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Franklin Repository, April 22, 1868

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Railroad Meeting
(Column 01)

Summary: The businessmen and citizens of Chambersburg will hold a meeting in the Court House on Thursday to advocate making Chambersburg, not Scotland, the northern terminus of the projected railroad from Waynesboro.
(Names in announcement: Col.George B.Wiestling)

The Trial
(Column 01)

Summary: The author reports that the impeachment trial of President Johnson has neared its end and argues for his conviction. It largely argues on the basis of what impact his conviction or acquittal would have on the political parties and results of the war.

Full Text of Article:

The trial of the President progresses slowly, but it is scarcely possible that it can last more than ten days or two weeks longer. The spectacle has lost much of its novelty for the people since it began, weeks ago, and now its success or failure, and the effect either will have upon the country is most thought of. The subject is worthy of serious consideration, for great good or grave misfortune to the country must come of it. Not for revenge does the Republican party seek and demand the conviction of Andrew Johnson; neither for friendship nor faith in his policy does the Democratic party strive and hope for his acquittal. The one is prompted by better motives; the other is worse. We see it alleged that the failure to convict the President would work the destruction of the Republican party. That may or may not be true, but affords no reason for his conviction. It does, however, furnish a key to the universal desire of the Democracy that he be acquitted. That party has a policy. Its end is power and plunder. The adoption of means to the accomplishment of that end is its policy, and if failure of the impeachment trial is the club to break in pieces the power of the Republican party, they will use it vigorously. After seven years of defeat, desperate circumstances call upon them for desperate efforts. Andrew Johnson, too, has his policy. We take his word for the fact. What it is the managers of the impeachment trial have in part pretty clearly developed. Its effect has been and still is to paralyze and distract the country, to build up higher the obstacles left by the war in the way of peaceable reconstruction of the South, to unsettle the financial condition of the country, and thereby create fear, and distrust, and apprehension every where; in a word, so far as lay, in his power to bring about a state of anarchy.

A party is always held responsible for the acts of its administration. The Republican party will be held responsible for the acts of this administration because the people entrusted it to them, and do not know that it has been basely stolen from them. The removal of the President would place the opportunity for remedying our evils where the responsibility lies. It would remove all obstructions from the policy which resisted the dismemberment of the Union, defeated the rebellion and made freemen of both whites and blacks in the South. It would put the administration in harmony with Congress and the People, who have not changed. It would break up whiskey rings and prevent the enormous frauds in the revenue department by which, to day, nearly as much is stolen as comes into the treasury. It would restore the lost confidence of the loyal people who made great sacrifices during the war, who suffered much and never despaired so long as an honest administration was at the head of the Government, and not least of all it would take out of the hands of the Democracy their most effective engine of power, the Federal patronage and the Government funds.

Let us hope that we are about to see the end of this prostitution of our country and its best interests to the besotted ambition of Andrew Johnson, and the building up of the Democratic party.

That Walk
(Column 01)

Summary: The article discusses the popular story of a man walking from Vicksburg to Washington draped in the Union flag, dismissing the man's claims to have been welcomed and applauded along the way.

Full Text of Article:

Mr. Johnson, the Democratic party and Southern traitors have vainly endeavored to induce the people to believe that the Southern States have been thoroughly subdued and have a great admiration for that emblem of Liberty which waived triumphantly when they went skulking to their homes, and hid in the mountains and caves, because a man called Sergeant Bates - known among his comrades as a "hospital bummer" - pretending to have served in the Union Army, walked from Vicksburg to Washington with the "Stars and Stripes" wrapped around him.

