Race and Place Newspapers

The Reflector

Newspaper Information
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Date of Publication: February 17, 1934 (Wednesday)
Frequency: weekly
Article Transcripts

Page 1

Column 01
Hope on the Horizon

Transcript of Article

The various churches of the city appointed committees, by order of the city council, last week, that will meet in the near future with a similar body of white citizens for the express purpose of making definite plans for local recreational work.

The move was welcome news to hundreds of Negro citizens in Charlottesville, and every step shall be watched with great interest, because one of the first issues, naturally will deal with the development of Washington Park.

Over five years ago, as "The Reflector" has previously pointed out, Mr. McIntire gave a large tract of land, located on Preston Avenue, for the building of a Negro Recreational Center. A Negro committee was formed, the ground named, some funds obtained and then activity ceased. In vain the people of Charlottesville have asked for an explanation and have been told by the city that developments would begin as soon as the park committee presented its pledged amount of the needed cash, and upon appealing to the committee the blame has been shifted to the city.

This seemingly indifferent attitude manifested by these men, chosen to represent the Charlottesville Negroes' intererst in the park project, has been a source of humiliation to the thousands of citizens that are quite eager and ready to do their part.

"The Reflector" hopes that this new committee chosen to meet the city council will attend the meeting determined to rectify the five year blunder of the first committee, and agree on a definite plan for the immediate development of Washington Park. It can be done and done easily because hundreds and hundreds of Negro citizens and many white friends are willing, at a moment's notice, to follow a logical procedure that will put into practical use Mr. McIntire's gift of five year's standing.

Summary of Article
An article about the potential resurrection of the Washington Park Recreational Center. This proposed Negro recreational center was stuck in the City Council appropriations process for five years.

Column 02,02
Crime, An Impediment to Negro Progress

Transcript of Article

At the close of 1933, the police records of ten large southern cities showed that the percentage of crime among Negroes was proportionately higher than among the other various nationalities classified as the white race. Certain observers among our race and some ultra liberal writers of the white race, more interested in fuss than in facts, regarded the recors as "prejudicial ballyhoo" and pointed out that, after all, the figures had been compiled, in most cases, by white authorities, not overanxious to do justice to the Negro race. Yet the average reader of newspapers will recall how often he has seen holdups, housebreaking, assault and murder charged to a Negro offender, and will not find it hard to believe the police records released by ten of our largest southern cities.

It is a surprising revelation that ninety percent of the crime, allotted to the Negro, is committed within his own circle, which gives ground for the theory that he is not a born criminal. In fact, leading psychologists agree that his general disposition is any but vicious. Thus, we conclude that there is some other reason for this high per cent of crime other than inborn characteristics.

A study of the decisions handed down in many cases, in these southern cities, with this alarming percentage of crime, throws much light on the subject. For example; a Negro who killed his wife in one case was given two years and pardoned after six months because some of the "citizens" of the town knew him to be a good honest man". A Negro rapist who injured a thirteen year old member of his race, was excused and admonished, by the presiding judge of the court to "never do that again", despite the fact that the state penalty for such an offense was life imprisonment or death. A Negro "Jesse James," was fined twenty dollars and costs, although he was drunk, disorderly and had shot several men and women in a dance hall.

As long as such decisions are handed down in our police courts, we may well expect an ever increasing percentage of crime among Negroes. It has been the stumbling block in our path to progress, has lowered the respect of the public and weakened the morale of the race. Crime among negroes must be checked but this cannot be done until our court officials realize the folly of burlesqueing grave offenses and conclude that strict punitive measures are the only remedies for crime, regardless of the color of the offender.

Summary of Article
Asserts that the high rate of black on black crime is due to the prejudicially lenient consequences of the judicial system.

