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Franklin Repository, November 11, 1868

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The Triumph
(Column 01)

Summary: The editor praises the election of Grant in the presidential contest. He cites the election as a vindication of Republican policies and a complete defeat of the Democrat's opposition to Reconstruction. In addition, the paper printed the voting results by state.

Full Text of Article:

Gen. U.S. Grant has been elected to the Presidency by a popular majority not even surpassed by Lincoln in 1864. Twenty-six States out of thirty-four declared in his favor, and the popular majority is not less than 300,000.

Such a verdict after the struggle we have witnessed, and in view of the grounds upon which the opposition resisted Grant's election, has a significance which cannot be misunderstood; and which the Democracy would do well to consider. This election makes the third time in unbroken succession that the people have declared themselves in favor of the principles of government, cherished and supported and defended by the loyal Republican party; once when the Democracy threatened rebellion if they adhered to them, again when treason had raised its bloody hand in pursuance of its threats, and now when the rebellion is crushed and the last test of the strength of the government is made in its reconstruction.

There is now no mistaking the determination of the people that those who were faithful to the cause of true liberty and gave of their blood and treasure without stint to preserve it in its terrible struggle with treason shall direct the destiny of the Republic until peace and Union are secured to all on a foundation that shall last through all time. Just how this shall be done those who in their madness have held a high carnival of blood throughout the South, and those who encouraged and abetted them in the North need not the power of inspiration to see. The self preserving power of the government must be vindicated and submission to the supremacy of its laws must be complete and unmistakable. This is what the election of Grant to the Presidency means. This is the lesson the loyal people have taught to the enemies of the country.

The following is the ascertained result of the electoral votes together with the popular majorities as nearly as they can be ascertained:


States Electors Popular Maj.
Maine 7 28,000
New Hampshire 5 8,000
Massachusetts 12 80,000 Rhode Island 4 6,000
Connecticut 6 1,800
Vermont 5 30,000
Pennsylvania 26 29,000
West Virginia 5 8,000
Ohio 21 35,000
Indiana 13 5,000
Illinois 16 50,000
Michigan 8 25,000
Wisconsin 8 15,000
Iowa 8 30,000
Nebraska 3 4,000
Tennessee 10 40,000
California 5 1,000
Nevada 3 1,000
Missouri 11 10,000
Kansas 3 5,000
North Carolina 10 8,000
Minnesota 4 5,000
Oregon 3 1,000
Arkansas 4 20,000
South Carolina 8 1,355
Florida 3 By Legislature
Total 210 446,355


Kentucky 11 75,000
Maryland 7 25,000
Delaware 3 2,000
Louisiana 6 25,000
Georgia 9 40,000
New York 33 5,000
New Jersey 7 1,000
Alabama 9 1,900
Total 84 174,000
Total No. of votes in Electoral College 294
Necessary to a choice 148
Total for Grant and Colfax 210
Total for Seymour and Blair 84
Grant's electoral majority 126
Grant's popular majority 272,355

Grant's Election the Triumph of Common Sense
(Column 01)

Summary: The columnist explains what Grant's election meant for the country. Specifically, the continuation of Republican policies was simply "common sense" to most people because it worked, whereas the Democrats' plans of immediate reconciliation would have rendered the cause of the Union worthless.

Full Text of Article:

Common Sense has been defined to be the "convictions which we receive from nature, which all men possess in common, and by which they test the truth of knowledge and the morality of actions." It has been said, too, to be "such ordinary complement of intelligence, that, if a person be deficient therein, he is accounted mad or foolish."

Indeed it may be said that not only the willingness to accept the war and the recent popular expression in favor of its principal actor, but the very inception and origin of the republic, are due to the common sense of the people. The very preamble to the constitution of the United States furnishes the most potent and unanswerable arguments in favor of the American republic, and is replete with common sense. It sets forth that the constitution is ordained and established "in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."

The year 1860 found the American people confronted by great dangers. They were asked to give up the Union altogether and to consent that the country might be severed into a score of petty, discordant communities; to forego the establishment of justice and consent that an empire might be founded upon their soil having slavery for its corner-stone; to surrender domestic tranquility for interminable intestine feuds and broils; to subordinate the common defense and the general welfare to sectional hate; and to give up the blessings of liberty in the interest of oppression and despotism.