It may be exceedingly gratifying to Conservatives to know that no harm befel the gallant and courageous "standard bearer," and we do not wonder that their lazy bones become active over this great achievement. It may seem to them as a certain proof of the loyalty of the "late rebellious," but it certainly cannot convince any man who has any knowledge of the condition of affairs in the South. This movement was thoroughly understood by the disloyal inhabitants of the districts, through which he passed with his flag. Men who were absent when Sherman's boys carried it from "Atlanta to the sea," fighting under Lee and Davis, or picking off with deadly aim his gallant followers and color-sergeants, were the first to greet Sergeant Bates. Ex-rebel officers with their wives and daughters strewed this man's pathway with flowers. We challenge any of his friends to show a single instance where those who had remained loyal to the "Government of our Fathers" went forth to meet him. Not once did the men that fled from rebels and traitors for their lives; not once did the hunted and persecuted Union men of the South give him any aid or comfort. And why? Because the aristocracy of the South would not permit it, because loyal men dare not forge chains for their enemies to bind them, because if they had said it was perfectly safe for loyal men, unless near military posts in the South, they would have told an atrocious falsehood. Who received this man at the end of his journey? What men of note in civil life were present? Did he even receive the countenance of any of our military chieftains? The President, Senator Doolittle and one of the most bitter Copperheads in Congress were his committee of reception. After demonstrations from the men whose hostility to Freedom, Justice, Humanity and Liberty, is well known; further comment is unnecessary. It furnishes conclusive evidence that the bravery of Sergeant Bates is a myth; that his stories are unworthy of belief and that from its very inception the sole idea pervading his minds of those who concocted this pleasant and delightful walk, was to deceive or to excite the sympathies of Northern men. It has failed to do this. The people know that the friends of this second Weston were silent in '64, when thousands of "Boys in Blue" carried the same ensign of Freedom over the same ground, or if they spoke it was to further treason's cause.

The Judgeship
(Column 02)

Summary: Gov. Geary appointed D. W. Rowe, "a promising member of the Chambersburg bar," to fill the office of Additional Law Judge for the Sixteenth Judicial District. He will occupy that post until elections are held in October. Over the course of the summer, he will be sitting along with Judge King in Franklin and neighboring counties, and citizens will be able to "judge of his fitness." The paper asserts that, despite his young age, he has many of the "qualifications to make a successful and satisfactory judge."
(Names in announcement: Gov.Geary, D. W.Rowe)

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: The Republican-controlled state legislature adjourned last week. The most notable accomplishments of the session included the Free Railroad Law and the Registry Law.

[No Title]
(Column 03)

Summary: The paper warns the Republicans of Chambersburg not to be taken in by any mixed tickets that Democrats may propose. The editors urge unity and faith in "the party that saved the Union."

[No Title]
(Column 03)

Summary: The paper refutes Democratic boasts that the recent election results foretell a shift in support away from Republicans in Franklin County. Although Democrats reduced the Republican majority from 200 to 20, the editors contend that hundreds of Republican voters stayed home.

The School Elections
(Column 03)

Summary: After applauding the results of the new school examinations, the article comments that the black schools performed well enough to disprove scientists who claim that the race is incapable of learning.

Full Text of Article:

By your kindness I will occupy a little space in your columns, and claim a little of the time of your readers in reference to the late examinations of the public schools of our town. As the examinations were designed for the eye of the public, it will not be amiss for of the public to speak of them publicly.

We cannot but thank our efficient board of directors for what they have done, and are doing, for the schools of Chambersburg. Slowly, but efficiently, they have brought them up from an insecure beginning to a position in which they contrast favorably - according to the say of those who speak by authority - with the schools of the larger cities of the State.

We do not deny that there are deficiencies yet to be supplied, deficiencies of which our board are well aware and which they are willing to supply as soon as possible, and which will be the sooner supplied if properly aided by an interested public.

One fact has long been apparent to all connected with the schools, - that the schools and the citizens have heretofore stood too far apart - have stood as though they were independent parts of opposite conditions, and not linked together as they really are in interest and destiny.

We see no reason why the schools should be isolated and shut off from the eye of the public, away from the sympathy and co-operation of the outside world of which they are really in the and the . They should be more in sympathy and in union, and in conducting the examinations the directors have taken a wide step toward the consummation of this desirable end; it is bringing together the of the public and the of the school, and if we are not mistaken the interest manifested by parents and others will show the wisdom of the step. We trust the interest thus begun to be manifested will increase and go beyond the public gatherings of the schools - go into the inside operations of the school-rooms themselves as into a place too secluded or private for the intrusion of the feet of . Every kind face that looks in upon the school is a ray of sunshine from the outside world to the little world within, and every sympathetic word dropped upon the ear is cheer and joy to the hearts of teachers and pupils, spoken never so lightly though it be.

