Race and Place Newspapers

Richmond Planet

Newspaper Information
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Date of Publication: December 19, 1891 (Wednesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 4

Column 4-5
CHARLOTTESVILLE NOTES. An Interesting Debate-Personal and Briefs.

Transcript of Article


The S. D. R. of First Colored Baptist Church rendered an excellent programme on the 11th inst. Miss Lilly Truatt, the president[,] happily conducted the meeting. After singing, Rev. W. Nelson of Free Union read a few verses of scripture. On the report of the executive committee Brother R. Kelser, president of the P. I. & L. Co. Mr. John Sheldon. Mrs. S. Wells, Miss Lizzie Howard were elected members of the Society. After a well rendered solo by Mr. J. A. Brown, Superintendent of Sunday School, select reading by Dr. H. F. Gamble, then came the debate which was the leading feature of the evening, and had created much enthusiasm among the ladies and gentlemen of the town. Subject: "Resolved that the women are more beneficial to the world than men. Affirmative: Miss S. Brown, L. B. Goodall, D.D. Negative: Miss L. Coles, Lawyer H. H. Ferrell.

The Debators were well prepared and the argument were well prepared and the argument exceedingly close. At times the audience were divided as to who would win the laurels.

However the judges rendered a verdict in favor of the Affirmative.

Rev. Stumm, D. D. of Staunton, VA., visited our city yesterday and to-day.

The Executive Board of the Albemarle County Sunday school work have arranged to donate books to eight or ten needy schools in the county.

The Ministers of the Piedmont Baptist Association together with all the teachers are called January 1, 1892, t o meet at the First Baptist church, for the consideration of beginning a high school in this District.

By the way, I see that the invitation to Miss Annie E. Kenny and Mr. Thomas B. Buckmor's marriage December 23, 1891, at the First Colored Baptist Church are out.

The M. E. Church had a very pleasing programme last Monday evening, to raise money for Missionary work.

Rev. Brother Valentine, its pastor is congenial and of pleasing address.

Mrs. R. Manning's funeral took place from the First Colored Baptist Church this evening at 2 P.M.

Look Out! the S. D. R. has a cheering programme for Xmas night, December 25, 1891.

My! the Agent didn't have a copy of the PLANET for himself to read Saturday afternoon at six o'clock. Well Brother Mitchell will have to send an extra copy for him.

A to B-What's the difference between a Dr. and Lawyer when they make a mistake? The Dr. puts you 6 feet under the ground, the Lawyer 6 feet above the ground (gallows.)

Truly yours,

A. F. Angel.

Summary of Article
Reports on general society notes of Charlottesville's colored citizenry.

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