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Franklin Repository, March 02, 1870

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Border Raids from Northern Bushwackers
(Column 01)

Summary: When newspapers from other regions of the state argue against war reparations for the border counties, the defends the claims.

Full Text of Article:

It is scarcely to be expected that the people of the border counties will escape the slanderers tongue when they ask the Legislature to make them some amends for the extraordinary and overwhelming loss of property which the rebellion brought upon them. Still less can it be expected that all the silly and irresponsible newspapers which make up their vapid columns by slobbering over the leading articles of the half-dozen "leading journals" should receive their notice. Human animals are not so much superior to brute beasts, despite their intellect, as many of the favored race assume to be, and the brute instinct crops out in their actions quite as often as the godlike. Close observers of the nature and habits of wild beasts tell us that when one of their number becomes wounded, or disabled, the others turn upon him and with cruel ferocity stamp and rend him to death. Still closer observation, or the same observation, applied to human animals will discover a trace of the same trait in all, and, in some, developed into a living principle. Those whose brute instincts tempt them to turn on their unfortunate and helpless neighbor, and, because he is already down, trample him still deeper in the pit of woe and misfortune, are in every community; and, like the herd of wild beasts, they but want a buffalo bull or a bell wether to lead them on. Hence no sooner had the citizens of the border counties applied to the Legislature at Harrisburg for relief, and a few of the newspapers at Pittsburg and Philadelphia, which live chiefly by piracy and buccaneering, had threatened to raise their oft repeated roar unless their insatiate appetite for plunder were speedily appeased, than the herd of imitators turned on them, and such a din, clash and clatter as they made even devils would respect and admire. The sound animals rushed upon the disabled ones, and with terrific roars and bellowings, and pawing of dirt, they trampled them under their hoods and, at least, tried their best to exterminate them.

This may be deemed figurative, and to some extent it is, but it is scarcely a figure of speech to say that much which appeared in some of the country journals last week, on the subject we treat of, could only have received its inspiration from the heart of a human beast. And by "inspiration" we desire carefully to exclude the impression that we mean the ideas, but only the spirit, that which moved them. The ideas, as we remarked before, they are not responsible for, and indeed this class of journals is only remarkable for its plentiful lack of ideas. If they had anything to advance which would satisfy a reasonable mind that the State of Pennsylvania ought not to make compensation for the losses of property which the border people suffered from the rebellion, or if they but undertook to do this and failed, their efforts would be entitled to respectful consideration, and we have no doubt would receive it. But if they entirely ignore legitimate discussion, and devote their columns and their talents (?) in inhuman abuse, and wilful and notorious falsehood; if they misrepresent the well known facts of history, and insult a large and intelligent population, which, in addition to the pecuniary embarrassments which the war brought to them alone of all the people of Pennsylvania, fulfilled all the requirements of the government, made up all her quotas of troops, paid all her taxes and bounties, and put a larger proportion of her native born population into the Union army than almost any other part of the State, it is themselves, and not we, who construct an argument of no trifling weight in favor of the payment of the border damages. For it is a well known fact that they who can find no argument to sustain their cause always fly into personal abuse and slander of their opponents. It is a concession that they have no better argument to make. We take it also to be conceded, that if any exceptions to the payment of these claims by the State, are based wholly on the repugnant position of the border counties, during the war, which some of these newspapers charge, they admit the principle of the correlative rights and duties of the State and her citizens, admit the principle that the State is bound to protect, and on failure, to make good the losses resulting from that failure. If then these charges are false not only are their objections removed, but so far as those making them are concerned, they become advocates for the payment of the losses.

