Race and Place Newspapers

The Reflector

Newspaper Information
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Date of Publication: March 24, 1934 (Tuesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 1

Column 01,02
On Northern Consel for Southern Problems

Transcript of Article

Northern Negro pilgrims come often to the Southland picking out and airing the obvious flaws in most everything from the dual wage scale to segregation in public schools.

They suggest methods to prevent lynchings, outline plans to give their Southern brothers more political power and make long speeches on the "Rights of Man".

Where is that hidden virtue of the North that makes those visitors to the South, so sure that they are eligible to give instructions? Is the upstate country a real paradise where racial harmony is ever present and progress is a byword? Is equality really there? Is justice blind or does it require the use of two pairs of eyes? The true answer to the above questions are known, seemingly by everyone else except some of our Negro leaders. For surely, the self-styled benefactors must be unmindful of the fact that skilled Negro laborers are denied membership in high ranking white trade unions in the North, when they express surprise at "Jim Crowism" in public places of amusement in the South.

It wouldn't be logical to think that they knew that a majority of the popular "mixed" schools are taught by white instructors, and still insisted that the Negro in the South "wake up" and get the benefit of his taxes.

They cannot know that a "mixed" church means in most cases a white minister, and that the privilege of being able to call white doctors, dentists and other professional advice means direct competition for Negro professional men in the same field. They cannot realize the significance of the situation and still feel qualified to tell the descendants of "poor old Uncle Tom" how to get "double duty" for his dollar.

It is difficult to retain patience with those self-styled leaders. It is true that the Southern Negro does have his problems, but the Northern Negro does too, and it seems as if all advice is needed to bring about Negro representation in industry in the North, and the creating of more places in higher arts for Northern Negroes. A plan of this nature would lend advice-the procedure suggested for charity.

Summary of Article
A scathing article that implies that the Norhtern preoccupation with integration is misinformed. The author asserts that most things that are "mixed" are not especially beneficial for Afican American professionals because it means they must compete against unfairly advantaged competitors.

Page 2

Column 04
Do You Know This One

Transcript of Article

1. What was the "The Declaration of Sentiments"?
2. Who was William Lloyd Garrison?
3. What woman of Canterbury, Connecticut, was imprisoned because she exerted interest in the education of the Negro?
4. Who was called "The Joan of Arc" of the anti-slavery movement?
5. Who was the first free-born Negro called to service to speak against slavery?
6. What great man of our race helped to convince the slave holder and the abolitionist that if the Negro were freed and allowed a chance, he could do great things?
7. The charter of what college started with the following words: "God hath made of one blood, all nations that dwell upon the face of the earth?"
8. How many free Negroes in Virginia were paying poll taxes in 1814?
9. What famous Southerner secured the enactment of the law providing for the patenting of inventions of slaves?
10. What led to the establishment of Oberlin College?

1. "The Declaration of Sentiments" was a document which presented the principles upon which the right of man to freedom was based, and issued a call to all men in the middle nineteenth century, to promote emancipation. William Lloyd Garrison wrote them and many abolitionists signed them.
2. He was a great reformer and one of the greatest upholders of the theory that slavery was a moral and social evil, a sin. He was forced to leave Baltimore, by members of his race, because of his fiery utterances. He said, "I shall strenuously contend for the immediate enfranchisement of our slave population. I will be as uncompromising as justice on the subject-I am not wrong; I will not equivocate, I will not retreat a single inch and I will be heard"!
3. Prudence Crandall was imprisoned because she admitted Negro girls to her academy.
4. Abby Kelly Foster. She was a great abolitionist and a very energetic anti slavery lecturer.
5. Charles Redmond was the first free-born Negro called to service to speak against slavery. Until the rise of Frederick Douglass, he was reputed to be the ablest representative of the Negro race.
6. Frederick Douglass was the living example of what the slave was and what he might become. He was a fugitive from slavery in Maryland.
7. The Charter of Berea College, in Kentucky, established by John G. Fee, abolitionist.
8. There were 5,547.
9. Jefferson Davis, in the year 1859. The law was: "That in case the original inventor or discoverer of the art, machine or improvement for which a patent is solicited, is a slave, he may receive a patent after complying with the formal requirements and presenting the oath of his master".
10. In Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati the ardent discussion of slavery pro and con led to an open dispute resulting in the division of the students. As it was largely attended by Southern students, a separation was necessary. When the trustees tried to prevent further discussion, four-fifths of the students withdrew and under Asa Minor and John Morgan, retired to the Western Reserve where they established Oberlin College.

Summary of Article
A detailed quiz on Negro history prior to emancipation.

Column 02
Society Notes

Transcript of Article

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Howard, Mrs. Josephine Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Edgar and their little son motored to Richmond recently.

Miss Genora Newman is able to be out again after having undergone a minor operation at the Univ. hospital.

Mr. and Mr. Albert Dickerson are ill at their residence on 10 1/2 Street.

Mrs. Maggie Shelton of Preston Ave. is indisposed.

Mr. Wilson Arnette of First Street has returned to this city after having spent several days in South Boston on business.

Miss Florence Miller of Keswick, Va., was the week end guest of Miss Margaret Shelton of Preston Ave.

The Popularity Contest held at Ebenezer Baptist Church, of which Rev. E. D. McCreary is pastor, was quite a success. It was brought to a close Tuesday night of last week. Mr. P. T. Edwards was acclaimed the most popular man, and Mrs. Catherine Brown, the most popular woman. The proceeds were turned over to the church.

Mrs. Georgina Reed was winner in the quilting contest held at Ebenezer Baptist church, Monday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Harris of Keswick spent Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Barnes of 10 1/2 Street.

Summary of Article
Various notes on the activities of Charlottesville's black population, including travel plans, wedding announcements, and entertainment events.

