Race and Place Newspapers

The Reflector

Newspaper Information
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Date of Publication: December 23, 1933 (Wednesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 1

Column 02
The Aftermath

Transcript of Article

The Crawford case has ended. Late Saturday evening the jury found the defendant guilty of first degree murder and after much balloting, fixed his punishment at life imprisonment. He was taken to Richmond to await transfer to the State penitentiary, where he will spend the remainder of his life. The Crawford case has ended, but long after that wretched man has gone to pay his final penalty, there are certain things that the case brought forth, which will be long remembered.

The public will never forget that able and well-learned group of Negro defense attorneys headed by Dean Charles Houston of Howard University. Their demeanor throughout the trial will lend prestige to Negro lawyers-to-be. Nor will the impartial Judge McLemore and members of the prosecution be forgotten. What a contrast to the Scottsboro case! When Attorney General Knight, several weeks ago admitted that he was "pleading to passion and prejudice"; how different this was f rom the Crawford case. Mr. Virginus Dabney and "The Richmond Times Dispatch" will be thanked, even years later, for the attitude that they helped to create and maintain throughout the stages of one of the most critical cases ever held in America. The Na tional Association for the Advancement of Colored People; will live in the memory of people who respect sane action and who detest racial ballyhoo.

Yes, the Crawford case has ended, but the manner in which it was handled and those who handled it, shall never die in the hearts of true Virginians. The rest of the states regard Virginia with profound respect and are happy to call her mother of states, mother of presidents, mother of culture and mother of democracy, where justice operates through the the organized channels of government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Summary of Article
Commends the Negro attorneys and the impartial judge for their handling of the Crawford murder trial.

Page 01,02

Column 03
The Assurance of the Immortality of the Soul

Transcript of Article

Last Sunday, which was as beautiful as a day in Spring, I spent part of the afternoon basking in the sunshine which carpeted my back yard. While listlessly looking at first one thing and then another I noticed a solitary li ttle leaf being tremblingly swayed by the gentle wind, until finally it slowly and gracefully fluttered to the waiting arems of the ground, at whith place it joined the ranks of its comrades. At first, I thought of Oliver Wendell Holmes' poem, "The Last Leaf", and became somewhat saddened, but perhaps it was the loftiness that surrounded me or perhaps it was the beauty of the day; something that most assuredly changed my mood of sadness to one of exultation because it occurred to me that the leaf really wasn't dead. True, it had completed its brief span of existence on the bough of the tree but now, it was expanding into a broader field for its very decay meant it would help to enrich the soil and become a part of toher leaves and plants and trees. My deduction from this was, that nothing is ever destroyed.

Just as the leaf lives on and on and on, so does the Soul. It cannot die. I cannot make bold as to what it looks like; I will not attempt to exaggerate as to what it feels like, but I know, and you know that it is there; that a small voice within us that ever tends towards the good and beautiful, is a thing that is untouchable. That voice is God's; in fact, it is He, or a part of Him within us. How do I know it is Immortal? In the first place, whether sleeping or wakin g, it is omnipresent. It is always with us. In the second place, even the hardest criminal can be touched somewhere, sometime, at some place. We say it may be remembrance of his mother, or his childhood days, or the tender caress of a little child. Bu t what makes him hearken unto these remembrances? Let me tell you, it is the Immortality of his Soul. Nothing can kill it-it is ever exalted, imperishable, and even while the body is aiding vegetation the Soul returns to Him and lives on and on.

Summary of Article
A solemn reflection on the nature and destination of the human soul.

Column 01
Do You Know Your Bible

Transcript of Article

1. What was Aaron's Rod?
2. Who was Ananias?
3. To what does Babel allude?
4. What is meant by the Canticles?
5. Who was Cush?
6. Who was Dorcas?
7. What was the origin of the name Ebenezer?
8. Who was Enoch?
9. What was the duty of the Levite?
10. What modern use do we make of the word Pharisee?

1. The rod cast before Pharoh by Aaron, it became a serpent and later blossomed.
2. A follower of the Apostles, husband of Sapphira, who fell dead when he was rebuked by Peter for lying.
3. The city and lofty tower in the land of Shinor where the confusion of languages is supposed to have taken place. We refer to it today figuratively as a confusion of voices or a structure of impossible height.
4. The song of Solomon, a book of the Old Testament.
5. He is supposed to have been the eldest son of Ham. The "Land of Cush" called later "Ethiopia", was named for him.
6. A female Christian disciple at Joppa, who made many garments for the poor. She is the symbol of generosity and goodness.
7. Samuel gave the name to the stone set up by him to commemorate the victory of the Israelites. The Hebrew definition of it is "stone of help."
8. The father of Methuselah. It is said that he "Walked with God."
9. The Levite was supposed to aid the priests, of the tribe of Levi, in the care of the tabernacle, the sacred vessels and the Temple.
10. We use it to characterize any extremely formal, sanctimonious or hypocritical person. The Pharisee was originally a member of an ancient and exclusive Jewish sect who held a strong conviction of their superior sanctity.

