; and their efforts have not been in vain. They do not now for the first time behold the temporary triumph of prejudice over principle, but they find encouragement in the fact that Truth and Right ever prove stronger and prejudice weaker, and that this last crowning act of justice to the colored and white race will be fully vindicated and approved by the American people, as have been those which preceded.

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: This reprinted article notes the opening of Wilson College. A few individuals addressed the crowd and spoke about the importance of female education.
(Names in announcement: Rev.I. N.Hays, Rev.TryonEdward, SarahWilson, Rev.J. AgnewCrawford, Rev.J. W.Wightman)

Full Text of Article:

We are indebted to the Local of the for the following notice of the opening of Wilson College: A large and brilliant assemblage was gathered together in the Wilson College buildings, on Thursday last, to witness the formal opening ceremonies at that Institution. At eleven o'clock the ceremonies began with an Invocation by Rev. I. N. Hays, Pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church. The Coronation hymn - "All hail the power of Jusus' name" was sung. An earnest and fervent prayer was offered by Rev. Thomas Creigh, D. D. This was followed by the singing of the 100th Psalm. The President of the College, Rev. Tryon Edwards, D. D., was then introduced and delivered an appropriate address of great beauty and force. He contrasted the interest which has hitherto been manifested in the education of boys and that which has been exhibited in the education of girls. He spoke of the large sums of money that have been appropriated all over the country for the endowment of institutions of learning for males whilst the daughters of the lands have been sadly neglected. As one who had risen above this narrow-mindedness he instanced the founder of Vassar College. He eulogized his life and services in the work of education, in the highest terms, and dwelt upon the system of education which has been adopted in that celebrated institution.

Dr. Edwards then briefly sketched the trial and dangers through which Wilson College has passed, referred in most touching language to the magnificent bequest of Miss Sarah Wilson and the generosity manifested by other persons in the neighborhood. He dwelt upon the importance of educating the women of the land so as to fit them for the duties of home and social life, and also to prepare them for a home beyond the skies. It is impossible to do justice to the Dr's. address in the synopsis to which we are obliged to confine ourselves. Suffice it to say that it was received with infinite satisfaction and delight.

A prayer was then offered by Rev. I. N. Hays.

Dr. Robinson, of Harrisburg, had been chosen to deliver an address but he was unable to be present, and Rev. J. Agnew Crawford was substituted in his stead. He spoke as follows:

We may exchange gratulations this morning, and at the same time give thanks to God for the auspicious circumstances in which we meet. Few of you know anything of the anxieties and sinkings of the heart, of the labor and sacrifice which have been inseparable from the efforts that have placed the College where it is to-day. Unfortunately, an impression not early abroad, that because the gifts of Miss Wilson were so generous, we needed but little more. Whereas had it not been for the earnest efforts of some gentlemen in the Board of Trustees, our opening must have been deferred a year or two. They are entitled to our gratitude. Not only has their large business experience been brought into requisition, but their private means have been freely used. So that to-day we present you with an Institution which we think will be found worthy of your confidence and support. I congratulate you that you have, at home, the chance of educating your daughters equal to that which you would have were they sent to some other place. It is not for us to multiply promises - but we may be allowed to say that this shall be made a first-class Institution. The Trustees are resolved to spare nothing which will tend to make it the peer of any Seminary of learning in the land. Although the College has been founded with Presbyterian capital, and is mainly supported by it, we do not propose to make it sectarian in any offensive sense. It must be . And you may rely upon it that the central object here - the central influence here - the great central thought here will be the . Your daughters will be rallied round the cross. I bespeak, therefore, for the Institution your hearty support and a place in your prayers.