This being the first course of examinations, we could not expect every thing to be as well conducted as years of experience would do, but from the skillful manner in which most of them passed off, the spectators could not help but be well pleased. The examinations, beginning a few weeks ago and closing on last Friday evening, presented to the practical observer many things worthy of thought and study. The short time allotted to each one rendered it impossible to tell just how much each school knew, or how thoroughly each one has been taught, yet as each teacher conducted his own exercises, and it is to be supposed in the same manner in which each one conducts his school, the different manner and systems of the different teachers were brought together in clear contrast, and an opportunity afforded to judge of the efficiency of each one.

This is one important particular in which there cannot fail to be a good result. A teacher's position should depend entirely upon his - his success in discipline and his success in teaching. The examination will bring out his ability and tact, and be a stimulus to his own improvement as well as to that of his school. The consciousness that the eyes of the public are on him is a great incentive.

The examinations have shown most of the schools to be well disciplined and well taught, as evinced by the orderly and skillful hearing of both teachers and pupils in all the exercises, and by the prompt and decided manner displayed in the recitations. Whatever lack or deficiency of discipline and skill displayed by any, we have no doubt, will be a lesson for good.

We cannot close without a reference to the colored schools, not because we think they made a better appearance or were better taught than the others, but because of their hitherto condition, and their position with respect to others. Notwithstanding it has been affirmed by certain of a spurious Democracy that the African is incapable of thought, or of progress in the scale of humanity, numerous of the race have demonstrated the contrary to be true, and the appearance and exercises of the schools in question have proven to those who saw them that the can learn.

on the christianity (?) or the philanthropy (?) that plants itself in the way of the progress of the long oppressed and degraded sons and daughters of Ham. How much more becoming coworkers with God to take them by the hand and help lead them up the paths of progress to an elevated Humanity. Whatever difference there may be in the phrenological development of the two races, may be one of race, or it may be of difference of condition. One thing is clear, the phrenological organ of order is not very largely developed in the African character, but that is probably owing to his long situation in the under and more demoralized strata of society. A good system of training and discipline will, no doubt, improve them greatly in this respect.

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Attention Republicans!
(Column 01)

Summary: The Republicans of Chambersburg will hold a meeting at the Court House to make nominations for the borough ticket. An election will be held to nominate candidates for Chief Burgess, five Town Councilmen, one Auditor, and one High Constable.

Court Week
(Column 01)

Summary: All of the recent court decisions are lain out in detail, including what each person was charged with, the results, and restaurant licenses.
(Names in announcement: JudgeRowe, JudgeKing, David D.Taylor, JohnLane, PatrickConner, JohnKimple, JaneDuncannon, UptonWard, MichaelDiehl, IsaacWright, IrvingM'Dowell, JamesLarpen, JohnGsell, WilliamFurley, CarolineFurley, LydiaGrove, P. D.Ostrander, C. M.Duncan, W. S.Stenger, PeterSewell, ElizabethSewell, HousonHorner, EliasBrumbaugh, SamuelBarger, JohnBray, JosephineFranklin, JosephMiller, R. W.Ramsey, E. J.Wallace, CarolineJohnson, JamesCauffman, DavidBergenstock, MichaelCressler, WilliamWeicht, LewisEtter, JacobFlory, ThomasApplesberger, HenryBartle, JacobStrealy, CarolineStoops, DavidSmith, WilliamFlory, FrancisBowden, Dr.S. D.Kell, CorneliusVincent, DavidGuyer, L. B.Kurtz, D. O.Gehr, LeviSanders, Stumbaugh, Frederick, Eyster, J. W.Douglas, M'Cauley, Hays, Kimmell, Rutledge, Perry, William C.M'Nulty, A.M'Elwain, M'Gowan, BenjaminBert, JamesAnderson, RobertFornburg, George A.Deitz, James H.McGaughey, Nancy J.Horner, RobertHorner, Millet, Null, JohnFisher, W. M.Rupert, DanielTrostle, AdamWolfe, Samuel R.Boyd, S. S.Hays, John H.Adams, DavidHarper, JohnMullen, FrancisBowden, CharlesRidgely, AlexanderMartin, JohnHassler, CharlesGillan, JamesMullen, JohnTreher, JacobLightfoot, MargaretHolland, JacobElliott, Isaac A.Quigley, MichaelGable, DavidMillerJr., HenryYingling, E. S.Shank, John T.Stull, N.Easton, JohnKyner, DavidHeidler, ThomasM'Affee, Charles G.Lowe, BenjaminHough, GeorgeGelwicks, Reuben S.Miley, PeterBechel, ConradHarman, GeorgeRodgers, Mickey, John F.Croft, William D.Seibert, MariaMorton, Abraham H.Hullert, W.Holty)