Summary of Article
A quiz on lesser-known Biblical subject matter.

Column 02,03
Open Forum

Transcript of Article

Dear Editor,

I picked up a Race weekly a short while ago and read an interesting article. The sum total of it was: "A closed season is provided for most birds and animals, in which no killing is allowed. There should be a closed season for lynching Negroes in order to insure posterity. Since lynching has become a National Sport, the government will have to do for Negroes what it has done for other game such as buffaloes. All Negroes should at least be put under the jurisdiction of state game wardens who will decide for their states just at what time during the year lynch-parties may be held. This will give prolific Negro women and stalwart Negro males time to replenish the stock which may then, after being nurtured and ripened, may be turned loose as prey for blood-thirsty lynchers."

This article though a bit exaggerated is truly representative. A man is no longer safe. The "Land of the free and the home of the brave" has become a sporting ground for marauders, who seemingly have chosen human beings as their prey. And the sad part of it is that we can do nothing about it. Governor Ritchie, in his attempt at upholding law and order will probably lose his position at the next election. I am weary of picking up papers and reading about mob violence.

Word was received here about three weeks ago that a white man was arrested charged with attempted rape on a young woman of our race, somewhere near your city or Albemarle county, and the case was dismissed. Oh well-we aren't supposed to be human anyway. If a car kills a Negro, it is "the poor devil, pity he didn't watch his step." If it kills a white man it is, "Oh the poor man, I know he suffered." Why am I angry? I don't know. I only feel terribly bad about the degeneration of American civilization, I guess, and I must make some one else feel bad.

Just now, I wish I could shout my horrors from the top of the world's highest building and let my voice be heard around the world! No, I don't want to talk over the radio as the mobsters, the majority of them, aren't intelligent enough to have such an animal as a radio in their homes-and they couldn't hear me anyway.

Brotherhood of man! Ugh! I'd rather exemplify the herd on the plains.

Mrs. Agnes Lawrence, Richmond, Va.

Summary of Article
Various local announcments detailing activities of Charlottesville's black community, from funeral announcements, to inventive Christmas celebrations, to holiday receptions.

second and third articles entirely on page 2

Page 03

Column 01,02
Society Notes of Charlottesvillians

Transcript of Article

Mrs. Alice Brookins of Twelfth Street is ill at her residence.

Miss Isabelle Ragland entertained the "Lottie Reid Club" at her residence on Pearl Street last Tuesday night. Miss Thelma Watson was guest.

Little Christine Gofney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gofney of Twelfth St., is quite ill.

Mrs. Willie Arnette left this city last Friday for Washington, D. C. to visit relatives.

Mr. Joseph Kelly, Jr., student of St. Emma Institute in Rockcastle is in the city. He will remain here for a few days for minor medical treatment.

Mrs. Rosa Dickerson, who has been quite ill at her residence on 10 1/2 St., is convalescent.

Mrs. Julia Stratton, wife of Dr. E.W. Stratton, local physician is in this city. She will remain here during the holidays after which she will resume her position as nurse in the Sea View Hospital in Staten Island, New York.

Miss Pauline Scott, who is a student of Dunbar High School, in Washington, has returned home for the Christmas holidays.

Mrs. Mary Fields Ragland left this city Tuesday for Florida, where she will remain all winter.

Miss Viola Price, who has been residing with Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Burley of Henry Avenue, left for Culpepper, Va., to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives.

Miss M. Otelia Abbott, who has been indiposed at her residence on Dyce Street has improved considerably.

Miss Lucy Redd and Mrs. Frances Smith motored to Boyd Tavern, Va., and spent the day Sunday.

Mrs. C. D. Jefferson of Madison, Va., spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Virginia Monroe.

Among those Collegians who are spending the Christmas holidays with parents and other relatives are: Virginia State College: Misses Margaret Pennington, Anna Pauline Henderson, Pocahontas Sellers, Lula Howard, Rozellia Henry, Virginia Keys, Emma Straton, Julia Harris and Messrs. Charles Michie, Robert Wicks, and Robert Johnson. West Virginia State College: Miss Cornelia B. Winston and Mr. John H. Pleasants.

Howard University: Miss Violet Coles. Hampton Institute: Miss Marion Howard.

Mrs. Ophelia Fields, who has been visiting her mother for quite some time, is expected to return to this city sometime this week.

