Race and Place Newspapers

The Reflector

Newspaper Information
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Date of Publication: September 02, 1933 (Wednesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 1

Column 01

Transcript of Article

An open letter to the ministers, officials of every club and lodge and other business and professional men and women of Charlottesville.

Honored Citizens:

The history of mankind is very interesting, viewed from the point of leadership. By this I mean that the history of the world takes on a different aspect when one studies the various periods, avoiding many of the dates and other unimportant data, and considering the men of the period instead, together with their rank among men. We find four distinct changes in leadership. In the beginning of history proper, leaders were chosen from prophets and priests because a belief existed that nothing material could be accomplished without divine guidance. So tribal Chieftains and Clan rulers were in every instance, men of God.

This period was replaced by militarism. Mankind chose his leader according to his might, the physical skill displayed, and for a while, rulers were fighters, warriors.

Then, the Universality of education brought to light the fact that "the pen is mightier than the sword" and almost over night the politician with his long coat and high hat replaced the rugged soldier and for a long, long time this type was prevalent.

Not long ago, we fell victim to over-production, the panic followed, and the technician was called to straighten out matters.

I outlined these various types of leaders to establish the theory that your particular profession fits you for a duty that is sacred. In our city, the four types are well represented but, no one is taking an active lead. You know, the conditions here; facts and figures have been brought to you weekly, still you are supinely resisting that which may be improved by your guidance.

Without your consent, Fate has so arranged that it is necessary for you to lead, and Charlottesville expects it of you. Following your prescribed course is insufficient. How do you feel about the prevalent illiteracy, that could be stamped out with two hours of right training per week? What do you think about numerous adults who have never cast the ballot? Inevitably you have pledged your service to mankind and Honored citizens you may be true to the pledge by attempting to better some of the existing conditions in your community. Organization is the first step. When are you going to begin?

Summary of Article
A call to action that challenges Charlottesville's Negro citizens to take initiative, behave as leaders, and improve conditions in their own communities.

Column 02
What Are We To Be Called?

Transcript of Article

This question was asked me by one who sincerely wanted to know our reaction to our appellation. We are truly American citizens, but for the purpose of distinction a more specific classification is necessary. What we are to be called cannot be decided by printer's ink alone. Similar to all races in every land we have our classes, and I believed the well-informed student of negro history, and the careful observer of present negro life will admit of distinct classes. What we are to be called is not a problem settled by written desire, neither is the answer brought about by verbal showmanship. According to classification we are either negro or colored and a thesis that contends the contrary would be no more effective than a June bug buzzing around the head of an Arkansas plow mule.

So far, we understand that we are to be called precisely what we are. Students of both races, who have concerned themselves with the study of the negro, agree that one possessed of sincere race pride and inwardly anxious for race settlement wants to be called a negro. Blood percentage and physical characteristics cannot be considered, wholly. Such methods would cause complications too dense for even a dream of apprehension. So when the urge is most prevalent to ask for a name, we may safely ignore pen and paper and the cute quotations that such inspire; for what we are to be called is a question to be answered by self, and determined by an entire life.

Summary of Article
A reflective article that attempts to address the question of what Negro peoples are to be called(i.e. Negroes, Colored, Black).

Column 03
Are You Of The Nobility?

Transcript of Article

No, Sir Hugh is not of the nobility. Unfortunately, the blood in his veins is blue, his family name is three hundred years old, he is of the rank and file; yet, despite the fact he is untruthful, that he is a parasite on his friends, he must be termed a nobleman.

Yes, John Doe is a commoner. He toils daily for his sustenance. He pays his debts honorably; he is straightforward, but unfortunately his father was a glass blower, his mother was a laundress, therefore he is scum.

I wonder which of the two is true nobility.

Let me tell you--true nobility lies within the man. Great is my desire to laud him who can be true to himself, who can look upon the things he has done with shrinking. May I present to you, nobility, from four points of view, namely, nobility born of faith, loyalty, perseverance and generosity.

Not long ago the world was "Coue" mad. Everyone was saying to himself, "every day, in every way I'm growing beautiful and more beautiful", and "every day in every way I'm growing better and better." It took a world of faith for some of us to say that. How noble is the man who would possess such faith in his fellowman! How despicable is the inconoclast who would destroy one's faith in one's self, in one's fellowman.

I want none of your loyalty that says "yes, he is my relative, what about it?" Loyalty befitting the nobleman makes him not hate a man because he possesses qualities that he can never hope to attain. Loyalty to himself and to others inspires him to make the most of that which he has.