Mr. Black's counsel to Mr. Buchanan, that the government possessed no constitutional authority to coerce a State threatening to secede, struck the American mind as untrue. Indeed it would have been a foolish opinion proceeding from a common intellect, but emanating as it did from a jurist and theretofore reputed statesman, it was wicked and criminal.

Abraham Lincoln succeeded to the seat of his timid predecessor, and in obedience to the behests of the American People, proceeded to enforce the constitution of the United States, and render it the paramount law upon every foot of American territory. He proclaimed that the constitution was established for the conservation of the republic and not to secure its destruction. He announced that the republic had the right to live and, God helping him, should not die, whilst he controlled its destinies.

In other words, the common sense of the good President echoed by the great heart of the people, secured a triumph. Whilst Lincoln was practical and efficient in the cabinet, Grant displayed no less common sense in the field. He had no pet theories or plans in warfare; all were equally his. His objective point was the suppression of the rebellion, and, keeping this steadily in view, discarding all personal ambition and selecting his helpers with masterly judgment, he wrought out in his own time and way the salvation of his country.

With the death of Mr. Lincoln came new and unthought of troubles. Mr. Johnson's early prejudices mastered him and he again allied himself to the cause of the South. The Democratic party that had been powerless during the war saw or thought they saw that their time had come, and made haste to do obeisance to Mr. Johnson. They planted themselves squarely upon the doctrine that the war must be ignored, and all people and States, the disloyal as well as the loyal, restored to the condition of 1860 and 1861.

Here common sense again stepped in. If so why so?--said the American people. Speaking of the war they said, what was it all for? Can men rebel, can States rebel, and quit at pleasure, and then claim immunity? Can the nation that was compelled by fire, sword and cannon to maintain its authority, not demand security against the recurrence of insurrection and war? Are matters of such vital importance as the payment of the public debt, the repudiation of the debt contracted in trying to destroy the Government, the disfranchisement of the principal rebels, and the citizenship of the government's allies, to be left open matters, footballs between parties?

The common sense of the American people, as expressed in the election of General Grant, said no! There must be guarantees exacted! The fruits of the war must be fully gathered! And now, with the election of the great leader of our armies, we think we see evidences of the return of a better state of feeling upon the part of all our people. The Democrats who lately predicted such dire disaster in the event of the success of the Republicans, now admit that Grant will probably do. We believe that the era of Grant will be one of repose. The rebels will settle into quiet, and like men of common sense, as most of them are, accept the inevitable. The world will respect and fear us--respect us for having done ourselves the credit to elect to rule over us the man to whose prowess we are indebted for deliverance from intestine trouble,--fear us because of our consolidated strength, vast resources and popular common sense.

Too Much Haste
(Column 02)

Summary: The paper expresses confidence that President Grant will make wise choices in his cabinet selections. It also shows distaste towards those who switched their positions after the voters defeated them.

Full Text of Article:

Some of our exchanges are full of conjectures and suggestions as to General Grant's Cabinet. This playing at making appointments for the new President is doubtless more interesting to those engaged in it than entertaining to the people who hope to see a strong and upright administration, or to General Grant, himself, whose wise and judicious appointments in the field should be a sufficient guarantee as to how he will perform so important a matter as the appointment of a Cabinet.

One thing is a matter of rejoicing to the loyal people. General Grant goes into the Presidency wholly unincumbered by political hacks and tricksters, and can select his advisors from the most able and patriotic men of the country. And we have no doubt that in this, as in every difficult matter heretofore, he will show himself master of the situation. In this respect he has greatly the advantage of many of his predecessors.

Beside the manufacturing of cabinets, there will doubtless be a rattling among the dry bones of the lesser political fossils, and a raising of the past dead to secure the offices at the the disposal of the new administration. Indeed the rattling has already begun, and the breath of political life has animated shoals of them. Successful Congressmen are even now overwhelmed with a host of the warmest and most unselfish friends. One can only wonder that the immaculate loveliness of Congressmen elect could have been concealed from the gaze of men who see so clearly now. These patriotic gentlemen, the suddenly animated class, are cormorants of office and are laying their plans to attain their hungry desires. They may not have done a thing for the good of their country or humanity; they may have grumbled and complained their way through the long and bitter campaign, discouraging all whom they could influence by the way, and be in doubt even when they reached the ballot-box for whom they should vote. But they are in doubt no longer upon whose banner victory has perched, and they make unseemly haste to explain away the ugly past and rush with their congratulations to the successful candidates before their faces have had time to change from a scowl to a smirk, or their tongues ot unlearn the words of calumny and complaint and take up those of flattery and sycophancy. Humanity is not complimented by the existence of such men, and political parties are not benefitted by them, but that they do live and find their way into politics are facts which must be lamented, but cannot be prevented.

