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Yates to George McCall, Sept. 2 1776

Virga. Fredsburg Septr. 2d 1776

Mr. Geo. McCall
My dear friend
You will please accept my hearty thanks for your kind trouble in forwarding my Letters from Cumberland, and for your favours accompanying them, the contents of which are duly noted -- they did not reach me till 15 June - such is the delay in conveyance in these hostile times - besides the disagreeable circumstances of Letters being opened however this has never been a bar to my writing, for although I woud rather have it otherways, yet my particular business, or the effusions of friendship which I wish to communicate may for anything I care be communicated to the world -
I know it will be a satisfaction to you to know I am blessed with a good share of uninterrupted health & that I somehow or other contrive to live and hold my own in this world - No Longer Mercht. but a Farmer to which I have added the business of Distilling. let me add also that of a Weaver--but I only make my Negros spin up and weave a part of my own Cotten & wool to clothe themselves as is in short the way every one does. James Mercer is the Deacon - he leaving the Barr as I have done the compting room - has fallen on downright manufacturing, employing a number of hands in spinning weaving of all sorts - even in stocking Frames & besides beats one all to pieces in Distilling which he carrys on to great extent - my first view in this latter branch, was solely to make the Grain on my own farm, turn to account - however finding the trade more profitable than I at first supposed - it was of consequence pushed as far as woud be done without interfering too much with my (at this time) rather indolent disposition - in short, in the last season I made a net profitt by my distillery of better then £1000 Virga. currency to ascertain the value of which as we have no Exchange to determinate, I must inform you woud have bought my 4000 Bushs. Indean Corn - or perhaps 100 acres of choice convenient Land--besides raising me such a stock of Hoggs as woud supply Glasgow with Bacon, Pork, & Shott & Pigg & being of every signal advantage to my Milch Cows, young cattle & mares & foals all of which mean constant attendants, on the still troughs as your Porters & weavers at the change houses--I wish I coud contrive a Barrel of my Whiskey to John Gray & a cask of Hams to Mrs. McCall then most of my worthy friends coud guess how we are able to live here, in short notwithstanding however it might be supposed a very few years since that we shoud in the contest be much distresssed, yet it had proved other ways and all the necessarys of life are to be had, & daily increasing in abundance - even salt - that necessary article not now exceeding the price of 3 for one in Exchange for corn or 2 for 1 in wheat
As it will afford my very particular pleasure to hear of the welfare of your family I hope you will attempt to give me that satisfaction when any good oprty offers. Respectfull compliments attend them and all friends from your
very affecte. hble servt.
Chs. Yates

Per Capt. James Ward in the Boat Rattlesnake bound to Cap. Francois to be sent from thence to Jamaica

Bibliographic Information

[Charles Yates Letterbook, 1773-1783 The Harrison Institute and Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia #3807 (micro M 570-P)]


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