Virginia Herald and Fredericksburg Advertiser (Timothy Green and Co.), Fredericksburg, June 19, 1788.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, about the middle of March last, a mulatto man servant, named ROCHESTER, he is about five feet six inches high, of a slender make, and thin visage, his hair is naturally short and curly, though he frequently
makes use of a false queue. The only part of his cloaths which I can particularly describe, is a pair of lead coloured plush breeches, and cloth waistcoat of the same colour, with gold lace. He is possessed of an unusual share of cunning and address for a person in his capacity, and will, no doubt, attempt to pass
as a free man. It is presumed he is somewhere in the town of vicinity of Richmond, as his relations live there. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver said Negro to me, at this place, and pay all reasonable charges
attending to taking him up, or two thirds thereof for having him secured in any gaol, and intelligence sent me.
Potowmack-River, Boyd's Hole, May 23, 1788.
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