Full Text of Article:

As stated in our last issue, Judge Rowe presided at the opening of the court on account of the absence of Judge King, who arrived in the afternoon. As usual, the Court House was crowded by witnesses, parties to suits and spectators. The criminal cases first came before the Court on Monday afternoon and engaged the time of juries, lawyers, and judges until Thursday noon. Several of the cases were of a trivial character and should never have been allowed to leave the docket of the Justice of the Peace, but the prosecutors received what they were searching for, justice.

Court being in session on Thursday morning, it was announced by the Court that owing to the departure of Judge King for Washington, the Additional Judge would hold the usual courts. His honor having consulted the members of the bar, issued the following order: "The Additional Judge appoints an additional term of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, to be held at Chambersburg, on Monday, the 1st day of June, 1868, and award a for jurors at the said additional term." This action is in accordance with the act of Assembly under which there was another Law Judge placed upon the bench. It is alleged that there are three hundred cases waiting trial before our court. Some of the cases are doubtless very short, and a week in June will remove many from the list.

For the information of our readers who may feel an interest in the proceedings, we append a list of the cases tried and those not prosecuted:


The Commonwealth tried the following cases:

Com. vs. David L. Taylor - Obtaining money under false pretenses. Not guilty.

Com. vs. John Lane - Surety of the Peace. On hearing the case the court sentenced the Defendant to pay costs of prosecution, or give bail for payment of the same, and be in custody until he complied with the sentence.

Com. vs. Patrick Conner - Felony. The Defendant plead guilty. Sentence to pay a fine of one cent, costs of prosecution and go to jail for thirty days.

Com. vs. John Kimple, Allen Ward, Upton Ward and Jane Duncannon, charged with disturbing a public meeting. Found, not guilty and that the costs be divided between Upton Ward and Michael Diehl, the prosecutor.

Com. vs. Isaac Wright - Found guilty of an attempt to commit arson. Sentenced to pay a fine of one cent, the costs of prosecution and an imprisonment of six months in the county jail.

Com. vs. Irving M'Dowell, charged with disturbing Singing School. Found guilty.

Com. vs. James Larpen - Surety of the Peace. The Court sentence the prosecutrix, Marv Beatty, to pay the costs.

Com. vs. John Gsell - Assault and Battery. Defendant plead guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars and the costs of prosecution.

Com. vs. Wm. Furley, Mrs. Wm. Furley and Caroline Furley - Assault and Battery. The Jury found them not guilty and divided the costs between Lydia Grove, the prosecutrix, and the defendants.

Com. vs. P. D. Ostrander - Passing counterfeit money. The Jury found him not guilty. There was also another bill found by the Grand Jury against the prisoner, charging him with having counterfeit money in his possession on the evening of the 25th March last. As the District Attorney insisted on the trial of the latter case going over until August term, when he would produce an important witness for the Commonwealth, who resides in New York, the case was continued and bail fixed at $1,000. The Defendant was committed to prison in default of surety. The bail was afterwards reduced to $600 at the request of C. M. Duncan, Esq., the prisoner's counsel.

