Race and Place Newspapers

Richmond Planet

Newspaper Information
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Date of Publication: July 09, 1892 (Wednesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 4

Column 6
FROM CHARLOTTESVILLE. The Church Trouble and Other Notes.

Transcript of Article

The committee appointed by the Virginia Baptist State Convention to endeavor to effect a reconciliation between the Ebenezer and Mt. Zion Baptist Churches presented the following which was accepted by the churches as satisfactory:

1. WHEREAS,--The members of the Ebenezer Baptist Church have no doubt given offense to Mt. Zion Baptist Church by having taken some steps hastily and that they thereby acknowledge the same.

2. WHEREAS,--the Ebenezer members have been publicly slandered by the accusation of having misappropriated funds belonging to the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, we, the committee say unhesitatingly, that they (the members of the Ebenezer) are entitled to a full and fair investigation of the books of the church before they surrender them.

The committee of investigation of the books was Rev. R. B. Hardy, Rev. A. Truatt, Isaiah Cash, B. E. Tonsler, and made the following report: We your committee, find that the receipts of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, were from the books, only $1, 904.78 for the year ending January 15, 1892. Instead of 3, 026. 89 1/2 as stated per circular, a difference of $1,132.11 1/2. We, the committee endorse the figures of the books because we have discovered the circular to be wrong.

The disbursements have been per vouchers, $1,811.75 balance in hand $33.68.

R. B. Harry, pastor Mt. Zion.

A. Truatt, pastor Ebenezer.

B. Tonsler, clerk Ebenezer.

L. Cash, acting clerk Mt. Zion Committee

Committee sent from Convention.

Rev. R Spiller.
P. F. Morriss.
R. H. Porter

A great many of our city people left in the early morning to attend a Lawn Party, given at Ivy Depot. However, their places were filled by country people, as this was county court day. A large number left for the different watering places in the mountains consisting of your correspondent, Mr. A. F. Angel.

Mr. John E. Seusbury is authorized to collect all subscriptions due Mr. Angel for this paper and subscribers will receive their papers as usual.

Mrs. Mary Yager is visiting her sister; Mrs. Laura Coles on 5th St.

Rev. A. Truatt and daughter left on the 4th for the north to spend the summer.

Misses Lizzie and Jennie Martin left Saturday morning for Washington to spend the holiday.


John H. Seusbury.

Summary of Article
A detailed account of the resolution of conflict between Ebenezer and Mt. Zion Baptist churches.

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