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New York Journal, or General Advertiser, February 15, 1770, Supplement.


Last Tuesday two Negroes then belonging to Mr. James Hubard, of this city, were tried at York for setting fire to the dwelling-house upon his plantation. One of them, named Isaac, was convicted, and is to be hanged on Friday the 2d of next month: the other fellow, named Davie, was cleared. It is very shrewdly suspected, however, that he is the greatest villain of the two, and that though he was not the perpetrator, he instigated the other to this atrocious crime.

Last week Mr. Benjamin Warburton, of James City county, attempting to seize a Negro fellow in his kitchen, whom he suspected to be a runaway, was stabbed by him in the side, but not mortally; but had it not been for a faithful dog, who flew at the Negro, and tore his leg almost to pieces, Mr. Warburton, in all probability, would have lost his life. The dog received two wounds in the fray. This fellow was a hymn singer, and had a book of them in his pocket.

Some Negroes of Colonel Bowler Cocke's at a quarter of his in Hanover county, having an overseer set over them lately, whom they understood to be very severe in his discipline, came to a resolution to be before hand with him; and accordingly, when he came into a tobacco house, where they were at work, they seized him, tied him up, and whipped him most cruelly. Some of them were even for taking away his life. As soon as he got released he alarmed some of the neighbours, who came armed to the place (where the Negroes still were) and on ordering them to come out, which they refused, and threatening to kill the first man that entered, the people went up to the barn and shot two of them (one the ringleader) dead on the spot. Another was mortally wounded, who died the next day, and some others were wounded likewise.

Bibliographic Information

New York Journal, or General Advertiser, February 15, 1770, Supplement.


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