I've heard too much of perseverance that wins for a man his coveted goal. The nobility possesses perseverance that makes one stick to a principle and when envy tempts you to look narrowly at another, persevere, ignore the small voice and harken unto the broader principle.

Generosity doesn't end with giving a beggar a fifty cent piece or the orphans an outing. What about giving a man that which is due him? If he is a good jockey be generous and forget that you cannot be one because you are too stout but give him credit for being one.

The nobility is he who has faith in his fellowman, who is loyal to the smaller voice within, whose perseverance makes him adhere to a principle and whose generosity makes him give that which is due.

Are you for the nobility?

Summary of Article
Submits that nobility is not a question of birth but one of character.

Page 2

Column 01
Weekly Review of Current News

Transcript of Article

Professor Raymond Moley has quit at last. It has been rumored for weeks that he would. Newspapers called it a split with Secretary of State, Hull, but the Professor denied this and claimed that his love for journalism had forced him to accept editorship of a weekly for Mr. Astor. Whatever the reasons the administration has lost a good man.

Missouri rejected the 18th Amendment and became the twenty-second state to pull that act. Only fourteen more are needed to complete the repealing three-fourths. Fifteen are scheduled to vote before Nov. 8. Looks like we may have a "liquid" Thanksgiving.

The first attempt of United Federal and city officials to check kidnapping had the appearance of a flunk last week in Chicago. While the police and federal men were waiting for the kidnappers of John Foster to "slip up" in their trap, the kidnappers hired a farmer boy and paid him ten dollars to take them over another route.

Word was received to the effect that the University Commons would not accept the code. Negro help and the "no profit operation" was given as the reason for failure to cooperate with the N. R. A.

According to a recent order handed down, London police are no longer allowed to be married within the first four years of service. The commissioner wishes to keep as many constables as possible living in station homes so that they may be available for emergency calls. Not a bad idea, but pretty tough for the love-sick nurse.

Summary of Article
A short listing of important world and national events, including brief commentary on the significance of each; subjects include the repeal of the 18th Amendment and the John Foster kidnapping.

Column 2
Youth (poem)

Transcript of Article

Y young--yearning--yielding.
O outspoken--out late--outrageous.
U ungovernable--unbalanced--uncertain.
N naughty--nude--natty.
G garrulous--gay--gadding.
O youth--so indifferent, so unreliable, so care-free, so pleasure-loving; blatant, brazen--yet, what would the world be without thee?

Summary of Article
A poetic tribute to both the good and bad characteristics of youth.

Column 03
Musings (poem)

Transcript of Article

If there comes a time in the Autumn of life
When old ghosts hold a rendezvous,
My mind will wing back to tonight,
And to the charming things you do.
I'll remember love words you've said--
And tenderness will have its sway,
I'll shed a tear for a day that's dead;
And the ghosts shall vanish away.
I know that you, my dear, won't quite forget:
Those other days will haunt you too,
Your pensive hours shall breed regret,
And you will wish them back anew:
(Into every thought will creep, "That Tired Lad",
Who shattered his dreams--to keep you glad.)

Summary of Article
A bitter-sweet poem about the regret of leaving relationships behind.

Page 3

Column 1,2
Society Notes of Charlottesvillians

Transcript of Article

Mrs. Rutherford Brice, of Orange, Mr. McIntouch, of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Los Angeles were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Monroe of Page Street.

Miss Margaret Rogers, who is district nurse in Richmond, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. F. C. Gunnel of Ten and One Half Street. Miss Rogers received her early training at the Jefferson School in this city, and last June, she graduated from Lincoln Hospital School of Nursing.

Mr. A. G. Macklin of Roanoke, is the guest of Miss Hortense H. Tonsler of Sixth St.

Mr. Oscar Conn, son of Mrs. Nancy Conn of Dice Street was married to Miss Mary Lawson, of Covesville, Sunday night.

Mrs. Marion Kelly left today for Yeadon, Penn., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Johnson.

Little Ruth and Mary Fortune and Master Emmet Fortune, children of Mrs. E. W. Fortune, Page Street, recently returned from a vist at the home of their grandfather, Mr. Jesse Fortune of Hickory Hill, Va.

Miss Geraldine J. Sampson was hostess to the "Jolly Junior" Club at her residence on Sixth St. last Friday evening.

Miss Rosa Fagans of Preston Avenue was hostess to the "Thalian Art and Literary Club" last night at home.

Dr. George F. Johnson in company with Mrs. Mary Greer motored to Va. State College at Petersburg, to witness the Commencement exercises. Mrs. Peachie C. Johnson was a member of the graduating class.