The result of the Presidential election
(Column 02)

Summary: The editor congratulated the Republicans of Franklin county for regaining the majorities they enjoyed back in 1866.

Full Text of Article:

The result of the Presidential election in Franklin county is a splendid triumph for the Republican party, and we doubt if any where in the State a county has done more than ours. In one year a Democratic majority of 187 has not only been wiped out, but a Republican majority of 280 rolled up. While we do not believe that the Democratic majority of last year fairly represented the relative strength of the two parties, it yet showed clearly that the Republicans had grown much weaker than in 1866, when they carried the county by a majority of 193, and that their opponents had acquired a ficticious supremacy which would give them great advantage in the contest this fall. With the prestige of last fall's succest and a majority of nearly two hundred in their favor, the Democracy were confident of success while the Republicans labored under a corresponding difficulty. The contest in October, made as it certainly was with this weighty advantage on the side of the Democracy, was no insignificant triumph when we carried the county by a majority of 43. It was desperately waged by both parties, and we do not mean merely by those who assume to be leaders. Almost every Republican did something more than merely cast his suffrage on election day, and the voters who are not politicians, in the odious sense that term is now employed, gave us the county. We may well be proud of the Republican party of Franklin county. They have done more than those of any county in the district, though all have done well. In one year they have made a change in their favor of four hundred and seventy votes, thereby making the county decidedly Republican for years to come. In this good work nearly every district has had its share. The table of official votes in '66 and '68 will enable each district to see what it has done, but we cannot neglect to mention among the most favorable Guilford, Quincy, Washington, Antrim, Welsh Run and Hamilton. In the Democratic districts their majorities of last year have with a few exceptions been greatly reduced, and in the Republican districts the old majorities of '66 have been regained. But in those districts above mentioned, they have far exceeded anything they have done for years past.

Let us not forget that it is in our power to retain the county, and if we loose it again our own indifference after the victory is won will be the cause.

The results of the October and November elections
(Column 03)

Summary: The editor ridicules the reasoning of the Democratic newspapers for the Republican triumphs. The Democrats said the Republican victory was narrow and only happened because some people turned out to vote on the Road Law. In response, he cites the increased turnout in November to prove the Republican victory was not a fluke.

Full Text of Article:

The result of the October and November elections in Franklin county give abundant proof that the Spirit is neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, and we have had repeated occasion to show both its false hoods and fallacies. The official returns of last week's election are in striking contrast with the predictions of the Spirit, made immediately after those of October had been received. What it then said is this:

"This year, upon an aggregate vote of 8,614, the largest ever cast, the majority for Hartranft is only 43. This vote establishes the fact beyond doubt that in all ordinary elections, Franklin county will give a Democratic majority. At the late election local causes operated to bring out a class of voters who will not go to the polls next month. Opposition to the Road Law brought out men who would not have come out at all if that question had not been before the people. Once at the polls, they were persuaded to vote the Radical ticket."

The consolation the Spirit then poured into the ears of the defeated, that opposition to the Road Law brought out many voters who would not otherwise have come out, but having come voted the Republican ticket, now turns to wormwood and gaul. The official returns make the total vote in November 23 greater than it was in October.

We take occasion to say this, not so much to show that the Spirit was mistaken in fact in this matter, for about this we care nothing, as to vindicate the patriotism and intelligence of the Republican voters of the county. The difference of a few dollars road tax, more or less a year, may very properly engage the attention of our farmers, and to reduce it they may go to the polls to vote, but nothing but the stupidity of the Spirit made it allege that so large and intelligent a class of voters could be influenced by this, and yet be indifferent to the momentous importance of the issues in the Presidential contest. It must be blind, indeed, and hopelessly ignorant of our people. The Republicans of Franklin county understood and appreciated the grave importance of this election. They knew that the Democracy had endangered the life of the Republic, and that their success would bring untold disaster upon the country. Hence they turned out and polled the largest vote ever polled in the county, and increased the Republican majority over that of October by 237 votes. Well done Republicans of Franklin county.

