Race and Place Newspapers

Richmond Planet

Newspaper Information
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Date of Publication: May 07, 1892 (Wednesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 3

Column 2

Transcript of Article


A pure christian religion, the religion of the Bible, is the only secure basis for civil freedom. No republics except those founded on the Bible have ever sought to raise the masses from ignorance in truth every nation in the world at all conspicuous taking a prominent part in commerce or enterprise is professedly Christians within Christendom may be found all that is valuable in art or science, or civilization. Christianity is the moral force of the universe.

Union now exists. Yesterday at 3 o'clock p. m. the Mt. Zion and 1st Baptist Church Sunday schools took a bold stand for the right the tomahawks and handles are buried. God grant this union may ever dwell with them.

The Phalanx wins on the 24th inst. The Manhattan Base-Ball club of Richmond, VA. vs. Phalanx B. B. Club of U. of Va., the score stood 2 to 9 first day in favor of the Phalanx. See account of it next week.

Sunday night, April the 17th, Mr. P. Fleming and Miss Fannie V. West eloped to Washington where they were happily joined in wedlock and returned to Charlottesville, Va., Monday at 6:30 o'clock p. m.

Mr. John Mitchell, Jr., editor of the Richmond PLANET, was in this city on the 24th inst. He visited the Mt. Zion and First Baptist churches also addressed the members of the former church. We are pleased to have have [sic] him.

Mrs. Lucy Oliver left Saturday enroute for Newark, N. J. She spent three weeks here with her mother (Mrs. Walker), who is sick but is improving now.

Mr. Pain is in the city from Bloomfield, N. J.

The Ebenezer Congregation has purchased a lot at ($700) for the purpose of erecting a church.

A. to N. --["]What took you to church this morning?"

N. to A.--"My feet."

Summary of Article
Reports on the celebration of unity between Charlottesville's two black churches: First Baptist and Mt. Zion Baptist.

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