"Crime, An Impediment to Negro Progress" Also appears on page 2

Page 2

Column 01
Do You Know This One

Transcript of Article

1. How much truth is there attached to the old saying that explorers showed African's attractive beads and ribbons and coaxed them away from Africa?
2. How has the ancient religion of the African influenced modern art?
3. In what way are we convinced that Africans possessed intelligent ideas about persons and things?
4. Can you recite a proverb, the utterance of a slave?
5. How did the American Revolution aid in creating, to a certain extent, an interest in and respect for the Negro?
6. How do you account for the unusual power and influence of the Negro preacher among his people?
7. How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the Negro in the United States?
8. Who were the "mustees"?
9. What disproved the belief among slaveholders that, because Negroes could not make a living, they should be held as slaves?
10. What gave rise to the first day school for freedmen in the State of Virginia?

1. None. Africans, like the Phoenicians, the Greeks and the Romans, were bound together as families in clans and tribes under chiefs. Ambitious, warring chiefs waged war on neighboring tribes and the captives were either put to death, or sold as servants. This is the way the Dutchmen obtained from the West coast of Africa, the Negroes whom they brought to Jamestown in 1619.
2. Their religious duty and worship of spirits formed the foundation for African art which the modern world is just beginning to appreciate.
3. Through the reading of their proverbs and folk-tales. One gets a splendid idea of their luxuriant imagination, and it is understood that the most beautiful, the most valuable classics were born of the imagination.
4. "I will be kind to you today. If fortune today is on my side, tomorrow it may be on yours, and what I have won today, that I may lose tomorrow." This proverb was the utterance of Diagullo, a native of Havana. Because of maltreatment by the Governor of Campeche, to whom he was bound, he escaped and swam to one of the Dutch ships in Havana. He offered to serve the Dutch against those who had abused him, he became a favorite. Later he rose to the position of captain of a vessel. Once when a ship up on which a minister was sailing was captured and the personal belongings were taken from those aboard, he (Daiguillo) said to Sir Thomas Gage, the minister, the above mentioned proverb and allowed him to retain some books, pictures and clothes.
5. Over three thousand negroes fought bravely in defense of America. In order to operate against the British, they had to be uniformly clad and equipped. The authorities changed their attitude, at that time and enlisted Negroes in considerable numbers. They stood first as martyrs and died heroically. This made many great political and religious leaders become more interested. This was one of the germs that later fermented into many germs of freedom.
6. This is doubtless, due to his being the first leader among Negroes and his serious mission.
7. It caused slavery to expand and made the lot of the slave harder.
8. As a result of fugitive slaves, prior to the Civil War, seeking shelter among the Indians, there came about a mixed breed, Negro and Indian. These were called "Mustees".
9. The free Negroes, at that time, were walking evidence against this belief. They were quite successful in making a living and some of them gained prominence in fields of intellect and invention.
10. In 1861, Lewis Tappan, the Treasurer of the American Missionary Association, learned from General Butler, in charge at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, that education was the immediate need of freedom in that State. He, therefore, sent C. L. Lockwood to establish at Hampton the first day school for freedom in that State. The first teacher of this school was Mrs. Mary S. Peake, an educated Negro woman.

Summary of Article
A quiz on African and early African American history.

Page 3

Column 01,02
Society Notes of Charlottesvillians

Transcript of Article

Mrs. Mollie Catlett of Twelfth St., has returned to her home after visiting relatives in New York City.

Mrs. Ophelia Fields entertained the "Smarter Set" at her residence, on Fourth St., Thursday night of last week. There was no unfinished business to be attended to, so the first fifteen minutes were spent in social chatting. Then, the hostess served a very select menu. After this, contract bridge was played for the next ninety minutes. The highest score was made by Mrs. Marjorie Hargrove, who was guest to the club. She won a beautiful combination bridge pencil and scorer. Miss Rosemary M. Jones made the second highest score and won the first club prize, which was a lovely perfume container. Miss M. Otelia Abbott made the third highest score and won the second club prize, which was a handsome deck of cards within a leather case.

Mr. Frank Williams, who has been ill at his residence on Diggs St., is improving.

