The Geography of Slavery

Norfolk Herald (Willett and O'Connor),
Norfolk, October 2, 1800.

Twenty Dollars Reward. Ran away, about the 20th instant, a Negro Man called BRISTOL, and his daughter SALLY. Bristol is a short, thick, very black fellow, with very short curled hair; his clothes are sailor's, being accustomed to work on board of ships at City Point; he is remarkably fond of smoaking; his teeth are very rotten; he is a sensible artful fellow, and I believe was concerned in the late conspiracy, and procured a forged pass. His daughter is about 16, and very like him, but tall for her age. I expect they will attempt to get on board some vessel going to the northward. They formerly belonged to Mr. Robertson, of Manchester, by whom he was mortgaged by Mr. Boyd of Mecklenburg; his wife says he ran away fearing to be carried up to that country and sold. Masters of vessels are forwarned taking them out of the State. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver them to me near Petersburg, or Ten Dollars if secured in jail so that I get them again. JOHN GILLIAM, Jun. Prince George, Sept. 30.