[No Title]
(Column 03)

Summary: The paper mocks the Democrats for quickly changing their stance on Grant after his election. "Before the election of Grant and the defeat of Seymour, the former was a miserable blunderer, a bloody murderer, and an ignorant tool of the Radicals, while the latter was the greatest statesman of the age." Now the tables are turned, and Democrats are softening toward Grant while second-guessing their nomination of Seymour. They especially stress that Grant was once a Democrat and hope he follows in the path outlined by Johnson.

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Election Day
(Column 01)

Summary: The editor rejoices at the Republican victories in the recent elections, especially in Franklin County. He says the contest favors Republican reconstruction policies and repudiates the Democrats.

Full Text of Article:

Since the surrender of Cornwallis to Washington or of Lee to Grant, there has been no day so big with events for the weal or woe of America, as Tuesday, the 3d inst. The people felt this to be so, and although the October elections had virtually decided the contest, yet the success of Republican principles was still in doubt and until finally settled, the nation was in a state of danger. The revolutionary programme set forth by the leaders of the opposition had aroused those who had been in earnest in the contest against treason and placed in jeopardy all for which we had fought and suffered. The memories of our "Boys in Blue," who had marched and fought and died for Liberty and Union, were to be blotted out or forever live as part of the glorious history of American patriotism, the sacrifices of loyal mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers; of the country's widows were to have been in vain or go down to posterity as a glorious heritage; the immortal sentence of the Declaration of Independence, that "all men are created free and equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness," was to be proclaimed a lie for the ages to come, or to be placed high above the destroyer's hand as the guiding star of a free people. We were to be honest, or repudiate a debt contracted for our existence; we were to have war or peace; and finally, rebels who tried to destroy the nation or loyal men who saved it in its hour of peril were henceforth to rule it all these questions and more were to be determined on the 3d of November, 1868. The day dawned bright and clear. This was regarded as a favorable omen by Republicans; our vote would certainly be polled. Events showed that they were right. At the polls in Chambersburg everything passed off quietly. Both parties worked hard, but the Democracy were disheartened, discouraged and almost demoralized. They saw the handwriting on the wall. The polls closed at seven p.m. The Republicans retired to the office of Cook & Hays, where arrangements had been made for receiving the news. Messrs. Kimmel & M'Lellan's office was for a while the headquarters of the downcast Democrats. North Ward showed in short time a gain of 3, but when South Ward came in with 27 Radical majority the game was up. Hamilton gave a gain of 16 for Grant on the October election. This was heart-rending, and out went the lights in Mr. M'Lellan's office, and the Democracy too. The opposition was in a bad way. They had no place where they could go, they were sheep without a fold, a flock without a leader. They very naturally cursed severely persons who had been promising them victories and yet left them forsaken and forlorn. The news at Republican headquarters was received with the most vociferous cheers and as State after State wheeled into line for Grant the enthusiasm was unbounded. Congratulations and rejoicings were met on every side.

The Boys in Blue and many others turned out about 12 m. and marched through our principal streets, and with torches and music.

The campaign is ended. Right has won and we can now extend to men of all classes and conditions and say "Let us have Peace," let us be friends.

Dedication of Masonic and Odd Fellows Hall at Orrstown
(Column 01)

Summary: The people of Orrstown celebrated the dedication of the new hall built to house the local Masons and Odd Fellows. The day included addresses by prominent community members, and processions of the fraternal orders. The Silver Cornet Band of Chambersburg played. "The fair sex of the town were out, and with their lovely faces and radiant smiles added much to the pleasure of the day."
(Names in announcement: Bro.D. A.Laverty, Rev. Dr.Dougherty, Rev.Hawkins)

The Vote of Franklin County
(Column 01)

Summary: The paper printed the results for the presidential election and election for Auditor General in 1868, as well as the totals for the election for governor in 1866.