Rev. J. W. Wightman, Vice President of the Institution, was then introduced to the assemblage and made a brief address. He said that this was to be a institution. A large number of so-called Colleges are not worthy of the title. It is the intention of the founders of this institution, to redeem the name of College, if possible, from the contempt which has fallen upon female institutions. The effort will not be to cram the minds of pupils with facts, but to spend time in development of thought so that the pupils will learn to think for themselves, and thus be enabled in after life to become leaders, instead of followers, in society. It is not to be a Woman's Rights Institution in the popular sense. But woman has rights which must be protected. She must be prepared for the responsibilities which she must meet. She must have all the personal culture that can be given. She must be educated for Christ. He closed by asking the prayers of those present as well as those of all friends of education so that the College may be a tree planted by the rivers of water whose blossoming and fruitage shall be above the clouds.

Rev. I. N. Hays, then returned the thanks of the Board of Trustees to the Workmen, many of whom were present, for their earnest and energetic labors in pushing the work of completing the building.

The Doxology, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" was sung, after which the benediction was pronounced by the Rev. J. F. Kennedy, and the audience dispersed. We passed through the buildings and were delighted with the arrangements that have been made for the comfort and convenience of the pupils. The furniture is of the best quality. Each bed has two mattrasses, one husk and the other hair. The rooms look cheerful and cozy. There is an air of comfort about them which will do much towards banishing home-sickness.

Any one who contemplates sending his daughter to an institution of this character should visit Wilson College, and he will certainly be struck with the manner in which the wants of its pupils are provided for.

The Institution opens under happy auspices. Let our people foster and care for it as it deserves to be fostered and cared for.

(Column 03)

Summary: A large audience heard Olive Logan deliver her lecture on "Girls" on Saturday in Repository Hall. "The intention of the lecturer seemed to prove the fitness of women for the avocations from which they are excluded by the force of society, and that there was no quality in woman's nature harmed or outraged by her so engaging in them. She claimed for her sex the right to vote and hold office, and to compete with the sterner sex in all honorable professions and all departments of labor and industry." In the opinion of the editors, she did not succeed. The paper gave her talk a disappointing review, finding her lacking "depth of feeling" and "earnestness."

(Column 04)

Summary: A committee of Good Templars issue a call for a district convention of the order to meet in Franklin to promote the cause of temperance. The event will include a children's mass meeting. The Cumberland Valley Railroad is issuing tickets.
(Names in announcement: Rev.E. W.Kirby, John M.Gilmore, Dr.N.Schlosser, William A.Hazelet, William E.Tolbert)

Base Ball
(Column 04)

Summary: A baseball match was played at the Chambersburg Fairgrounds on October 8th between the Grecian Bend Club of Mercersburg College and a picked nine from Chambersburg. Grecian Bend won the match. Jacob Heyser hosted a supper for the teams after the game.
(Names in announcement: Keyser, Mull, Ginrich, Martin, Peightal, Martin, Cooper, Harbaugh, Pawling, McCleary, Flack, Skinner, Boyd, Robeson, Breitch, Coulter, Henninger, Kreichbaum, JacobHeyser, John M.Seibert, J. T.Keil, Upton N.Hutton)

[No Title]
(Column 04)

Summary: Richard Baker, the only African American in Shippensburg to have cast a ballot before the state restricted voting by race, voted again for the firt time in one third of a century last week. He "again cast his ballot with that party who believes that governments instituted among men derive their just powers from the consent of the governed."
(Names in announcement: RichardBaker)

Origin of Article: Shippensburg News

[No Title]
(Column 04)

Summary: The Teachers' County Institute of Franklin will meet in Chambersburg on November 21st. Prof. Kidd, "the great elocutionist," will be present.

[No Title]
(Column 04)

Summary: Travelers may purchase through tickets to all points west from W. B. Gilmore, Ticket Agent of the Cumberland Valley Railroad.
(Names in announcement: W. B.Gilmore)

(Column 05)

Summary: Daniel P. Fortney and Miss Mary E. Kinsal, both from near Quincy, were married on October 13th by the Rev. John Fohl at his residence in Chambersburg.
(Names in announcement: Daniel P.Fortney, Mary E.Kinsal, Rev.JohnFohl)

(Column 05)

Summary: Mrs. Susan Reed died on October 6th at the residence of her son-in-law, L. B. Kurtz. She was 70 years old.
(Names in announcement: SusanReed, L. B.Kurtz)

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