That we may not be charged with unfairness, let us see what some of these journals say. This from one far enough away from the border not to have been vexed with rebel raids during the war:

There is much in this which we must pass over without comment, lest our remarks grow too lengthy, but though the writer in a general way protests against payment of the claims the reader will perceive that he wholly fails to find a reason for his protests. What he does say is so silly that no sane man who reads it can fail to detect it. Who but a fool would say "it was to be expected, when we went into the war, that disaster and loss, to a greater or less degree, would be the inevitable result." We of the North never went into the war. The war into us and brought this disaster and loss. The rebellion was the war, and the South, nor the North made the rebellion. It was this which we put down. Admit, if the losses were unequal, that it was a result which could not be avoided, as the writer says. But can it not be mended? Now that the war is over and the rest of the State has escaped, shall not this inequality be repaired? If not, by what rule of justice and right, pray let the writer tell us, does the State relieve itself from this obligation? His conclusion, that our misfortunes were the lot of war, but that he does not feel bound to make our losses good, coupled with the hypocritical whine of sympathy, is magnificently Pecksniffian. It means translated, "Gentlemen, by your sacrifices and sufferings you saved our property, but that is done and can't be undone, and we'll take deuced good care, while we feel immensely for you, that our feelings don't influence our pocket nerve. That would be carrying the joke a little too far."

Here follows a suggestion we are glad the writer made. He says, admitting the destruction of property, &c., of the border counties, "what is it all in comparison with the agony of those who lost what was infinitely more dear, to them than houses or lands or any other earthly possession! We cannot pay the wife for her husband, the mother for her son, or the orphan for his father." No truer words could have been uttered, though they do come from a fool. Not a word can be uttered on the question of the awful human sacrifice of the war, and of the veil of sorrow, which fell upon the land never to be lifted during the life of the present generation, but it applies with as much force to the border counties as to any other part of the entire North. There is scarcely a household in them all but mediately or immediately mourns the loss of some dear member, often the one who was its main support. These losses are mourned as inscrutable dispensations of Providence, beyond the reach of human aid or remedy, and though they bow to His will they do not complain. But while their support was taken they were left, and unlike those who mourn in other sections of the North, their property, their means of livlihood was taken also. The State cannot give them back their dead, but it can restore to them their stolen and destroyed property, and enable them to make a livlihood once more, and then they will be no better off than the others who have been bereaved by the war. Yes, we thank the writer for his suggestion.

But let us hasten on to what he evidently regarded as the most forcible point in his very strong article. There are, in general terms, about a hundred thousand persons outside the border counties who from personal experience can pronounce them unmitigated lies:

Nor have we forgotten, either, the position occupied by a large majority of the people of these identical counties while the war was going on. It is safe to say that many of them, if they had spoken the earnest wish of their hearts, desired the success of the rebellion. Not a few of them ever publicly expressed the hope that the rebels would enter Pennsylvania. It is a historical fact that at least on one occasion they were piloted into the State by a citizen of one of the counties now claiming damages. Among the men assailing the State for compensation are some, at least, who invited the enemies of the Government to visit their localities. The man who first introduced the bill for reimbursement, sent for the rebels to come to his dwelling during one of their raids, saluted them as his friends, and feted them in his house in the most lavish spirit of hospitality. That his "friends" on departing stripped him of everything valuable was the occasion of his earnest advocacy of the bill in question. We remember also that in all these counties a most bitter hatred was manifested toward the Union troops, even though they went there to drive out the rebel invaders. It is upon record that water was by the citizens to the parched and thirsty soldiers, and that every species of extortion was resorted to in the sale of provisions to them. While the rebels on their first appearance were cheered loudly and supplied with everything freely and without price, our soldiers were met with black looks and treachery, and would have been compelled to starve had the citizens possessed the power. It is utterly useless for the border people to profess their loyality. The proof is too plain that the aggregate were warm sympathizers with the rebellion; and it would not be difficult to establish the fact that very many of them met their losses in consequence of their disloyal attachments.

Even here, as everywhere, there is a grain of wheat in the load of chaff, and we must qualify our declaration as to the lies. There is some truth in the statement. The rebels were piloted towards the county of Franklin, not into it, by the county of Franklin, not into it, by one who had been a citizen of the county and was a traitor. Can Washington county, Pa., boast that of her citizens there was but one traitor?

Let us dismiss the disgusting recital without commenting on each infamous falsehood. Each distinct statement is a lie, and we have little doubt that the writer knew it. We feel, however, like excepting that one, in which he says, the man who first introduced the bill for reimbursement invited the rebel raiders to his dwelling and defeated them, &c., from the lot, and admitting it to be true. It is possible that some human being may believe even the writer, whom we have quoted, to be his friend; and how infinitely more would he be deceived than was the man, if it were true, who believed the rebels to be friends.

We have said that about a hundred thousand non-residents of the border counties, could testify that all the allegations we have quoted, are false. During the first few months of the war many thousands of soldiers were stationed in and about Chambersburg, all of whom can, and we doubt not would if called upon, testify to the uniform hospitality of the citizens of both the town and surrounding country. Loads of provisions were brought to their camps and gratuitously distributed, and the citizens seemed to vie with each other in their kind attentions. During the whole period of the war hospitals were located in the same place, and thousands of sick and wounded soldiers were in their charge. Many of them were taken to their houses and cared for by the citizens without charge upon the government or to the soldiers, and since the war many grateful hearts have taken occasion to express in warm and hearty terms the gratitude they felt for the true hospitalities extended to them while in the service of the government.

Having been tempted to say this much we will add a few extracts from papers similar in tone and sentiment to that we have quoted, and close. The Indiana says:

The claim is based upon damages done by Union troops when called to the defence of the border and by the rebels when invading Pennsylvania. While the people damaged are entitled to our sympathies, by no law or reason can the Commonwealth be called on to pay them for their losses. A mistake was made when, in 1866 the Legislature gave to the citizens of Chambersburg $500,000. This appropriation was made merely out of sympathy, and it was predicted by Gen. White, we believe, who made a speech against it, if that bill passed, it would be a precedent for other claims of a similar nature.

The Greensburg thinks:

The Altoona calls it a big feast for the buzzards, and says:

And the fun of it is, it is expected to pass. What a glorious feast for the buzzard is here promised. Only think of it! Five millions of dollars! - over thirty thousand dollars for each Senator and Representative, with a fair margin for the lobby. But as the great majority of the peoples' representatives are honest men, and would scorn to touch such ill gotten gains, and as the number of venal members does not perhaps exceed a dozen all told, what a splendid harvest is in prospect for them! All former fat jobs sink into insignificance compared to this.

The Erie had potent objections. If the hog did not stray, if the cow were not lean, or the rooster a crowing one, perhaps the claim would be more just:

Soon after the close of the war the Legislature appropriated $500,000 for the relief of the people in and about Chambersburg. This was regarded as a questionable measure, and was voted for without much opposition. But now, four years later, a bold proposition comes up to make a donation of six times that amount mainly for the benefit of farmers who lost perhaps a stray hog, or lean cow, or crowing rooster, or a few fence rails. If our Legislators do their duty, they will vote down the scheme without discussion or ceremony.

It should be noticed that the places from which these papers come were eminently safe during the war.

The Commercial on the Border Claims
(Column 03)

Summary: The accuses the editor of the Pittsburgh Commercial of opposing border claims because of his own vested interest, being a member of the "Treasury ring."

Full Text of Article:

The Pittsburg still finds itself vexed on the subject of the border damages, and at least two leading editorials have appeared in its columns since our last issue. But the suggestions we then made and the questions we raised it scrupulously avoids touching upon, but so far as it can hope to bring reproach upon the border damage bill, by covert insinuations and false statements, both as insinuations and false statements, both as to the people of the border counties themselves, and the genuineness of their claims, it does not cease to employ them both. Though we complain of the spirit which inspires these articles, as lacking candor, honor and honesty, we are by no means prepared to say that the articles do not do far more to strengthen the border damage bill in the Legislature than would the 's advocacy of it.

