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Virginia Gazette (Purdie & Dixon),
Williamsburg, November 19, 1772.

RUN away, about the 1st of June last, from on Board the Sloop Industry, then lying at Fredericksburg, a dark Mulatto Man Slave named MANUEL, about five Feet nine Inches high, thirty Years of Age, well made, and has bushy Hair; he has been used to go by Water, has much the Appearance of a Sailor, and is a tolerable good Shoemaker; he was born in the Spanish West Indies, speaks Spanish fluently, but broken English, and is very fond of strong Drink. When he went away he had a common Sailor's Jacket and Trousers, and two or three brown Linen Shirts. He formerly belonged to Major Abyvon at Norfolk, and it is supposed will endeavour to get on Board a Vessel for the West Indies, which all Masters of Vessels will please to attend to. Whoever secures the said Slave, so that he is delivered at Fredericksburg, shall have TWO PISTOLES Reward if he is taken in the Colony, and FIVE POUNDS if out thereof. STAFFORD LIGHTBURN.


  • Reprint: Windley, vol. 1, p. 124.

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