Mrs. Edna Brooks was hostess to the "Felicitas Contract Bridge Club" Tuesday night of last week. Bridge was played until twelve o'clock. Mrs. Peachie C. Johnson won the ladies' prize and Dr. B. A. Coles won the men's. While members played cards, Mr. Brooks entertained them by playing, in a most charming manner, such selections as, "I Love You Truly" and "Mighty Like a Rose". The hostess served a lovely menu.

Mr. Roland Poindexter who has been indisposed at his residence on Preston Avenue has improved.

Mrs. Eva Mae Roberts, who has been indisposed at her residence on Booker St., is convalescent.

Mr. George Wood of Page St., who sustained a broken collar bone as the result of an accident which occurred recently on 4th St. is improving.

Mrs. Fannie Lias left this city last Saturday night to visit her daughter, Mrs. Aida Jackson, who resides in Washington, D. C.

Little Rebecca Wigginton of Third Street is quite ill at the University Hospital.

Mrs. Gladys Mayo, who has been ill at the University Hospital, has improved to the extent that she has been permitted to return to her home. She is convalescing.

Mrs. Hattie Hearns of Diggs St. is confined to her bed. She is improving slowly.

Mrs. Ione S. Edgar is ill at her residence on Sixth St.

Mr. Charles Michie and Miss Harriette Marie Robinson were the weekend guests, last week, of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Michie of Dice St.

Mr. Irving Barbour left this city recently to join his wife, Mrs. Gabriella Smith Barbour in Inglewood, N. J.

Summary of Article
Various local announcements detailing the activities of Charlottesvillians, including the meeting time of the "Smarter Set," the health status of several Charlottesvillians, and notable travel plans.

Column 02,03
Church Notes

Transcript of Article

A special program will be given at the Mt. Zion B. Y. P. U. Sunday, February 18, at 7 p. m. A pageant entitled, "Africa's Hope" will be presented. Come and enjoy the treat in stoer for you. Mrs. E. Ruth Upshaw is in charg e of this entertainment.

The recently orgainized Young People's Silver Leaf Club of Ebenezer Baptist Church met at the parsonage last Friday. The Club decided to sponsor a valentine social Friday, February 16, at the parsonage. Miss Clarice Kelly is chairman of the entertainment group.

An Ushers' Day will be celebrated at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Sunday, February 18, 1934, at three o'clock. The ushers of the various churches of the city are requested to participate in the activities. The public is invite d to attend.

Missionary Day was celebrated at Mount Zion Baptist church last Sunday. A special program was prepared for the occasion. Mrs. Virginia H. Edwards was in charge of the morning service. The following program was presented: A paper was read by Mrs. C. W. Michie, Solos were rendered by Miss Geneva Lightfoot and Miss Ruth Whindleton, and a special sermon was preached by the pastor, Rev. W. R. Strassner. Mrs. Emma Morris was in charge of the evening service and the features w ere a paper by Mrs. Henrietta Catlett and special music by the choir.

The Beginners and Primary classes of Mount Zion church were being entertained by their Sunday School teachers Wednesday night. The parents were invited to celebrate Valentine Day with them.

"Cabbage Hill School" was presented at First Baptist church last Tuesday night, under the direction of Miss Penelope Barbour.

"Woman's Day" was observed by the First Baptist church all day Sunday, Feb. 11. The following program was presented: Scripture readign, Mrs. Cora B. Duke Prayer Anthem-Senior Choir Remarks by Pres. of Missionary Circle, Mrs. M. S. Farrar Paper-Mrs. B. F. McGinnis Solo-Mrs. Gertrude Heiskell Paper-Mrs. Kathleen Gamble Solo-Mrs. Nellie Jefferson Reading-Miss Penelope Barbour Recitation-Miss Louise Riddick Several anthems were sung by the senior choir before closing.