Much that this journal has said on the subject carries its contradiction on its face. This of course can damage no one but the author, for it renders uncertain any other statements he may make which the general reader has not the means at hand either to disprove or verify. Further than this there are reasons why the editor of the should take the stand he does. He is notoriously in the new Treasury "ring." He and the ring have just won in a bitter contest for the control of the Treasury, and they mean to have the spoils. Hence the treasury ring, and its champion, the editor of the , oppose the border damage bill. If it should pass "in its present shape," as he wisely says, where would be the surplus funds for the ring to manipulate? Why the fight for the Treasury would have been made in vain. They would hold the shell but the meat would all be gone. Is this opposition hard to understand? But the has another pet project which this border damage bill would, if successful, spoil. It, and other Pittsburg papers, have been secured - we all know what that means - to urge on the Legislature the Erie canal project, the most corrupt job that has been brought to Harrisburg for years. It proposes to appropriate several millions of the bonds held by the sinking fund of the State to the enlargement of the canal.

The whole concern is now in the hands of a few capitalists, who hold stock representing several millions, but whose real value is not above a hundred thousand dollars or so. If the Legislature could be brought to swindle the sinking fund in this way this worthless stock would come up to its representative value, but the State would be a loser by as much as it put into it. The is the chief advocate of this swindle? But if the border damage bill became a law there would be scarcely a ghost of a chance for its success, and the would lose a fat thing. After all it is not very surprising that it should not approve the border damage bill.

Now let us see briefly what it has to say. First of all is the general charge of bribery to put through the bill, for which "advices from Harrisburg" are made responsible. The same allegation is made by the about every measure which it finds profitable to oppose. That it is fighting the bill is perhaps stronger evidence against the charge of bribery, than anything else which could be offered. If corrupt means had been employed to pass the bill it is fair to say that the would either be quiet or be favoring it. Its delay of several weeks in attacking it, and then its premonitory growl are among the doubtful circumstances to say the least.

The next objection is made to the bill in these words. "The bill is so drawn as to make certain the most enormous frauds. It invites the commission of all sorts of rascality. No safeguards to protect the taxpayers and the Treasury of the Commonwealth. The doors are flung wide open, and whoever can muster the ingenuity to concoct a bogus claim, and the unscrupulousness to back it with a lying affidavit is invited to help himself." This statement is perhaps also one of the "advices from Harrisburg," but that is no excuse for publishing barefaced lies when the bill itself has been before the public for two weeks. If the editor has read it he cannot fail to know that his statement is false. If he has not he is not prepared to make any comments on it, much less those which he has made. Instead of there being no safeguards to protect taxpayers and the Treasury, and inviting to frauds and rascality, and flinging the doors open to bogus claims and lying affidavits, provision is made to guard fully against all of them. No claims can be paid except those which have been adjudicated and filed in Harrisburg by commissions appointed by former Legislatures, and consisting of persons, not residents of the border counties, not in any manner interested in the claims. And these must again be supervised by commissioners who have authority to reduce them but not to enlarge them, and to reject them altogether if any are found to be unjust. But no claims which were not adjudicated and allowed as long ago as the commission of the summer of 1868 can be admitted. An examination of the bill cannot fail to satisfy anyone of these facts. Then why were these false statements made when the writer knew them to be false? The story of speculators having bought up the claims is again reiterated. We have already challenged the to produce the fact of one purchased claim, and promised to oppose the bill if he did. If they are in the hands of speculators, that would not be hard to do. Instead of that it repeats the falsehood. "It further appears," says this reliable journal, "that the whole amount claimed by the county committees heretofore appointed to appraise damages, does not exceed seventy-five thousand dollars, yet the "raiders" assume the damages to amount to something between two and five millions of dollars,' &c.