On motion of W. S. Stenger, Esq., District Attorney, the court granted leave to enter a in the following cases: - Com. vs. Peter Sewell and Elizabeth Sewell; Com. vs. Houson Horner; Com. vs. Elias Brumbaugh and Samuel Barger; Com. vs. John Bray; Com. vs. Josephine Franklin; Com. Joseph Miller; Com. vs. R. W. Ramsey; Com. vs. E. J. Wallace; Com. vs. Caroline Johnson; Com. vs. James Cauffman; Com. vs. David Bergenstock, et al; Com. vs. Michael Cressler; Com. vs. William Weicht; Com. vs. Lewis Etter; Com. vs. Jacob Flory; Com. vs. Thomas Applesberger; Com. vs. Henry Bartle; Com. vs. Jacob Strealy; Com. vs. Caroline Stoops; Com. vs. David Smith.

The grand jury ignored the following bills: - Com. vs. Wm. Flory; Com. vs. Wm. Weicht; Com. vs. Francis Bowden and the prosecutor Conrad Ruths to pay the costs; Com. vs. Dr. S. D. Kell; Com. vs. Cornelius Vincent; Com. vs. David Guyer and prosecutor to pay the costs of prosecution, except jury fee.


L. B. Kurtz, now for use of D. O. Gehr, vs. Levi Sanders. - Summons Case in Assumpsit. Judgment for Plaintiff for $1188.08, with interest from 9th November, 1867. Eyster & Bonebrake for Plaintiff; Sharpe, J. W. Douglas, M'Cauley & Hays and Kimmell for Defendant.

Rutledge, Perry & Co. vs. Wm. C. M'Nulty. - Appeal by Defendant from the judgment of A. M'Elwain, Esq. Defendant confessed judgment for $62.11, with interest from 17th July, 1867. M'Gowan for Plaintiff; J. W. Douglas for Defendant.

Wm. M'Nulty, use of Benj. Bert, vs. James Anderson. - Appeal from Justice's judgment by Defendant. Judgment confessed by Defendant. M'Lellan & Kimmell and Douglas for Plaintiff; M'Gowan for Defendant.

Robert Fornburg vs. George A. Deitz. - Summons Case in Assumpsit. Leave to amend special matter granted to Plaintiff and case continued. M'Clure & Stewart and Sharpe for Plaintiff; Kimmell and Stenger for Defendant.

James H. McGaughey vs. Nancy J. Horner, Ex'tx of Robert Horner. - Summons Case in Assumpsit. Judgment for Plaintiff for $235. Kimmell for Plaintiff; Stenger for Defendant.

Miller's Executor vs. Null. - Summons in debt. Judgment for Plaintiff for $148. Stenger and Sharpe for Plaintiff, M'Gowan and Kimmell for Defendants.

There were no cases tried on Monday of the second week. Motions were heard and arguments made by counsel on opening of Judgments, confirming of Commissioner's reports, &c.


Hotel licenses were granted to John Fisher, W. M. Rupert, Dan'l Trostle, Adam Wolfe and Sam'l R. Boyd, Chambersburg; S. S. Hays and John H. Adams, Greencastle; David Harper, John Mullen and Francis Bowden, Waynesboro; Charles Ridgely and Alexander Martin, St. Thomas; John Hassler and Charles Gillian, St. Thomas township; James Mullen and John Treher, Louden; Jacob Lightfoot and Margaret Holland, Fayettville; Jacob Elliot, Welsh Run; Isaac A Quiggly, Upper Strasburg; Michael Gable, Hamilton township; David Miller, Jr., Washington township; Henry Yingling, Monterey Springs; E. S. Shank, Funkstown; John T. Still, Quincy; N. Eston, Uptown; John Kyner, Orrstown; David Heidler, Greenvillage; Thomas M'Affee and Charles G. Lowe, Mercersburg; Benjamin Hough, Greenwood.