Williamson-Jones Nuptials

Mr. Richard Williamson and Miss Florence Jones were united in marriage December 14, at 7:30 P.M. by Reverand H. E. Williams of Anderson St. Mr. Williamson formerly resided in Petersburg, Va., and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Major Jones of Ivy, Va. Mr. Williamson is the brother of Mrs. Mary Henry of this city.

Miss Elizabeth Spencer of Staunton, Va., was married to Mr. John Deering, of this city, Saturday night of last week. The reception in honor of the bride and groom was held at the Rosenwald School Monday evening.

Little Delores Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry, was hostess to a group of her little friends last week. They helped her to celebrate her third birthday.

Mrs. Izetta Williams has returned to this city after visiting her husband in Washington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lassiter have returned to their home in Sunburn, N. C., after having visited this city on business. While here they were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopkins of Ridge Street.

Reverend and Mrs. W. R. Strassner are spending the Christmas holidays in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as the guests of the mother of Reverand Strassner.

Mrs. Otelia Jackson, accompanied by Mrs. Ella Kinney and Mr. Charlie Thomas, motored to Richmond, Va., Sunday. Mrs. Kinney spent the day with Reverand and Mrs. G. E. Reid, formerly of this city.

Summary of Article
Various local announcements detailing activities of Charlottesville's black community, such as visiting relatives in notable cities, going to top-ranked Negro colleges, and getting married.

Page 03,04

Column 03
Jefferson School Notes

Transcript of Article

Scene: A cozy room in a rich man's house with luxurious furniture and ornaments. A spoiled little girl may be seen cuddling a little kitty and a beautiful doll.

Time: The week before Christmas.

Characters: Dolly Mae, Mrs. Lovett and Miss Fairy.

Mrs. Lovett: Dolly dear, tell mother how many presents you are going to give this year.

Dolly Mae: How much money may I have mother?

Mrs. Lovett: Why, I don't know. You want to give presents with your own money, don't you?

Dolly Mae: Oh, mother, it will take nearly all of my money. I won't have any for myself.

Mrs. Lovett: (Taking Dolly in her lap) Dolly, I have noticed that you have a great tendency to be selfish and self contained. You will think me mean now but if I do not teach you better you will always be selfish, and it will be my fault. You will eith er give presents with your own money or I won't allow Santa Claus to come to see you. (With this she leaves the room).

Dolly Mae to herself: Oh, well, I can spend my money and get my own Christmas presents. (She sat pouting and looking in the fireplace. She was very tired. All of a sudden from out the fireplace jumped a beautiful fairy waiving her wand.)

Miss Fairy: Dear Dolly Mae, I heard what you said to your mother and I will tell you a story if you will listen.

Dolly Mae: Please tell me a story.

Miss Fairy: Once there was a little girl that was very selfish. She had everything money could buy, but on Christmas she was not happy because she did not have the Christmas spirit.

Dolly Mae: What is the Christmas spirit?

Miss Fairy: The Christmas spirit is a spirit that makes us feel we should make somebody else happy. It is a spirit of self-forgetfulness. You should never give to receive. (Here Dolly's mouth flew open, but the fairy continued) Each Christmas she woul d give only to those who had given to her the year previous and she would not spend more than she thought they had spent on her. So one Christmas her kind old grandmother told her that she would have to make a sacrifice if she wanted to be happy.

Dolly Mae: Whay, what are they?

Miss Fairy: A sacrifice is the giving of something you really want or need to make someone else happy. Her grandmother promised her that if she would make a sacrifice she would be the happiest girl in the world. This little girl craved happiness so she decided she would give her little pepinese dog that she adored to a servant's daughter that was sick. The little sick girl was so delighted her eyes danced and her face was wreathed in smiles; it made the other child feel so happy to know she could chee r someone like that. So that Christmas she gave a great many presents of her personal belongings and spent a great deal of money. Christmas night she called her mother and said, "Mother, dear, I am the happiest girl in the world."

Dolly: Oh! Miss Fairy, could I be the happiest girl in the world? (her doll fell to the floor, she looked where the fairy had been standing) Why, I have been asleep! (pause) Just the same I could try it. (Dolly leaves stage)

Dolly: Mother, Liza loves my kitty and so do I, but she shall have it.

Mother: Why Dolly Mae, I believe you have the Christmas spirit.

(Dolly may be seen scrawling in her own childish handwriting and spelling in her own original way the names of her friends.)

Christmas night mother is about to send her to bed.

Dolly Mae: Mother, dear, I am the happiest girl in the world and I have found the real Christmas spirit.

Summary of Article
A short play about a young girl who learns the meaning of the Christmas Spirit through sharing.

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