Please notice the authority for this statement. "It further appears." If it be a fact why not say so? or if it appears, why not tell where and how? So far from the truth is this that it does not possess even the appearance which the writer claims. There never were any county committees. The appraisements were made by committees appointed by the Executive by authority from the Legislature, and their aggregate amount could have been ascertained at Harrisburg by any one who sought to know for the last year and half. In the statement published a few weeks ago, embracing the then several appraisements, the gross amount is a little over two millions nine hundred thousand dollars. Doubtless, then, this statement of the Commercial must also have been known to be false. Another objection is raised against these claims. Before they are paid, says the Commercial, the citizens of Western Pennsylvania should be paid for their losses in business during the war, &c. This the State could well afford to do if in turn the western part of the State would agree to pay into the Treasury the enormous wealth which mowed into it our of the war. Pittsburg was fatted with wealth by the war. Every avenue of trade and manufacture was made to prosper by it, and millions were added to her material wealth. But if it were true that she suffered losses instead of receiving immense gains, the border counties can say "I more." The destruction of their property has been by no means their greatest loss, nor if this were restore to them would they receive more than a moiety of their losses. The loss is business since the burning of Chambersburg in 1864 cannot be estimated, nor will it cease to be felt for years to come. Let the Legislature agree to pay our extraordinary losses of property, and then the people of Pittsburg will be in a condition to talk to us about their losses in trade by the war.

Things Which Ought Not to be Forgotten
(Column 04)

Summary: The paper reminds readers that Pittsburgh was given relief from the state treasury after a fire there in 1844, pointing out its hypocrisy in attacking border claims.

Full Text of Article:

That a portion of Pittsburg was consumed by fire in 1844. That the policies of insurance were not invalidated by the fire. That the Legislature of 1845 appropriated $50,000 to the sufferers, and remitted all taxes for three years from those whose property had been destroyed. That when the news of the conflagration reached Chambersburg, a meeting was promptly called, and $500 were raised and sent to the aid of those who had lost their property.


That Chambersburg was almost entirely destroyed by rebels in 1864, the actual loss being fully two millions of dollars. That the loss on the real estate alone was about eight hundred thousand dollars. That the entire amount of insurance on said property, both real and personal, was invalidated because the loss was occasioned by a public enemy. That the high prices of labor and materials created by the war caused an outlay of twice as much as the real estate was appraised at to replace it; for example, a house that had been replaced at three thousand dollars cost six thousand to replace it. That the citizens of Pittsburg contributed $31 to the Chambersburg sufferers. That this magnanimous gift was contributed in this way. A clergyman of the U. P. church happened here a few days after the fire, and seeing the desolate town and the suffering people his heart was sorely troubled, and on his return to Pittsburg he called his congregation together for the purpose of raising something for the members of the U. P. church at this place. The meeting responded liberally to his request, but chiefly in abuse and vilification of the citizens of Chambersburg. However $31 were raised and forwarded, $30, it is said, by the clergyman, and $1 by the congregation. There is some doubt, however, as to the proportion. Some of the recipients of this magnificent charity persist in it that the preacher contributed everything but the scoldings. How it is we don't know. We thought it would be well, however, to give the history of it at this time, just to show that the Pittsburg papers are not alone in their hostility to Chambersburg.

Mr. M'Clure's Book
(Column 04)

Summary: The paper reports that Alexander McClure's book of his dispatches from the Rocky Mountains has been winning rave reviews in the US and Britain.
(Names in announcement: AlexanderMcClure)

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Special Notice
(Column 01)

Summary: Jere Cook, assistant assessor for the 16th district, announces that he will be at the Hays House March 8th-10th to collect income and special liscense taxes from the citizens of Antrim. A 50% penalty will be imposed on late payments.
(Names in announcement: JereCook)

Railroad Matters
(Column 01)

Summary: Rrepresentatives of the Mercersburg railroad have been visiting landowners along the proposed route to obtain releases for construction upon the land it will pass through. The road will run between Mercersburg and Marion. Once right-of-ways have been received, work will commence. In other important news, the charter for the last link in the planned Southern Railroad from New York to New Orleans via Chambersburg has been obtained from the West Virginia legislature.