Restaurant licenses were granted to George Gelwicks, Reuben S. Miley, Peter Bechel, Conrad Harman, George Rodgers and Mickey & Kyler, Chambersburg.

A license for a wholesale liquor store was granted to John F. Crolt, Chambersburg.

A hotel license was refused to William D. Seibert, Concord, and the applications for restaurant license of Maria Morton and Abraham H. Hullert, Greencastle, were not presented to court. The application of W. Holty, for a hotel license at Fairview, was held over.

The following order in reference to licenses was made by the Court on Tuesday:

"It is ordered by the Court, that all petitions for license to sell spiritous, vinous or malt liquors or for restaurants, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, at least three weeks before the first Monday of the court, and notice of such application shall be given to the public as required by law. Remonstrances against such applications shall be filed in the same office on or before the first day of each term, and the fact marked upon the petition for such license. All licenses thus asked for old and established hotels, restaurants or retail establishments, and all applications against which remonstrances have been filed as aforesaid, will be postponed until the first Friday of the term, at the meeting of the court in the afternoon, when they will be considered and determined."

His Honor, Judge King, returned from Washington, and is presiding as we go to press.

Borough Officers
(Column 02)

Summary: The legislature passed a bill requiring borough officers to be elected on a date separate from the regular spring elections in March. Many citizens opposed this, but, according to the paper, Col. Winger blocked any attempts to change it. The editors assert that Democrats hope, by adding an extra election, to gain an advantage that will allow them to "slip in a Councilman or two." On the first Monday in May, Chambersburg will elect a Chief Burgess, five Town Councilmen, one Auditor, and one High Constable.

County Buildings
(Column 02)

Summary: A Grand Jury recently visited the Jail and the Alms House. They ordered repairs in the outer walls of the jail. They found the alms house to be in good condition, but objected to the small size of the hospital and its proximity to the main building where it might "fumigate" the healthy "paupers."

School Examinations
(Column 02)

Summary: The examinations of the public schools concluded on Friday. The results "reflected great credit on both teachers and scholars, and also the good judgement of our Directors in their selection of teachers and manner of governing the schools." The "colored schools" also were found to be in good condition, the results proving conclusively that "the colored race, where an opportunity is offered, is capable of being educated."

[No Title]
(Column 02)

Summary: The Franklin County Bible Society held an anniversary celebration in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. A. Crawford delivered an address, and many friends of the society attended. Reports were read and plans laid for the coming year.
(Names in announcement: Rev.J. A.Crawford)

Special Election
(Column 03)

Summary: Chief Houser has issued a proclamation for an election at the court house on May 1st to select two judges, one inspector, and two clerks.
(Names in announcement: ChiefHouser)

[No Title]
(Column 03)

Summary: Cephas L. Bard assumed duties as Physician to the Poor House of Franklin County. The paper declares him well-suited to the task. He has practiced successfully in Chambersburg the past two years, and served as assistant surgeon in the 210th regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers during the war.
(Names in announcement: Cephas L.Bard)

(Column 03)

Summary: The "Little Eyster Family" will repeat their musical concert in the Court House in response to popular demand.

(Column 03)

Summary: George Angus of Schuylkill County and Anna Poorman of Chambersburg were married on April 16th by the Rev. C. J. Thompson.
(Names in announcement: GeorgeAngus, AnnaPoorman, Rev.C. J.Thompson)

(Column 03)

Summary: William Blosser of Cumberland County and Miss Mary A. Kendig of Orrstown were married in Orrstown by Elder W. L. Jones.
(Names in announcement: WilliamBlosser, Mary A.Kendig, ElderW. L.Jones)

(Column 03)

Summary: Mr. McCleaf of Cumberland County and Miss Eliza Gamber of Franklin were married on March 20th by the Rev. J. Halfleigh.
(Names in announcement: Mr.McCleaf, ElizaGamber, Rev.J.Halfleigh)

(Column 03)

Summary: Mrs. Frances Lindsay of Chambersburg died on April 11th. She was 88 years old.
(Names in announcement: FrancesLindsay)

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