Mrs. Jennie Washington of Covington is visiting her father, Mr. Warner Brown of Page Street.

Mrs. Zelda Scott of Jersey City has been called to this city on account of the illness of her mother.

"The Taylor Art and Literary Club" entertained Mrs. Lockett, and ex member, at the home of Mrs. Ella Kinney on Preston Avenue.

Mrs. Coles and Mrs. Smith of New York are visiting their mother, Mrs. Brown on Sixth Street.

Mrs. James Lightfoot and daughters, Misses Louise and Geneva spent the day Sunday in Washington as the guests of Mrs. Parker, the daughter of Mrs. Lightfoot.

Messrs. Edward Sellers, Ernest Allen and Robert Harris motored to Greenwood Tuesday. They were the guests of the Misses Wood.

Mrs. Selena Burns entertained her friends at bridge Tuesday evening at four o'clock. After the game was completed, a palatable repast was served. The first prize was won by Mrs. Grace White, Second, Mrs. E. C. Heiskell, and Miss M. M. Gamble received the consolation prize.

Those present were: Mesdames Ione Edgar, Alice Howard, Mary Conn, Dorothy Tarry, Pearl Brown, Marion Kelly, Susie Lewis, Sadie Carey, Mary Bowles, Martha Coles, Daisy Thorogood, Irma Carter, and Eleanora B. Sellers; and Misses Louise Riddick, M. M. Gamble and Clara Brown

Miss Marion Wyatt has been quite indisposed for some time at her residence on Sixth Street.

Mrs. Annie Slaughter of Richmond, Va., who was the guest of Mrs. Alice Howard of Fifth Street, has returned to her home.

Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Armstead of Ridgewood, N. J., are still in this city. They are the guests of Mr. L. P. Jackson of Ridge Street.

Mrs. Mattie Underwood of Orange, N. J., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Susie Henderson, on Fourth St., S. W.

Miss Nettie Kennie of Philadelphia is visiting relatives and friends here.

On the morning of Sept. 4th the Morning Star, No. 40, are having their field day exercises.

Little Elsie Harris of Seventh Street who spent several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Elsie Davis of Hilltop, Maryland, has returned to this city.

Miss Elizabeth Brooks of Fifth Street has returned to this city, after having visited her grandmother in Elicia, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moon of Anderson St. entertained the Jolly Twenty Four Social Club at their residence Monday.

Miss Dorothy Burns of Alexandria, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jesse Carey, on Anderson St. is indisposed.

Summary of Article
Various local announcements detailing activities of Charlottesville's black community, from receiving interesting guests to membership in art and literary clubs,and celebrating the most "palatable" dinner parties.

Column 03
Tittle Tattle

Transcript of Article

The sidewalks between Model Laundry and Pollard's were congested last Tuesday morning, now, no fights or holdups, Heiskell's Hampton Shop was closed and about twenty corner sheiks who had been accustomed to "hangin aroun" were hunting parking spaces.

A certain gentleman from uptown way went out to Press Inn Monday night. It was a trifle warm, so in middle of a dance a gentleman reached in his pocket for his handkerchief; instead of pulling out the bandanna out jumped a hook, a line and some bait. The crowd laughed, but old Fred just stepped back and said "I always come prepared for suckers."

And speaking about Press Inn reminds me, the "Secret 12" can certainly entertain. I enjoyed it all and everybody else did until Sampson tapped his boys off on "42nd St." Whew! Samp, sa-ay, avoid those Sunday night exploits and rehearse your boys a little. You have stuff--use it kid.

Saw old Charlie (Nit) Brooks down by the bank Wednesday A. M. looking some prosperous. Say "Nit" what system are you using these days?

Don't tell that I told, but at a certain little party several nights ago, a Mrs.--got gay with gin and it kind of made her "diz'y". Her gigolo and her hubby were present. At about 11:30 Mrs.--skipped out for some air, that is, hot air from her gigolo. Hubby appeared on the scene prior to the gigolo--being still a little dizzy Mrs.--mistook hubby for her giggy, "c'mon let's go," she said, "the old man's inside dancing".

The slickest bit of slick stuff had to do with a well known Playboy. He met his Plaything over on Ridge St. and was just going off to frolic when ----my dog gone tire went flat in front of Midway School and I couldn't follow them.

'Tis whispered that the "Creole Boswell sisters" are planning a surprise radio debut over W. E. H. C. Much luck girls--and --so long????

Summary of Article
A humorous series of incidents that reveal racy happenings without revealing the names of those involved.

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