Full Text of Article:

The following is the official vote of Franklin county for President at the late election, as also the vote for Governor in 1866 and the vote for Auditor General in October last:

Governor,'66 Aud. Gen,'68 President,'68
Geary Clyner Hartfranft Boyle Grant Seymour
Antrim 545 521 570 517 583 497
Chamb'g, N W 379 216 400 253 397 246
Chamb'g, S W 297 275 285 281 299 272
Concord 29 105 30 108 34 109
Dry Run 121 99 117 118 122 110
Fayetteville 284 224 252 235 255 241
Greenvillage 215 112 213 113 214 115
Guilford 207 224 220 212 225 205
Hamilton 128 173 128 186 128 174
Letterkenny 165 249 173 240 181 235
Lurgan 112 147 99 153 100 153
Loudon 93 113 95 131 97 130
Metal 166 98 146 120 157 114
Montgomery 249 181 243 194 270 184
Orrstown 80 149 88 150 94 145
Peters 175 52 159 73 165 66
Quincy 247 305 258 323 265 299
Southampton 69 82 60 86 60 79
Sulphur Spring 34 41 32 42 33 47
St. Thomas 167 227 166 225 168 231
Washington 351 259 387 309 388 307
Warren 61 56 59 61 59 65
Welsh Run 135 178 141 148 157 147
4299 4106 4321 4278 4451 4171

Hartranft's maj., October, 43; Grant's maj., Nov., 280.

No. of votes cast October, 1868 8,599
No. of votes cast November, 1868 8,622
Increase in total vote 23
Increase in Republican vote since October 130
Decrease in Democratic vote since October 107

[No Title]
(Column 01)

Summary: Lt. J. W. Fletcher was sworn in as Sheriff of Franklin County. He appointed Sheriff Brown to serve as his deputy.
(Names in announcement: Lt.J. W.Fletcher, Brown)

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: The members of the Young Men's Christian Association have opened their reading rooms to the public. They are well-stocked with religious and secular journals. They also hold a daily prayer meeting in the building. Donations of books, papers, and magazines are welcome. "The aim of this association is to benefit the young men of the town, both mentally and spiritually, and to provide a place for them to spend their leisure time, and improve their minds. Let all friends of truth and christianity do all they can to encourage these young men in their good work."

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: The paper reports that a "sad sight" met the eye of those near the Democratic headquarters on Friday. The party removed "what was left of Democracy," including half-burnt candles, transparencies, and pine benches. It was all hauled away by "an American citizen of African descent." Janitor M'Gowan tolled the bell at the Court House as the large transparency was removed. Crowds on the streets cheered.
(Names in announcement: M'Gowan)

I. O. G. T.
(Column 02)

Summary: Lodge Deputy W. S. Roney installed a number of officers for McMurray Lodge, No. 119. I. O. G. T.
(Names in announcement: W. S.Roney, William E.Tolbert, AgnesLinderman, H. C.White, Edward W.Burnes, D. B.Kirby, Harry E.Hoke, JohnHunter, JohnVance, HattieFlory, LauraDyson, CartieBarber, EdwinWilcox, SamuelO'Bannon)

(Column 02)

Summary: A number of appointments were made at a recent session of the East Pennsylvania Eldership of the Church of God. Rev. John Hunter, now stationed in Chambersburg, was appointed to Carlisle. Rev. D. Townsend was appointed to Chambersburg and Fayetteville; Rev. G. Sigler to Shippensburg; Rev. B. F. Beck to Middletown; and Rev. U. L. Jones to Orrstown and Newburg.
(Names in announcement: Rev.JohnHunter, Rev.D.Townsend, Rev.G.Sigler, Rev.B. F.Beck, U. L.Jones)

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: The Cumberland Valley Good Templars Convention will hold their semi-annual session in Waynesboro on November 25th. Delegates from Franklin and surrounding counties will attend.

Border Damages
(Column 02)

Summary: The paper reports that Franklin has advanced 1,504 war-damage claims; Fulton, 127; Perry, 5; Bedford, 47; and Cumberland, 132. Adams will most likely have 1,000, and York several hundred. The value of the claims falls between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000.

(Column 03)

Summary: John F. Woods and Miss Mary J. Hamilton, both of Roxbury, were married in Greenvillage on November 1st by the Rev. W. Howe.
(Names in announcement: John F.Woods, Mary J.Hamilton, Rev.W.Howe)

(Column 03)

Summary: Joseph Bosserman died in Montgomery on November 2nd. He was 58 years old.
(Names in announcement: JosephBosserman)

(Column 03)

Summary: Mrs. Mary Grossman, wife of Michael Grossman, died near Welsh Run on November 2nd. She was 62 years old.
(Names in announcement: MaryGrossman, MichaelGrossman)

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