The following program was presented by the Junior Missionary Circle:

Song, Junior choir; Scripture reading and prayer; song; an interesting paper on "The Value of Woman" was read by Miss Adele Martin; a short sermon was rendered by the pastor, Rev. H. E. Williams. Several anthems were sung by the junior choir.

"Men's Day" will be observed at Shiloh Baptist church, Sunday, February 25, at 8:00 o'clock. The program is as follows: Opening League Quartette Recitation Mr. J. H. Murray Solo Mr. Robert Mosby Recitation Mr. Wm. Byers Remarks Mr. H. L. Lias Solo Mr. Frizzell Jones Select Reading Mr. E. W. Fortune Selection League Quartette Song Mr. Winston Principal address Mr. T. J. Sellers Solo Mr. Isaac Coleman Poetry Mr. Henry Porter

Summary of Article
A glimpse into the activities of Charlotteville's black churches, including Mt. Zion, First Baptist, and Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Page 4

Column 01
Jefferson School Notes

Transcript of Article

The Principal, Faculty and Senior Class of Jefferson High School sponsored a departmental meeting, last Thursday night, in the Auditorium, for the purpose of discussing plans for the graduation in June. The parents of the prospective graduates were invit ed to participate. The auditorium was beautifully arranged. The seats were made to form a complete circle in the center of the assembly room and the center of the assembly room and in the center of this circle , tables were arranged in banquet style. After about thirty minutes were spent in meeting and greetings among the patrons and teachers, and generally observing the class rings and invitations, which were artistically arranged on two tables, one to the right and one to the left, each one was seated. Then the class marched in, and the following program was presented: Master of Ceremonies-John A. Jackson Jr; Solo, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life", Horace Porter; Recitation, "If", Edna Newman; Instrumental Solo, Elizabeth Harris. At the beginning of the program, the president of the class, Estelle Seay, gave the welcome address.

Then Mrs. C.B. Duke started the discussion on plans for graduation. Each parent was called upon to express an opinion on the rings, pins and attire for the commencement exercises in May. An amicable understanding was brought about between Principal, teacher, parent, and students. After this was completed, the members of the class passed refreshments to the parents and faculty.

Those patrons present were: Reverend and Mrs. Carter Wicks, Mrs. Peulah Ahart, Mrs. Francis Jackson, Miss Genora Newman, Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Jackson, Mrs. Rosa Fagans, Mrs. Lewis Burns, Miss Maude Gamble, Mrs. Mildred Lightfoot, Miss Nellie Jefferson, Mrs. Blanch Harris, Mrs. Emma Terrell, Mrs. Laura Brooks, Miss Penelope Barbour, Mrs. Fannie Lias, Mrs. Mattie Quarles, Mrs. Marion Kelly and Mr. J.H. Johnson.

Patrotic programs were presented throughout last week. The Seventh Grade Students, Miss M.M. Gamble, instructor, were participants. On Monday, Miss Gamble made a very inspiring speech on "Citizenship". The student body sang "America, the Beautiful". Gertrude Reaves sang a solo; Jack Harris spoke a recitation and closing song was "Building".

On Wednesday, the program was as follows: Leader, Mildred Goins; Opening song, "Building"; Paper, "The Life of Charles Dickens", Margaret Madison; Solo, "Mighty Like a Rose", Evelyn Woodfolk; Paper, "Why America Is a Great Nation", Florizelle Johnson.

Friday, Thelma Harris led. The opening song, "Star Spangled Banner"; Scripture Reading, Rosalee Hearns; "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address", delivered by Joseph McDaniel; Dialogue, "The Flag Speaker", Franklin Jackson and Margaret Wesley; Solo, "Salute Thee Old Glory", by Dorothy Lightfoot; Paper, "Life of Fredrick Douglas", by Gwendolyn Goins.

The class closed this Patriotic week with the song, "The Father of the Land We Love".

Summary of Article
Current news of activities at Jefferson School specifically focusing on plans for a June graduation.

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