Virginia Gazette (Purdie & Dixon),
Williamsburg, August 15, 1766.

COMMITTED to the publick gaol of Essex county, two runaway Negroes, which the constables refuse to convey (on account of the late act of Assembly which directs the person who takes them up to send them to the owners) or receive. One named SAM, about 5 feet 10 inches high, his left leg longer than his right, has on a cotton jacket and red breeches, sometimes says he belongs to Richard Woodson in Amelia, and brought back a black mare with him, supposed to be stolen. The other named BILLY, belonging to one John Edmunds, in Northumberland. The owners may have them, on paying charges. JAMES EMERSON, G. K.


Citation Information

Advertisement from the "Geography of Slavery" Project, Virginia Center for Digital History (/gos).

Text and images copyright 2004, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia