Race and Place Newspapers

The Reflector

Newspaper Information
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Date of Publication: October 21, 1933 (Wednesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 1

Column 01
The Forgotten Man

Transcript of Article

The National Recovery Administration, a plan devised to increase the purchasing power of the country, has been somewhat beneficial. One has just to glance at the business notes of any morning paper to find this to be true. The hours of labor have been modified by the codes and minimum laws have been drafted and passed. The first part of the program is over, the introduction has been made and now, evening papers scream to us, "buy now!" High pressured speakers urge us from platform and radio to "do our part", and even the motion picture stars take turns at brief intervals between an evening's program at the theatre, to preach the virtues of N. R. A., and the necessity of keeping the dollar rolling.

Yes, the first step is completed, but the average Negro looks at the proceedings half amazed. He reads the papers advice to buy now, he hears the counsel of distinguished speakers, urging him to "do his part", but he cannot understand step number two of this program. For him, it is a little advanced, perplexing. He finds his chief means of livelihood, domestic labor, agriculture and of course miscellaneous, unaffected by codes that will adjust his working hours or his pay envelope. He is barred from certain jobs displaying the N. R. A. sign because the minimum wage allowed under the code is more money than he needs to live on. His clothes, his foodstuff, and his fuel amount to twice the price that they were twelve months ago, his chances for existence are fewer, his hopes are darkened by the wing of the Eagle, rather than brightened. He sees those of his race dismissed with the coming of the Emblem and substituted by white workers, he desolately notes that winter is approaching and the line of unemployed, among his groups, is becoming longer. Suddenly, it dawns upon him, that he is The Forgotten Man in all of this recovery talk, and he ponders over the second step. He wonders too, how soon it will be when he may be given a chance to convalesce under the recovery Codes.

Summary of Article
Asserts that the N.R.A. is not benefiting Negro workers because it has led to price increases as well as increased discrimination in the labor market.

Column 02
Why Be Patriotic?

Transcript of Article

After relating five recent lynchings, several incidents where Negroes were denied much needed attention at white hospitals and the decisions of certain states professional school that barred a very capable Negroe's admission, a feature writer of our race concludes that the black man is truly a man without a country and frankly asks the world, just why he should be patriotic.

The writer did not exaggarate his charges, for it is true that many Negroes are victims of mob violence in this country every year. There are cases also on record, that have attracted National attention where hospitals actually closed its doors to injured Negroes when an hour's attention may have saved his life. Two cases are now pending Supreme Court hearing to determine whether or not a State may bar a certain group of citizens from professional training without providing such a place where similar training may be obtained.

Had the young writer made a further study, he would have learned that hundreds of men and women of the white race have interested themselves in our cause and have been instrumental in lifting far more Negroes than are lifted every year by the Interracial Committee, the N. A. A. C. P. and other organizations devoted to interracial goodwill work. He might have also studied and ascertained that millions of dollars have been donated by philanthropists of the white race for Negro Schools and hospitals. We feel that the question (Why be Patriotic?) is useless, for the consideration shown the race in the past and present by well-thinking white people has been the compensation of a democracy. Consequently, we should be broadminded enough to ignore the wrongs of a petty, undemocratic group, and let nothing interfere with our being patriotic for no other single element so surely guarantees perpetual democracy as does patriotism.

Summary of Article
Asserts that the question "Why be patriotic," is usless because "no other single element so surely guarantees perpetual democracy as does patriotism."

Column 03
The Spirit of Tipytown

Transcript of Article

Typitown, as we have mentioned before, is a little city that reminds one very much of Charlottesville, that is to say, each town has about the same Negro population and about the same type of inhabitants. Typitown boasts of quite a few churches which means, of course, quite a few ministers. The large percent of domestic workers makes Typitown a lucrative field for small business men and also professional men.

Like most small towns, Typitown does not have regular civic leaders, that is; men and women who devote their time and talent chiefly to civic work. The citizens are always willing to boost a plan for community betterment, but their type of work makes it inconvenient for them to actually start a civic program. So, the ministers, the doctors, public school instructors and business men realize the importance of community organization. They also realize that since this type of work and that the responsibility of leadership is too great for the masses the task is theirs to accomplish. The ministers know that by virtue of the sway that they hold over their congregation, that members would follow whithersoever they may lead. Consequently, Typitown ministers boost community organization plans from the pulpit. The instructors in public schools feel it their mission to teach citizenship, loyalty and organization to the child and extend their influence to the home. Thus, they outline the many advantages of such a movement through composition work, essays and in Patrons' meetings. The professional men agree to address in turn, the various organized social groups and bring to their attention the necessity of organization placing before each one a common cause, because they know that nothing will make a person feel a brother's need anymore than a kindred spirit. The business men display placards and slogans encouraging organization.

All told, Typitown today, so much like our littly city has an active civic League, not because the leaders are high-pressured workers, traided for the purpose but because the masses are broad enough to support leaders who realize their capability and the full meaning of unselfish service.

Summary of Article
A comparison between the civic leagues of Charlottesville and allegorical Typitown, Virginia.

Page 2

Column 01,02
Seebien, My Brother

Transcript of Article

I mean, I began to look at myself, in my own right--and felt, for the first time, the desire to be the admired rather than the admirer. I grew to hate the hellish boxing matches, or free for all in which the other men participated. It made me sick to see them throw their knives at targets. I couldn't box, my twisted hands could not possibly balance a knife enough to get even proper aim. I hated all the wretched mess that they called manly, and one evening Zvoni came to the tent while the men said she disliked the knife-throwing and boxing too, and her eyes nearly closed as if she were trying to shut out some vivid memory. Zvoni talked long in my tent--in my tent and Seebien's, that night and left only when she heard the singing men and women triumphing those who had been victorious in the games.

Shortly afterwards, Seebien came trotting into the tent, a picture of masculine perfection that I had once, actually, allowed myself to admire. But then, as I watched the carefree smile that clung to his lips and noted his easy stride, I almost wished him dead--wished him dead and out of my sight. Why did I not like the rough and carefree life of real men? Why did I hate the sight of a dagger and target? I, with half a body--twisted limbs, and shaking hands. What could I do on the mat or with a knife and target? And there before me stood, the man whom I wanted to be, Seebien the perfect--Seebien admired, Seebien the active--Seebien the victorious. There he stood before me, throwing, carelessly, the victor's boquet to the floor, as if if were a weed.

"Be gay Hunchie", he said to me. "What's on your mind"?

Hunch--how true! Yet I despised the word, that name, the one who had just uttered it, that which gave him cause to call me that. My soul was suddenly filled with hatred for everything--for everybody--everybody except Zvoni--Zvoni I kept telling myself over and over again was different--She understood me--But I was mistaken in Zvoni--

Summary of Article
A narrative of a Charlottesville boxer's disillusionment with the sport continued from the previous week's Reflector.

Column 03
Tittle Tattle

Transcript of Article

Hi there Gang:

Received a few cards without names or addresses, so I judge that it will meet the okeh of the readers to answer the same in this style. However, before going into that--the latest laugh deals with a certain gent who got the jitters last week over a little info spilled on this page and proceeded to buy up all the papers in sight. Six newsies sold him five each--not a bad break for the newsies but pretty unfortunate that the dub was so self-conscious or maybe--as he explained to his friends, he just wanted to help the boys along.

What really prevented the Grand march Friday night last, at the football dance? Official reasons were, that the crowd was too large--Babble reports that a certain Football Hero had four girl friends on the scene which would have made his partner selecting inconvenient.

Dear Man at the Keyhole:

I noticed in your column, several weeks ago, something about a certain man, and a certain lady going for a walk. Now, frankly, that worried me, because I am wondering whether that was my husband, won't you get me out of suspense?

Mrs. Anxious.

My dear Mrs. Anxious:

Your request is most unusual; while I do pride myself on seeing most things, I can't be personal. Ask your husband. I'm sure he'll tell you.


Dear Man at the Keyhole:

Why must you shroud yourself in such a veil of secrecy? I should like to see you, to know you. This "peep" game is so annoying. It makes you so close yet so far away.

Summary of Article
A humorous series of incidents that detail all "the latest laughs" without revealing the names of those involved.

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