Page 3

Column 01-03
Society Notes of Charlottesvillians

Transcript of Article

The Mount Zion Missionary Circle met at the residence of Mrs. Laura Kelly of Tenth Street, last Monday night.

A tea will be given at the residence of Miss Mary Helen Lockett of Diggs St., Sunday, March 25, for the benefit of the Dorcas Class of which Mrs. Betty Slaughter is teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Third St. recently received news of the serious illness of their sister, Mrs. Sapora Ferguson of Bowling Green, Va.

Mr. Essex Alexander is reported indisposed at his residence on Dice Street.

Mr. Albert Dickerson of 10 1/2 Street is ill.

Mrs. Irene Irving is a patient at the University Hospital.

Mrs. Alberta Johnson who has been indisposed at her residence on South St. has improved considerably.

Mrs. Rosa Arnette of South First St. left this City last Saturday night for Philadelphia to attend the funeral of her son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Smith, who died last Thursday evening. She will return to this city the latter part of this week.

Mrs. Oakley Farrar Wilson of Osceola, Iowa, is here in the Lewis Reaves home on Hartman Road. Mrs. Wilson is here due to the illness and death of her father, Mr. John H. Farrar, who passed away at the hospital Thursday, March 15th. Mrs. Wilson arrived here just a few hours before the passing of her father. Funeral services were held Sunday at 3:00 P. M. at the First Baptist Church.

Mrs. Lucy Carr of Greenwood, Va., left Sunday evening, March 11th, for Boston, Mass. Mrs. Carr is a sister of Mrs. Lottie Reaves.

Misses Julia and Laura Reaves and Brother Lewis Joseph Reaves were entertained in the home of Mrs. Frank White, last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Poindexter of Orange, Va., Mrs. Mattie Davenport and Miss Frances Jackson were the guests, Sunday, of Mrs. hattie Hearns of Diggs Street.

Little Virginia McGinness remains quite ill at her residence on Brown St.

James M. Edgar, Jr. underwent a minor operation at the University Hospital last Friday. He is improving.

Mr. William Irving, who has been ill at his residence on Pearl Street is improving.

Mrs. Margaret Dade of Warrenton, Va., Miss Virgie Morris of Cobham, Va., and Mrs. Lillian Ashton of Keswick were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irving of Pearl Street.

Miss Roberta Brown spent the week-end in Advance Mills, Va., visiting relatives and friends.

Mr. Stewart Fuller, Sr., who has been ill at his residence on Booker Street, is able to be out again.

The funeral of Mrs. Louise Jones who died recently, at her residence on Fourth Street, was held at Zion Union, Sunday before last.

Mr. Tinsley Ragland, who has been quite ill for the past three weeks, has improved considerably.

Mrs. Virginia Edwards of Dice Street returned to this city last Friday night after having spent three weeks in New York.

Mr. Horace Porter, who has been ill at his residence on 10 1/2 Street is convalescent.

The Royal Dukes and Duchess were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. T. Haden Monday, March 12, at their residence on 11th St. After the business meeting the hostess served a lovely repast. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing.

Miss Ora D. Washington, National Tennis Champion and professional basket ball player, passed through the city last Saturday, enroute to Philadelphia. While here, she was the guest of Mrs. Beulah Coles Hayes of West Main St.

Mr. and Mrs. Addison Brown entertained the "We Moderns" social club at their residence on Page Street last Friday night. The hostess served those present and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and card playing. The highest scores at card s were madeby Mr. and Mrs. James Martin. Miss Hattie Lightfoot and Miss Sarah Actie were guests to the Club.

A surprise birthday party was given in honor of Mrs. Virginia Woodfolk, by her husband, Mr. Edward Woodfolk, at their residence on 10 1/2 Street Wednesday.

The Duchesses were entertained by the Dukes last Monday night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moon of Anderson Street.

Miss Bertie Evans who has been quite ill at Friedman's Hospital in Washington, D. C., returned to this city last Sunday afternoon. She is convalescing.

The Alumni Association of Virginia State College will meet Friday, March 23 at 8 P. M., at the residence of Miss Penelope Barbour.

Mr. James H. Brown and his mother, Mrs. Nannie Brown of Oak Union, motored to Richmond and spent last weekend there.

Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, of Preston Avenue, had as their dinner guests Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. I. A. J. Kennedy and son; Rev. and Mrs. Charlie Hugh of Shipman, Va., Mrs. Gofney, Mr. Henry Allen of Faber, Va., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barbour and son and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Obie and children, of Staunton, Virginia.

Mrs. Helen Alexander was hostess to the "Elite Social Club" at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Monroe of Page Street last Tuesday evening.

On Thursday evening Mrs. Rosa Fagans entertained the "Felitas Contract Club" at bridge. Contract was played for the first three hours of the evening, after which the hostess served a most refreshing menu.

High scores of the evening were made by and prizes awarded to: Mrs Hattie Henderson, ladies' club prize; Dr. Bernard Coles, men's club prize; Mr. Robert Gafney, men's guest prize; Miss Rosemary M. Jones, ladies' guest prize.

Among the guests to the club were Mrs. Birdie Poindexter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tonsler, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Inge, Misses Marion Wyatt, Gertrude Inge, Rosemary M. Jones, Pocahontas Tonsler, Dr. and Mrs. James Shields of Fredericksburg, Va., Mr. Robert Gafne y and Mrs. Daisy Harris.

The M. M. S. C.'s sponsored a social at the residence of Miss Leola Bell of Anderson Street, last Thursday.

Summary of Article
Various local announcements detailing the activities of black Charlottesvillians, such as visiting relatives in notable cities, graduation announcements, and special church functions.

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