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Explanatory Essays

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Virginia Gazette (Purdie),
Williamsburg, June 5, 1778.

RUN away from the subscriber, living in the lower end of Rockingham, on the 10th of April last, Dennis Connolly, a convict servant man, about 25 years of age, five feet five or six inches high, is thin visaged, has yellowish hair, a large nose, and a bold impudent look; had on, and took with him, a yellow dyed country linen hunting shirt, two shirts of country tow linen, old country made shoes, yarn stockings, and an old hat bound with white. Whoever secures the said servant, so that I get him again, or delivers him to Mr. Robert Slaughter of Culpeper, shall have ten pounds reward, and be allowed all reasonable expenses. MICHAEL COAGAR.


  • Reprint: not in Windley

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