Death at the Almshouse
(Column 01)

Summary: This semi-epitaph discusses the death of George Miller, a local "character about town."
(Names in announcement: GeorgeMiller)

Full Text of Article:

George Miller better known to this community as "Kitty" Miller, died, a few days ago, at the Almshouse, after a lingering illness. He had long been one of the "characters about town," and will be remembered after many more prominent citizens are forgotten. George was a veteran of two wars, having served in the little affair with Mexico and in the rebellion. In the latter, he was a member of Col. Maulsby's Maryland Home Brigade, and saw some active service at Front Royal and Gettysburg. We cannot say that he distinguished himself as a military man.

Poor "Kitty" belonged to that class which takes no thought of the morrow, and illustrates the assertion that "man wants but little here below." His loud laugh, (which would fill a square with its volume and make the vault of a circus canvas swell with its concussions) and his oddities of speech and gesture, made him a favorite of the boys of several generations. But we will not

"Further seek his merits to disclose.
Nor drag his frailties from their dead abode."

It gives us pleasure to know that he was ministered to in his last moments by Father Fields, and we have the right to hope that after a long, weary, wandering, friendless, and misguided life, he sleeps in peace.

[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: Capt. A. M. Criswell moved to pass resolutions of thanks on behalf of Prof. Kendell's Greenvillage music class for kind treatment during a recent concert in Newville. The concert received excellent reviews.
(Names in announcement: Capt.A. M.Criswell, Prof.Kendell)

Olive Logan's Lecture
(Column 01)

Summary: Olive Logan, a "brilliant and distinguished lady," will speak in Repository Hall on March 19th. Her lecture on "Girls" received rave reviews in Philadelphia.

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: Isaac Snively, formerly of Antrim, has been appointed agent of the Adams Express Company at Pittsburgh. "Mr. Snively's long experience with the Express business renders him well qualified for this position, and we feel confident that his numerous friends in this county will be exceedingly gratified as his deserved promotion."
(Names in announcement: IsaacSnively)

Concert for the Benefit of the Poor
(Column 02)

Summary: A promendade concert for the benefit of the poor of Chambersburg will be given in Repository Hall on Monday. Music and refreshments are among the attractions. Tickets are 10 cents.

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: The new Lutheran Church of Waynesboro was dedicated on Sunday the 20th. It is built of brick and cost nearly $13,000.

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: W. F. Patton who was recently admitted to the Chambersburg Bar left Franklin to settle in Illinois.
(Names in announcement: W. F.Patton)

(Column 03)

Summary: A. H. Strickler of Mercersburg and Miss Clara A. Besore, daughter of George Besore of Waynesboro, were married on February 24th at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. H. H. Hibshman.
(Names in announcement: A. H.Strickler, Clara A.Besore, GeorgeBesore, Rev.H. H.Hibshman)

(Column 03)

Summary: Solomon D. Fegan and Miss Sarah Bell Culbertson, daughter of John Culbertson, all of Doylestown, were married on February 16th by the Rev. William A. West.
(Names in announcement: Solomon D.Fegan, Sarah BellCulbertson, JohnCulbertson, Rev.William A.West)

(Column 03)

Summary: Anthony K. McCurdy of Metal and Miss Ellie Flickinger, daughter of William H. Flickinger of Fannett, were married on February 17th by the Rev. William A. West.
(Names in announcement: Anthony K.McCurdy, EllieFlickinger, William H.Flickinger, Rev.William A.West)

(Column 03)

Summary: Mrs. Egluria Deal, wife of J. W. Deal, died in Chambersburg on February 28th. She was 29 years old.
(Names in announcement: EgluriaDeal, J. W.Deal)

(Column 03)

Summary: Mrs. Mary M. Miller, wife of Jacob D. Miller, died near Welsh Run on February 12th. She was 33 years old.
(Names in announcement: Mary M.Miller, Jacob D.Miller)

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